Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 16 March 2016. ...

Politics Live: March 17, 2016

It's the last day of the sitting week although the Senate is expected to sit late into the night to pass the government's upper house voting changes. And lower house MPs will have to stick around to approve the changes. So it's not quite the last day. Between now then things could get a bit testy.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister Christopher Pyne during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra ...

Politics Live: March 16, 2016

Hello and welcome to the day in politics. As well as more talk about the budget - what's in, what's out, when it will be - the report into the Safe Schools is the topic of conversation. It's basically a stick of dynamite that will get thrown onto an already fiery week.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced his new ministry Parliament House in Canberra on Sunday 20 September 2015. ...

Politics Live: March 15, 2016

Hello and welcome to the start of another sitting week. Will it be the last week before the government goes all crazy na na and decides to have an early double dissolution election? Will the budget be moved? Will we even find out the answers to these questions?

Malcolm Turnbull says Australia has a big stake in the success of China's economic transition because it will generate ...

Politics Live: March 3, 2016

The Prime Minister calls in the police to investigate a leak that may or may not have something to do with his predecessor - it's just like old times. Suspicion and tax are the themes of the day.

"We respect every member of this House": Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday.

Politics Live: March 2, 2016

Tax, tax, tax, that's all anyone wants to talk about. Is Labor trying to destroy the housing market or is the Coalition merely governing for the rich? Let's see who is winning the war of hyperbole.

The realisation has sunk in that making Malcolm Turnbull the leader has not miraculously transformed politics, nor ...

Politics Live: February 25, 2016

Hello and welcome to the final day of the week. The debate about tax reform - or the lack thereof - continues and the government will release its defence white paper later this morning.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 23 February 2016. Photo: ...

Politics Live: February 24, 2016

Hello and welcome to Wednesday - hump day - and the government and opposition are locked in a battle over house prices and whether making housing more affordable is a good or a bad thing.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 22 February 2016. ...

Politics Live: February 23, 2016

Hello and welcome to another day in federal politics where the talk is all about whether or not Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will pull the trigger on an early double dissolution election. And a bit of tax.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time. He wants a referendum worded to 'sing' to Aboriginal and Torres ...

Politics Live: February 11, 2016

Hello and welcome to the day in politics. Two senior ministers are leaving Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's ranks and another is under a cloud. There's never a more exciting time for a reshuffle.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 4 February 2016. Photo: ...

Politics Live: February 9, 2016

The week's themes are coalescing around tax and asylum seekers but a new front is opening up around whether or not the government wants to outsource a large swathe of Medicare.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tasted a freakshake when he visited the cafe precinct at the Manuka Lawns in Canberra on ...

Politics Live: February 8, 2016

Hello and welcome to Monday. After a picnic on the lawns of The Lodge yesterday MPs are back talking about what they were talking about when we left them on Thursday - the GST and asylum seekers.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 3 February 2016. ...

Politics Live: February 4, 2016

Hello there and welcome to another day in politics. The repercussions of yesterday's High Court decision continue and the pressure on the Prime Minister in relation to the GST grows. What a time to be alive.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time as Parliament resumes.

Politics Live: February 3, 2016

Hello and welcome to Wednesday. The High Court has thrown out a challenge to the government's policy of offshore detention. Let's listen in on the reaction to the decision.

Mal Brough arrives for a division that Mark Dreyfus no longer be heard attempting to censure Mr Brough at Parliament ...

Politics Live: December 2, 2015

It's Wednesday and the Prime Minister has arrived back in Canberra to find a very cranky Liberal Party and a cloud hanging over the head of one of his backers. What happened to the Christmas spirit?

Malcolm Turnbull gave a safe speech to world leaders in Paris that was short on details about climate action.

File photo.

Politics Live: December 1, 2015

Hello and welcome to Tuesday. We have citizenship, family tax benefits, recessions and climate change to talk about. There's never been a more exciting time to be an Australian.

 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is presenting, for now,  a more aspirational way in which the people can be served, led ...

Politics Live: November 25, 2015

Hello and welcome to another day in federal politics. We start off with politicians supporting White Ribbon Day and a very personal speech from one MP about family violence.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull arrives for the 10th East Asia Summit at the Association of South-east Asian Nations ...

Politics Live: November 23, 2015

Hello and welcome to the first day of the last sitting fortnight of the year. There's a little bit of Christmas in the air as well as the usual suspects such as tax and terrorism. A heady mix.

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 03:  Deputy PM Julie Bishop attends the Emirates marquee during Melbourne Cup day at ...

Politics Live: November 12, 2015

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has just left on his first overseas trip leaving his deputy, Julie Bishop, to answer questions about her role in Mr Turnbull's elevation to the top job.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 9 November 2015. Photo: ...

Politics Live: November 10, 2015

Hello and welcome to another day in federal politics. The government's immigration policies continue to dominate the agenda following a withering report by the United Nations.