The Dissenter

21 Apr 2016

LIVE: Journalist Ray Bonner Discusses US Interventions In El Salvador

Kevin Gosztola and journalist Raymond Bonner discuss his book Weakness and Deceit, chronicling Reagan’s disastrous intervention in El Salvador.

Screenshot from Knight Foundation survey of US news editors.
21 Apr 2016

US News Editors Find It Increasingly Difficult To Defend First Amendment

A survey of editors from print and online publications found most news organizations struggle to defend the right to freedom of the press.

Bernie Sanders, candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, visited Penn State's Recreation Hall for a rally on the evening of April 19. (Photo by Penn State on Flickr)
20 Apr 2016

Sanders Campaign’s Commitment To Victory Irritates Media, Offends Clinton Campaign

Once again, for the umpteenth time in the Democratic primary, there is a dominant narrative in the establishment media that it is over for Bernie Sanders.

Vote Here sign. Photo by Tobias Carroll on Flickr.
19 Apr 2016

Closed New York Primary Helps Democratic Party Maintain Status Quo

The closed primary system is the two-party system’s key mechanism for maintaining control over elections in the face of declining membership.


The Bullpen

Map of marijuana laws in US (Source:
20 Apr 2016

420: US Still Spending Millions On Failed War On Pot

Today is April 20th, a holiday for marijuana enthusiasts with seeming origins in California, based on the time of day (4:20 pm) when a group of people would smoke weed together. Though the holiday has gone mainstream with millions of people celebrating their love for marijuana today, the recreational use of

Secretary Clinton holds bilateral talks with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal. Photo by U.S. Department of State from United States [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
18 Apr 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Dealings With Saudi Arabia Back In Focus For 9/11 Bill

Saudi Arabia threatens to sell $750 billion in securities and assets in the US if a bill passes, which could hold them responsible for their role on 9/11.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate in Brooklyn, NY. Photo via NumbersMuncher on Twitter
15 Apr 2016

Hillary Clinton Claims Money Has No Influence, Then Calls For Overturning Citizens United

Either money in politics is corrupting and Citizens United needs to be overturned, or a candidate can take all the money they want from special interests.


Sharp Edges

Screen shot from the CNN debate in Brooklyn, New York on April 14
18 Apr 2016

Palestine Activists Warm To Sanders While Clinton Spreads Israeli Propaganda

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, despite sharing the belief that “Israel has a right to defend itself,” are arguably worlds apart on the occupation.

Mike VanElzakker, a 42 year-old neuroscientist, tells Shadowproof why he will likely vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party Nominee.
14 Apr 2016

Voters Share Perspectives On Rejecting Two-Party System In 2016 Election

Shadowproof interviewed a number of Americans who are refusing to vote for Hillary Clinton, come what may.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, USAID Administrator Raj Shah and Deputy Commander SOUTHCOM General P.K. Keen meet with President Rene Preval in a tent at the Prince-au-Port airport, Haiti, Jan. 16, 2010. Photo by USAID on Flickr.
07 Apr 2016

The Global Consequences Of Hillary Clinton’s Predatory Pragmatism

The “pragmatic” policies advocated by politicians have consequences. There is an aftermath, and in the case of Clinton, it usually is a bloody one.

Hundreds march on media offices in New York to protest the #ChapelHillShooting (Photo by Joe Catron on Flickr)
03 Apr 2016

Leading US Presidential Candidates Normalize Anti-Muslim Sentiment

We’ve witnessed a formulaic normalization of anti-Muslim sentiment expressed by leading political personalities, and candidates running for president.


The Next Cold War

Andriy Parubiy, on cover of his book "A View From The Right"
21 Apr 2016

Ukraine’s New Speaker Of Parliament Is A Neo-Nazi

So much for plausible deniability. While apologists and propagandists for the government in Kiev have tried their best to dismiss concerns about the government’s connection to neo-fascist movements, the jig is undeniably up. The new speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Andriy Parubiy, is a longtime neo-Nazi activist who was a

Sec. of Defense Ash Carter with Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense Mohammed bin Salman, April 2016 (DoD)
20 Apr 2016

Carter War Planning With Saudi and Gulf Defense Ministers, Obama Mending Fences

Next Cold War Roundup 4/20/16 It’s war season in the Middle East. Syrian opposition “rebels” declared a new war on the Syrian government and sources claim they will pull out of the Geneva peace talks.  Sec. Defense Carter and Pres. Obama are in Saudi Arabia meeting with military leaders of

Slim Pickens as B-52 Bomber pilot Major T. J. "King" Kong, in the movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
19 Apr 2016

Next Cold War Brings New Nuclear Arms Race

As the United States continues to assert its imperial dominance and hegemony, rising powers throughout the world are looking for ways to counter it.


Prison Protest

Screenshot from the Economic Innovation Group's "DCI Data for the 100 Largest US Cities."
15 Apr 2016

Lawsuits Challenge Fort Wayne’s ‘Law And Order’ Policies Used To Push Out City’s Poor

A series of lawsuits targeting Allen County, Indiana raise serious questions about how the state’s second-largest city, Fort Wayne, treats those in its criminal justice system–particularly those who are black or poor. The allegations come amid an economic revitalization effort in Fort Wayne’s impoverished downtown area, funded by multi-million dollar public-private partnerships with business interests from

Screenshot from Advanced Correctional Healthcare training video, entitled "A Jail Is Not A Health Spa"
21 Mar 2016

Lawsuit: Pregnant Pretrial Detainee Denied Care, Forced To Carry Dead Child For Days

A federal lawsuit claims a pregnant pre-trial inmate was denied basic access to healthcare that could have saved the life of her unborn child.

Signs for a bail bondsmen. (gigaboss on Flickr)
26 Feb 2016

Legislation To End Money Bail Introduced In Congress

Congressman Ted Lieu introduced the No Money Bail Act of 2016, which prohibits the payment of money as a condition of pretrial release.

A detailed aerial view of Rikers Island. (Wikimedia Commons / United States Geological Survey)
26 Feb 2016

Talk Of Jail Construction Creeping Into Debate Over Closing Rikers Island

Will plans to close the notorious Rikers Island jail complex simply lead to the construction of new, smaller jails throughout New York City?


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