- published: 27 Oct 2009
- views: 4435
Metsuke (目付) were the censors or the inspectors of Tokugawa Japan. They were bakufu officials ranking somewhat lower than the bugyō. The metsuke were charged with the special duty of detecting and investigating instances of maladministration, corruption or disaffection anywhere in Japan; and particularly amongst the populace having status below the daimyō.
The shogunate recognized the need for some kind of internal intelligence-gathering apparatus and for some degree of covert espionage within its own ranks. It could be said that the metsuke functioned as the Shogun's intelligence agency or as internal spies, reporting to the officials in Edo on events and situations across the country.
The metsuke were charged with focusing on those ranking below daimyō-status; and their counterparts, the ōmetsuke, were responsible for supervising the activities of officials and members of the daimyō (feudal lords).
Although similarly engaged, the reporting protocols of the metsuke and ōmetsuke differed. The metsuke reported to wakadoshiyori who ranked just below the rōjū. The ōmetsuke reported directly to the four or five rōjū at the top of the shogunate bureaucracy. By design, the intelligence-gathering activities of the metsuke was intended to complement those of the ōmetsuke even though there was no official reporting relationship between the two somewhat independent groups.
Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu (大東流合気柔術), originally called Daitō-ryū Jujutsu (大東流柔術, Daitō-ryū Jūjutsu), is a Japanese martial art that first became widely known in the early 20th century under the headmastership of Takeda Sokaku. Takeda had extensive training in several martial arts (including Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū and sumo) and referred to the style he taught as "Daitō-ryū" (literally, "Great Eastern School"). Although the school's traditions claim to extend back centuries in Japanese history there are no known extant records regarding the ryū before Takeda. Whether Takeda is regarded as either the restorer or the founder of the art, the known history of Daitō-ryū begins with him. Takeda's best-known student was Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, and maybe the controversial Choi Yong-sool, founder of hapkido.
The origins of Daitō-ryū maintain a supposed lineage extending approximately 900 years, originating with Shinra Saburō Minamoto no Yoshimitsu (新羅 三郎 源 義光, 1045–1127), who was a Minamoto clan samurai and member of the Seiwa Genji (the branch of the Minamoto family descended from the 56th imperial ruler of Japan, Emperor Seiwa). Daitō-ryū takes its name from the mansion that Yoshimitsu lived in as a child, called "Daitō" (大東), in Ōmi Province (modern day Shiga Prefecture). According to legend, Yoshimitsu dissected the corpses of men killed in battle, studying their anatomy for the purpose of learning techniques for joint-locking and vital point striking (kyusho-jitsu).
Total war is warfare that includes any and all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as legitimate military targets, and typically involves the use of weapons and tactics that result in significant civilian or other non-combatant casualties, whether collateral damage or not. American-English Dictionary defines "total war" as "war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded." The term can also be applied when the war effort requires significant sacrifices by most of the friendly civilian population.
In the mid-19th century, scholars identified "total war" as a separate class of warfare. In a total war, to an extent inapplicable to less total conflicts, the differentiation between combatants and non-combatants diminishes and even sometimes vanishes entirely as opposing sides can consider nearly every human resource, even that of non-combatants, as nevertheless part of the war effort.
Aikido Principles: Metsuke
Total War Shogun 2 HD Tokugawa Campaign Commentary Part 3 Metsuke Madness
Date Hard 9 - Metsuke Shadowplay, Disloyal General - Shogun 2 Total war
Shogun 2 ~Metsuke~ Part 13
Let's Play Shogun II - Oda Campaign - Korean Mod (Hard) - Part 82 - Metsuke Bribery
Kendo For Life Q&A;: Metsuke, Footwork and Seme
Metsuke -Shihan Russ Rhodes
Chucho Sensei - Metsuke - Mai ai
Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei explains the basic principles of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
Badlands Duels 2 Bryngarr vs Metsuke
In this episode I make good use of the Metsuke agent, and it won't be the last time I do this either. Enjoy the mayhem!
Welcome to Shenryyr2 plays the Date Clan in Shogun 2 Total War on Hard difficulty. I am really bad at this game but the learning process must continue! Date are expert swordsmen and start on the far east of Japan, making a defensible position possible with only one front. Enjoy! ☑ Viewed? ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLllkIMDdgSNHO2_m-H1-bpNsG99ZAoZEn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright © 2011 Creative Assemby www.creative-assembly.co.uk Copyright © 2011 Sega www.sega.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twitter http://www.twitter.com/shenplays Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/shenryyr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ date, total war: shogun 2 (video game), shogun 2, s2tw, tws2, shenryyr, shenplays, let's play, gameplay, playthrough, date clan (family), total war (vide...
Hey There, I love you for watching this video :) Now that I have finished Kerbals Space Program I have turned my gaze towards and old favourite of mine. Shogun 2 was one of the first Total War games I truly enjoyed. I have sunk well over 200 hours into the main game alone and I intend to sink way more into it. Never really played any of the DLC all the way through, so some of this is a little new to me. So sit back as I rise to power as the Minamoto clan! Shogun 2? Rise of the samurai? what's this? Set 400 years before the dramatic civil war depicted in SHOGUN 2, the "Rise of The Samurai" campaign is based on the Gempei War, a conflict between six legendary clans of the Taira, Minamoto and Fujiwara families. It culminated in the first Shogunate, and the rise of the Samurai as the ruling ...
Winter has not quite ended yet, and the Joseon Dynasty goes on the offensive by attacking forces led by General Takigawa Tsunesuke. Yi Hei Hyo leads 2,800 men in an attempt to crush Takigawa's force of 2,500. Don't forget to Like, Favorite and Subscribe! Get awesome games here: https://www.g2a.com/r/general-oda Get the Gold Edition of the Shogun II: http://amzn.to/1ms8dL6 Campaign features: - 100+ provinces in Japan - 40 provinces in Korea - Each turn is 1 month - Lots of new factions - Played on Hard Difficulty Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way.
Kendo how-to answers. In this video, I am talking about where you should be looking at, how to maintain good posture, how your footwork works on kote and do cuts, and seme. Hope you enjoy! Get Your Teachings: http://www.kendo-for-life.com
Shihan Russ Rhodes ---Shinkodenkai--- from Pacific Coast Academy Martial Arts in Los Gatos CA specializing in Kenpo (Kodenkan/) / Ju-Jitsu (Dan Zan Ryu)- demonstrates a move coined by Shihan Rhodes called: - Metsuke - In this beautiful but potentially lethal technique, Shihan Rhodes shows the control and power that can only be demonstrated by a martial artist with over 40 years of training.
http://aikidojournal.com/introductory-guide-to-daito-ryu/#AmazingTechniques In this clip, Menkyo Kaiden awardee, Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei explains the basic principles of Daito-ryu: Rei, Metsuke, Maai, Kokyu, Kuzushi, Zanshin, and Kiai. This clip is excerpted from the Aikido Journal DVD set titled "Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu - Hiden Mokuroku" available here: http://www.aikidojournal.com/shop/productdetails?special=52 Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, the major technical influence on modern aikido, was a martial art taught in the first part of twentieth century Japan by the famous Sokaku Takeda of the Aizu clan, a certified martial arts' genius. Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba met Sokaku in 1915, and immediately became engrossed in training. Daito-ryu, in Morihei's words, "opened his eyes to budo." The "D...
1v1 Duels in Warhammer Online between me on my Witch Hunter and my buddy on his Chosen, Marauder and Black Orc - with him more often than not graciously showing me where to find the respawn button!
You are not mine
You ugly thing
You ugly thing
You are not mine
Not my face
Not my seed
Not my child
You are not mine
You are my monster
You are not mine
You are a monster
I take your blame??
Essential mine??
Look at the monster
Look at the monster
You are mine
It's my disco
It's my disco
It's my disco
It's my disco
(fireworks sounds)
I take you little shit??
I do a little dance
I take a little stop??
I do a little dance
It's my disco
It's my disco
I mmm the bitch?
I show a little mercy
You are not me
You are a monster
You ugly thing
A special me??
It's my disco
It's my disco
It's my disco
It's my disco
I got a little shop??
I do a little dance
I got a little sex??
I do a little dance
It's my disco
It's my disco
It's my disco