Welcome to Balikpapan - The Gateway to East Kalimantan
Product by :
www.tunasfitrah.com - | for all kind video, branding & advertising
Office :
| Jl. Alamanda Raya Blok
L 8 No 1 -
Balikpapan Baru - Balikpapan -
Kalimantan Timur
| +62 542 876
Contact Person :
| tunasfitrah@gmail.com
| +62 857 5211 9357
Video by :
Suma Siapa - (
Photographer and Videographer ) :
Music by :
WMG Record - 2:22
Arranged by :
DJ Alam - ( Audiographer and DJ-Beater ) : http://youtube.com/alamkubur
First Uploaded by :
Jauhari - (
Digital Imaging Artist and
Musician ) : http://facebook.com/jonimusik
Balikpapan is the gateway to the jungle of
East Kalimantan province. Balikpapan has grown in importance for the tourism industry since the opening of the
International flight routes. This town has a population of about 600.
000 and has connections by Pelni passenger ships on the route
Surabaya -
Ujungpandang - Balikpapan.
Outwardly, Balikpapan presents two different faces. The first is the old Dutch-built section of the town.
The other is the newer part that as gown as a result of recent development efforts in the oil industry.
Most destinations, such as the Dayak settlements in the hinterland along the big rivers, can be reached from
Samarinda, moreover, a visit to Kalimantan does not seem complete without a visit to
East Kalimantan. The forests of East Kalimantan contain a wealth of rare flora and fauna.
The black Orchid (Clogena pandurata), Nephents Amularia and
Rattan vines growing in the forest up to
200 meters long. So do various species of valuable tropical hardwoods trees.
Among the animal species typical of Kalimantan, living in the forests are
Orang Utans, chimpanzees (Pongee pygmaeus), bekantan (
Nasalis Larvatus),
Mahakam fresh - water dolphins or pesut (Orcela fluminalis) and many bird varieties.
The cultural and artistic traditions of the island's indigenous Dayak population are still preserved in this region, especially in the hinterland of East Kalimantan.
Sailing up the streams near the
Malaysian border, one can still meet
Traditional Dayak settlements than seem to have been little touched by the modernity.
Balikpapan :
The name Balikpapan is from an overloaded ship, which capsized near Tukung
Island. A
Dutch geological map of
1870 singes a small village with the name Balikpapan bay.
Now-a-days Balikpapan is East Kalimantan's leading oil town, and a very important in
Indonesia, Balikpapan was during
World War II the target of assaults by both the
Japanese and the
Balikpapan is the main gateway to East Kalimantan province. It has grown in importance for tourists since the opening of the International flight routes. Balikpapan town has a population of 600.000
Culture :
Buginese, Kutai and Dayak Mix
Flora &
Fauna : farming, plantations and lowland
Rainforest can be found outside of Balikpapan
Starting Point : Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Transport Possibilities :
Public Bus and chartred car.
Tour Ending
Point : Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Travel Distance to enry
point : 0 Km to from
Balikpapan Airport
Duration :
Short Get Through Visit 1 to 2
Hotels & Accommodation :
International Star to
Simple Hotels