Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant

The Privilege Grant is a bursary available exclusively to white men,
in support of their post-secondary education.

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What we do

We are pleased to announce the creation of the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant, a scholarship exclusively available to white men who wish to pursue their post-secondary education on equal footing with their female, queer and ethnic minority classmates.

Why we support white men

American college campuses have changed and demographics once considered disadvantaged are no longer held back by racial, homophobic or sexist bias. Research now suggests that low-income caucasian males are the most in need of help.1 Women's advantage in college graduation is evident at all socioeconomic levels and for most racial and ethnic groups.2

Campus facts

Males make up only 43% of America's 20.5 million college students.3 Since the 1980s, women have performed better in high schools and earned the majority of BA degrees.4,5,6,7,8 There are thousands of scholarships for women, but very few for men. 9,10

Why we value education

Young adults with a bachelor’s degree earn 62% more than one with only a high school diploma.11 The percentage of jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree has doubled in the past forty years.12 Public policy has systematically impoverished and worsened the social and economic conditions of poor, single young men.13

When will Grants be available?

Applications will open in Spring 2016. Privilege Grants will be awarded in early Summer 2016 to be available for Fall 2016 enrollment.

Continuing support

Financial aid isn’t the only key to success and education does not stop when you leave the classroom. We are building a mentorship network of industry professionals and tutors to give one-on-one attention to our recipients.

For donors and prospective mentors

If you are interested in providing financial or professional support to our recipients, contact [email protected].

Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo continues to be an unlikely angel for men struggling to find acceptance in mainstream society. Fusion recently noted his “cult following among young, Internet-savvy men.” He is proud to lend his name and financial support to the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant.

Margaret MacLennan

Margaret has experience on the Canadian political scene on both federal and political advisory boards and first made the news as the world’s premier bellydancer with an ostomy after having her large intestine removed due to complications from bowel disease in 2013. She continues to speak up about the real struggle associated with an invisible, misunderstood condition and is pleased to turn her focus to supporting another neglected demographic.