Anti-abortion movements

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"Pro-life" redirects here. For other uses, see Pro-life (disambiguation).

Anti-abortion movements or pro-life movements are involved in the abortion debate advocating against the practice of abortion and its legality. Many anti-abortion movements began as countermovements in response to legalization of elective abortions.


By some, especially at the media, the terms used in the debate are seen as political framing: they are terms used to validate on stance while invalidating the opposition's. For example, the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" imply endorsement of widely held values such as liberty and freedom, while suggesting that the opposition must be "anti-choice" or "anti-life" (alternatively "pro-coercion" or "pro-death").[1] The Associated Press favors the terms "abortion rights" and "anti-abortion" instead.[2]

However, some in the "pro-life" movement view the term "anti-abortion" as an inaccurate media label as well.[3] For example, not all who would describe themselves as "pro-life" are opposed to abortion if the life of the mother is in certain danger. Also, for many in the "pro-life" movement, the word "life" reflects the core value and truth for which they sincerely believe their causes represents.[4] Biologically, human life begins before birth (i.e., at fertilization, when the genetic material which will develop into a fetus first assumes zygote form and acquires unique DNA), and many feel that human life is valuable and worthy of protection at all stages.[5] This view is heavily influenced by religious belief in many, but not all cases. There is significant philosophical debate regarding whether human embryos acquire personhood and human rights upon genetic formation or upon fetal viability.

Philosophical and legal arguments[edit]

Main article: Abortion debate

Anti-abortion advocates cite numerous moral and philosophical arguments against both the acceptability or legality of abortion. Many advocates also hold religious objections to abortion.

Movements by country[edit]


Each Life Matters demonstration in Madrid, Spain, on 17 October 2009.

In Europe, abortion has been legalized through parliamentary acts. In Western Europe this has had the effect at once of both more closely regulating the use of abortion, and at the same time mediating and reducing the impact anti-abortion campaigns have had on the law.[6]


The first specifically pro-life organization in France, Laissez-les-vivre-SOS futures mères, was created in 1971 during the debate that was to lead to the Veil Law in 1975. Its main spokesman was the geneticist Jérôme Lejeune. Since 2005, the French pro-life movement has organized an annual March for Life.[7]


There are two major pro-life groups in the Republic of Ireland, Pro Life Campaign and Youth Defence.


In Liechtenstein an application to legalize abortions was rejected by a slim majority in a referendum in 2011. The opponents, which included Prince Alois, got 500 votes more and eventually settled at 52.3 percent compared with 47.7 percent.[8]

Prince Alois had announced the use of his veto in advance if necessary to prevent the introduction of abortion.[9]


In Spain, over one million demonstrators took part in a march in Madrid in October 2009 to protest plans by the government of José Luis Zapatero to legalize elective abortions and eliminate parental consent restrictions.[10]

In 2010 1,067,315 Spaniards signed a petition against the liberal abortion policy of the socialist government. The petition was launched by the organizations "Derecho a vivir" (right to life) and "Hazteoir" (Let your voice be heard).[11]

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, the most prominent pro-life organization is the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. It was formed to "uphold the principle of respect for human life, in particular the life of the unborn child" at the time of the passage of the 1967 Abortion Act which liberalized abortion law. It was the first such organization in the world.[12]


In Israel, the major pro-life organization is Efrat.[13] Efrat activists primarily raise funds to relieve the "financial and social pressures" on pregnant women so that they will not terminate their pregnancies.[14]

North and South America[edit]

Main article: Silent No More

The Canadian organization Canada Silent No More advocates legislation prohibiting late-term and partial birth abortions.[15][better source needed]


The Chilean movement is called Siempre por la Vida (always for the life).[16]

United States

The United States pro-life movement formed as a response to the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions. A smaller movement is the consistent life ethic, an international philosophy which opposes all forms of killing, including abortion, war, euthanasia, and the death penalty.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Holstein and Gubrium (2008). Handbook of Constructionist Research. Guilford Press. 
  2. ^ Goldstein, Norm, ed. The Associated Press Stylebook. Philadelphia: Basic Books, 2007.
  3. ^ NR Interview (13 November 2013). "What’s ‘Pro-Life,’ Anyway?". National Review Online. Retrieved 4 February 2016. 
  4. ^ "Prolife OBGYNS – AAPLOG – American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians & Gynecologists  » About Us". Retrieved 4 February 2016. 
  5. ^ "Pro-Life vs. Anti-Abortion". Retrieved 4 February 2016. 
  6. ^ Outshoorn, Joyce (1996). "The stability of compromise: Abortion politics in Western Europe". In Marianne Givens and Dorothy M. Stetson. Abortion politics: public policy in cross-cultural perspective. Routledge. p. 161. ...parliamentary decision are sustained by political parties which, in comparison to the United States, are deeply rooted in European society. The political parties have managed to regulate and pacify the political reform process, which in the decision-making stage marginalized opposition outside parliament. 
  7. ^ "Thousands take part in Paris anti-abortion march". Euronews. 19 January 2014. Retrieved 4 February 2016. 
  8. ^ "In Liechtenstein bleiben Abtreibungen verboten". Focus. 2011-09-18. Retrieved 2014-12-17. 
  9. ^ "Radikal für das Leben! , 08 September 2012". Zukunft CH. 2012-09-28. Retrieved 2014-12-17. 
  10. ^ "Agence France Presse, 17 October 2009". 2009-10-17. Retrieved 2011-11-16. 
  11. ^ "Spanien: Mehr als eine Million unterschreiben gegen Abtreibung , 23 February 2010". Blaue Narzisse. 2010-02-23. Retrieved 2014-12-17. 
  12. ^ "History". Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. 
  13. ^ "Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life". Retrieved 31 May 2015. 
  14. ^ "How Efrat Saves Lives". Retrieved 24 December 2015. 
  15. ^ "Canada Silent No More - Home". Retrieved 4 February 2016. 
  16. ^ "Bachelet to Redact Chile's Abortion Prohibition before End of 2014". PanAm Post. 26 June 2014. Retrieved 4 February 2016. 

External links[edit]