Dohnányi is a Hungarian family name belonging to a notable family of politicians and musicians descended from composer Ernő Dohnányi. The addition of "von" is the German equivalent to the letter Y / YI at the end of a family name of the Hungarian gentry. Its meaning is "of" = German "von".
Frederick Dohnányi (Hungarian:Dohnányi Frigyes), (1843-1909), Hungarian professor of mathematics and amateur cellist
In her interview with then-Music Director Christoph von Dohnanyi, he told her that "unfortunately, the audience in Cleveland — and I imagine he also was thinking of Akron as well — would never accept a woman as a conductor," Sorrell said ... 5 ... .
There'll also be all the concerts, stage productions, art exhibitions and other events that our area hosts year-round ... 4 p.m ... The program also includes Francis Poulenc’s jazzy 1932 Sextet, Ilari Kaila’s “Hum and Drum” and Ernst von Dohnanyi’s Serenade.
Von Dohnanyi (DOCK-non-ye) was the son of world-famous Hungarian pianist and composer Ernst von Dohnanyi - and that's the Tallahassee connection. Ernst von Dohnanyi spent the last 11 years of his life in Tallahassee and is buried at Roselawn Cemetery.
Es ist auch kein Zufall, dass Klaus von Dohnanyi in seinem letzten Buch darauf hinweist, dass der Sozialstaat, zusammen mit dem F�deralismus, das entscheidende Bindeglied aller Deutschen sei und ein wichtiges Element nationaler Identit�t ausmache.
...Chamber Music for flute & strings, moving to Mozart’s grand Quintet for winds and piano, and culminating in Erno von Dohnanyi’s passionate Sextet for winds, strings, and piano.
Montreal has become our new big city again ... (Our Tom Huntington covered the Montreal InternationalJazz in June despite the restrictions.) ... 1 by Ernö von Dohnanyi (1877-1960), but likely will not have ever heard a better performance ... No surprise ... ....
Soon after, Jan is abducted, with the kidnappers demanding a large ransom, leaving wife Kathrin (Adina Vetter) to turn to the family’s longtime lawyer, Schwenn (Justus von Dohnanyi), to figure out what to do.