New Internationalist


We have 9 articles tagged Love. Showing pages 1 to 9.

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Down with love

Love is a dangerous concept, argues Kate Smurthwaite.…

  • Thu Oct 22 04:22:44 2015
  • Rank: 100
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‘People need to know that they are loved’

Noreen Sadik talks to two Human Angels, spreading compassion by giving free hugs.…

  • Thu Dec 19 04:51:00 2013
  • Rank: 100

Fish Tank

A film that gets inside the mind and feelings of a young person deeply at odds with the world…

  • Fri Oct 2 02:27:00 2009
  • Rank: 100

From A to X: A Story in Letters

A heartrending love-story and a searing indictment of authoritarianism in all its forms.…

  • Wed Oct 1 23:11:00 2008
  • Rank: 100


What war does to people’s humanity and how, without trust, touch and intimacy, we’re lost.…

  • Wed Oct 1 21:58:00 2008
  • Rank: 100

What love’s got to do with it

*Maria Golia* on conflicting loves in Cairo…

  • Mon Sep 1 22:36:00 2008
  • Rank: 100

Mr Love & Justice

*Bragg* tempers the unfashionable humanity of his songs with a sad acknowledgement of current realities.…

  • Tue Jul 1 23:44:00 2008
  • Rank: 100

Rukshana: 'It's easy to fall in love, but very difficult to endure it'

Why boys are a pain for a Mumbai girl on the move…

  • Fri Apr 1 09:57:00 2005
  • Rank: 100

The Power of the cooking pot

In the poor townships of South Africa, the only politics that matters is the kind that gets you fed…

  • Mon Sep 1 05:49:00 2003
  • Rank: 100


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