New Internationalist


We have 94 articles tagged Iraq. Showing pages 1 to 10.

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Regional conflicts overshadow Iraqi mental health

When looking at the Middle East, all attention is focused on Syria right now, writes Sophia Akram.…

  • Tue Apr 5 12:11:18 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Saudi Arabia is gambling with Islamic State and Co

The birth country of violent Islamic puritanism is playing a dangerous game, writes Alastair Crooke. .…

  • Mon Mar 7 07:06:52 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Paris attacks – the Saudi connection

To tackle Islamic State’s terrorism we must stand in solidarity with its mainly Muslim victims, argues Vanessa Baird.…

  • Wed Nov 18 05:22:52 2015
  • Rank: 100
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Explaining the Paris attacks

There are heavy emotions and serious concerns over the tragic events in Paris, but how can we explain the issue?, asks Tahir Abbas.…

  • Tue Nov 17 05:19:13 2015
  • Rank: 100
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Rethinking what we mean by security

Andrew Smith considers the establishment meaning of the word relative to social wellbeing, peace and health.…

  • Fri Nov 13 10:15:30 2015
  • Rank: 100
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Spare a thought for the brave Syrians in Syria

Don’t forget those who cannot escape the war-torn country, says Frances Guy.…

  • Fri Sep 18 06:20:55 2015
  • Rank: 100
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The Iraq Inquiry and the silent civil servant

John Chilcot has held back the release of his findings for nearly five years. Bereaved families have had enough, writes Felicity Arbuthnot.…

  • Tue Sep 8 10:24:36 2015
  • Rank: 100
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The United Nations caught between dream and reality

Is the UN designed to be ineffective and maintain the status quo? Amit Singh asks.…

  • Tue Aug 4 11:36:56 2015
  • Rank: 100
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Why defeating Islamic State might mean re-reading The Lord of the Rings

Why defeating Islamic State might mean re-reading The Lord of the Rings…

  • Tue Jul 28 09:08:00 2015
  • Rank: 100
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The 7/7 attacks and a new type of terrorism


  • Tue Jul 7 11:47:00 2015
  • Rank: 100


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