Ignorance is still rife about domestic violence

Germaine Greer told Q&A that misogyny was the root cause of domestic violence against women.

Anne Summers   How I wish Rosie Batty had been on the Q&A; panel on Monday.

Comments 6

The 60 Minutes abduction case is compelling, but don't forget the kids

The <i>60 Minutes</i> team in custody in Lebanon: Tara Brown, David "Tangles" Ballment, Stephen Rice and Ben Williamson.

Jacqueline Maley   Two desperate mothers have made the news recently, but our reactions to their cases couldn't be more different.

Comments 74

60 Minutes

The role of white privilege in the 60 Minutes kidnapping saga

60 Minutes reporter Tara Brown.

Ruby Hamad   What made these journalists think they could do this, and get away with it? Ruby Hamad thinks western entitlement played a part.

Violence against women

Busting the myths about what drives violence against women

Male violence: Let's stop repeating the myths.

Mary Barry   These myths and misconceptions can cause people to excuse men's violent behaviour.

I wrote me a letter

Wendy Squires.

Wendy Squires 12:00 AM   An older and wiser Wendy Squires looks back with some life lessons.

Dennis Jensen

Dennis Jensen's terrible 'erotic' war novel is actually a fine example of rape culture

Dennis Jensen, Liberal Member for Tangney.

Jenny Noyes   The writing (which you can purchase for $6.51 on Amazon) is laughable, but what's not funny is how this MP has written rape into what he seems to think is a sex scene.

Internet trolls

The horrifying new harassment tactic ruining careers

Online harassers have learned they can cause far more damage with a more methodical approach.

Caitlin Dewey   Online harassers have learned they can cause far more damage with a more methodical approach.

Sex work

We need a less polarising debate about sex work laws

Sex work has always been a divisive issue, but women are not made safer by putting ideology over nuance, writes Jane ...

Jane Gilmore   Sex work has always been a divisive issue, but women are not made safer by putting ideology over nuance.

Domestic violence leave

It’s time to take domestic violence leave seriously as a workplace right

Workforces pushing for domestic violence leave deserve support, not contempt.

Jenny Noyes   Workforces pushing for domestic violence leave deserve support, not contempt, writes Jenny Noyes.

Gender politics

'I identify as neither man nor woman'

Jonno Revanche, who identifies as non-binary.

Jonno Revanche   Identifying as non-binary is not the same as gender fluid or transgender.

Clem Bastow

Why I live for cold weather

"Overcast and a top of 13? That's my time to shine," writes Clem Bastow.

Clem Bastow   "For god's sake, would someone let me open the window on the tram? It's boiling in here," writes Clem Bastow.

Script diversity

What the dialogue of 2000 Hollywood films tells us

Star Wars Rogue One

Clementine Ford   At last we have some empirical data around what has been staggeringly obvious for decades, writes Clem Ford.

Online trolls

The troll armies that attack politicians


David Shoebridge MLC   "Is social media response a fair barometer of community sentiment? Of course not," writes Greens member David Shoebridge MLC.

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to understanding sexuality

Julia Baird dinkus

Julia Baird   Gosh, we're an ignorant lot. And one thing we seem to be particularly ignorant about is transgender, and the revolutionary significance of the enormous strides we have made in our understanding and expression of sexuality, gender and identity. Which makes a lot of people very angry.

Comments 43

Great expectations and harsh reality: Australia's gender equality progress

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   When Julie McKay was appointed executive director of UN Women Australia, she was 23 and brimming with optimism.

Right to choose

No, Hillary, you cannot be a feminist and 'pro-life'

Feminism is a broad church, but the right to choose is one thing on which we all must agree, writes Ruby Hamad.

Ruby Hamad   Feminism is a broad church, one in which we disagree on many issues. But this is one thing on which we must agree, writes Ruby Hamad.

Internet trolls

Being blocked is not the same as being censored

"Having the freedom to say what you like does not mean you have the right to be heard."

Clementine Ford   "Having the freedom to say what you like does not mean you have the right to be heard."

Family violence

Is Victoria's promise to deliver on domestic violence a pipe dream?

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says a levy is being "carefully considered" to help fund family violence programs. He ...

Jane Gilmore   The more Jane Gilmore looks at the RCFV's 227 recommendations, the less she is able to comprehend how Daniel Andrews will pull them all off.

Night owls

Does modern society discriminate against late sleepers?

"Late-sleepers have copped it for centuries as their sleeping habits have been dismissed as little more than laziness. ...

Clem Bastow   "Late-sleepers have copped it for centuries as their sleeping habits have been dismissed as little more than laziness. But now they've got science in their corner," writes Clem Bastow.

The ignorance card

Not 'getting it' is no longer an excuse for sexism

Friends on a night out in Dumbo Brooklyn in New York

Kasey Edwards   By indulging in this excuse, we're not only continuing to normalise sexism - we're effectively silencing anyone who dares to call it out.

Celeste Liddle

Royal Commission: What needs to be done to reduce family violence rates in Indigenous communities

"There is so much work that needs to be done if we wish Aboriginal victims of family and domestic violence to come ...

Celeste Liddle   "There is so much work that needs to be done if we wish Aboriginal victims of family and domestic violence to come forward," writes Celeste Liddle.

Why Donald Trump has done the women of the world a favour

Jacqueline Maley

Jacqueline Maley   Donald Trump's run at the presidential nomination has been one giant, ego-saturated piece of performance art. It's the kind of deeply experimental stuff you wish you hadn't paid to see but now you're here, well, it's so hard to look away, isn't it?

Dom Knight

In defence of procrastination

"There's a benefit to putting off until tomorrow what you can achieve today," writes Dom Knight.

Dom Knight   "There's a benefit to putting off until tomorrow what you can achieve today," writes Dom Knight.

Your shout, Mum!

Jacinta Tynan.

Jacinta Tynan   The shout may have replaced the slap but yelling at the kids isn't the answer for anyone, says Jacinta Tynan.

Safe Schools

I thought I was a virgin. I wasn’t. This is why we need Safe Schools.

safe schools matilda

Matilda Douglas-Henry   I started dating girls when I was 13 and I have two gay mums. This is why I would have benefited from Safe Schools.

Remembering Srebrenica

What the Srebrenica Massacre verdict reminds us about religion's role in terrorism

A woman reacts at the Potocari cemetery and memorial near Srebrenica on Friday, ahead of the burial of 136 ...

Ruby Hamad   So accustomed are we to seeing today's conflicts framed as the West versus Islam, we easily overlook the real nature of war and terror, writes Ruby Hamad.

EgyptAir terror

He might not technically be a terrorist, but can we stop calling the EgyptAir hijacker a 'lovesick Romeo'?

Seif Eldin Mustafa, left, has been identified as the hijacker of EgyptAir flight MS181 by broadcasters.

Jenny Noyes   Hijacking a passenger plane in a bid to force your estranged partner to meet you is not romantic, not a joke, and arguably still a form of terrorism.

Reporting violence

Media must rise to the challenge of reporting domestic violence

Domestic violence is no longer a private crime; and it's being reported on like never before.

Jess Hill   Until very recently, domestic violence was known to journalists as a 'non-story'. Now it's very much a story, education is needed to help reporters get it right.

Trump's weakness with women

Donald Trump is very proud to claim that his wife Melania looks better than the wife of his Republican rival Ted Cruz.

Josephine Tovey   It's perhaps not surprising that a former owner of three beauty pageants, Donald Trump, has helped turn his party's campaign into a shallow "Mrs America" pageant between potential First Ladies.

Comments 15

Clem Bastow

What Tracey Emin's marriage to a rock says about our search for love

Tracey Emin

Clem Bastow   Despite the predictably dismissive tabloid reaction to her "wacky stunt", Clem Bastow finds something profound in the UK artist's latest announcement.

Latham for Trump

Mark Latham endorses Donald Trump, approximately zero people are surprised

Former Labor leader Mark Latham, who was being sued by Lisa Pryor.

Jenny Noyes   Donald Trump is basically America's Mark Latham reverse-engineered and with several tonnes more money.

Why we need to hear more DV survivors' stories

Jimmy Bartel.

Clementine Ford   We need to hear more stories like footballer Jimmy Bartel's, which shows how complex and multifaceted family violence actually is.

Handbag dilemma compounds as roles get weightier

According to ATO advice published recently, handbags are not tax deductible as a general rule, while briefcases are.

Annabel Crabb   Like our brains, women's bags have to do 10 things at once. And that's tiring enough, even before tax.

Benjamin Law

Benjamin Law: A friendly reminder that blackface is not OK

Benjamin Law.

Benjamin Law   It seems that whenever a blackface controversy rears its head, no one seems to be saying the obvious: that Australia has a racist history of blackface.

Andrews' actions speak louder than Turnbull's words

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews

Farrah Tomazin   Victoria's premier is carving out a niche as a progressive leader for the whole nation, writes Farrah Tomazin

Comments 96

Twitter rant exposes political currency of hatred

Matthew P Doyle

Julia Baird   A ludicrous tweet about Muslims exposes ignorant thinking, but also provoked some delicious responses.

Comments 12

Australian laws are failing working women


Anika Wells   Enough with the union bashing and the rehashed debate – Australia's working women need leadership from our major parties to improve workplaces and allow them to successfully juggle motherhood and careers.

Now hear this

Stephanie Dowrick.

Stephanie Dowrick   It takes courage, but women have a right – and a responsibility – to speak out.

Male feminists

Men, here's what to do before you declare yourself a 'feminist'

You recognise male privilege is a thing. Your hackles and ire are legitimately raised by structural inequalities you see ...

Andrew P Street   You like and respect women. You recognise male privilege is a thing. Your hackles and ire are legitimately raised by structural inequalities you see facing women every day. So are you a feminist?

Why jail time alone won't stop female genital mutilation

Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri arrives for sentencing in Australia's first genital mutilation trial on March 18, 2016

Ruby Hamad   To put an end to this ugly crime, we need to understand the context in which it occurs.

Bullies don't deserve Safe Schools exceptions

Protesters at a Melbourne rally this month challenge the Christian lobby that is fighting the Safe Schools program.

Julie Szego   The Turnbull government gives succour to the notion that LGBTI children are the problem, not the school environment.

Why gutting the Safe Schools program is bad for all of us

Coalition MP George Christensen, said the ALA was attracting former Coalition voters.

Clementine Ford   If we had evidence telling us half of all footballers had attempted suicide, won't politicians be searching for community solutions?


Ten easy, free, completely serious ways to achieve mindfulness

Forget hippie meditation classes and hipster colouring-in books, Dom Knight has some better suggestions.

Dom Knight   Forget hippie meditation classes and hipster colouring-in books, Dom Knight has some better suggestions.

Women don't exist so men can earn kudos among other bros

There are frustratingly far too many people still who want to protect men like Jonuzi from the consequences of their actions

Clementine Ford   There are frustratingly far too many people still who want to protect men like Jonuzi from the consequences of their actions

Ruby Hamad

The grief of returning to Lebanon in the wake of Syria's civil war

A refugee child fled from the unrest in Syria to the Akkar district in north Beirut, Lebanon.

Ruby Hamad   "I have returned to Lebanon for the first time since my family fled the civil war in 1977 to meet people trapped in a predicament that could just as well have been my own," writes Ruby Hamad.

This is how most people expect female rape victims to act

New research shows women are expected to behave a certain way during and after the assault in order to be believed.

Jenna Price   New research shows women are expected to behave a certain way during and after the assault in order to be believed.

What the US media can learn from Sarah Ferguson

ABC journalist Sarah Ferguson.

Josephine Tovey   Desperate for ratings, the US cable channels don't challenge politicians' inflammatory remarks, encouraging more of the same.

Comments 19


Sorry, #RadicalSelfLove probably won't change your life

Author and wellness blogger Gala Darling with her new book, <i>Radical Self-Love</i>.

Clem Bastow   There's more to overcoming depression than just "writing down compliments", writes Clem Bastow.

Dear Facebook, Aboriginal women practicing culture aren't offensive

The photo of two Aboriginal women at a Northern Territory public ceremony, published by New Matilda, that was the ...

Clementine Ford   Celeste Liddle isn't the only woman who's been targeted for bans by Facebook for supposed "guideline violations" while trolls are given free rein.

Male feminists

Why I'm wary of men who call themselves feminists

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen   Too many 'feminist' men appear to see the movement as a game in which women still perform to their gaze, writes Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen.

Jenna Price

What do we do now that suicide rates among young women are on the rise?

The 50 per cent rise in the suicide rate of young women aged 15-24 is particularly troubling.

Jenna Price   "Is it still worth asking people if they are ok, if there are no solid services to support them?," writes Jenna Price.

Why Safe Schools program must be kept

Illustration: Matt Davidson.

Farrah Tomazin   Farrah Tomazin explains why keeping the Safe Schools program is a no-brainer.

Comments 37

Feminists should speak up about Credlin, and the creeps should close their mouths

Jacqueline Maley

Jacqueline Maley   The publication this week of claims about Peta Credlin's alleged sexual hold on Tony Abbott has put both feminists and conservatives in a thoroughly confusing position.

Comments 92

Tweet creep

Tara Moss.

Tara Moss   Yes, online abuse is rampant, but that doesn't make it normal - or unassailable, says Tara Moss.

How the 'meritocracy myth' is used to keep women away from power

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during question time at Parliament House in Canberra.

Clementine Ford   Why the 'merit' argument is a convenient retort to anyone who tries to point out the workings of the deeply flawed systems we live in.

Is accepting abuse just part of joining Twitter?

Online abuse is rampant, but that doesn’t make it normal, says Tara Moss.

Tara Moss   Online abuse is rampant, but that doesn’t make it normal, says Tara Moss.

Protest too much!

Benjamin Law.

Benjamin Law   I love everything about protests: the chants, the placards, the interesting body odours.

All About Women

Why do so few men turn up to hear women speak?

Orange Is The New Black author Piper Kerman in conversation with Jane Caro.

Ruby Hamad   Ruby Hamad chaired two sessions at Sydney Opera House's 'All About Women' festival on Sunday, and she was dismayed by the absence of men the crowd.


We don't need Alan Jones to call himself a 'feminist', thanks

Alan Jones pledged his belief in  gender equality on Monday night.

Jenny Noyes   On last night's Q&A;, Alan Jones and Michaelia Cash were told they are 'feminists' even if they don't believe in the movement. But what's the point of having words if they mean literally nothing?

How do we change the 'mates over merit' culture in media?

Magnificent seven: from left, Virginia Trioli, Kate Torney, Leigh Sales, Emma Alberici, Sally Neighbour, Jo Puccini and ...

Jenna Price   In the media, female journalists largely do 'women's work'; and we get women's rewards.