- published: 06 Oct 2011
- views: 106300
Tulcea (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈtult͡ʃe̯a]; Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian: Тулча, Tulcha; Greek: Αιγισσός, Aegyssus; Turkish: Hora-Tepé or Tolçu) is a city in Dobrogea, Romania. It is the administrative center of Tulcea county, and had a population of 73,707 as of 2011. One village, Tudor Vladimirescu, is administered by the city.
Tulcea was founded in the 7th century B.C. under the name of Aegyssus, mentioned in the documents of Diodorus of Sicily (3rd century BC). In his Ex Ponto, Ovid recorded a local tradition that ascribed its name to a mythical founder, Aegisos the Caspian.
After the fights from 12-15 A.D. the Romans conquered the town. They rebuilt it after their plans, their technique and architectural vision, reorganizing it. The fortified town was mentioned as late as the 10th century, in documents such as Notitia Episcopatuum or De Thematibus.
Under Byzantine rule beginning with the 5th century A.D. the town was abandoned by the first half of the 7th century due to the Barbarian invasions. The former settlement's territory fell under the rule of the Bulgarian Empire (681-c.1000; 1185-14th century). Inhabitation was restored in the second half of the 10th century, as the Byzantines built a fortress on the spot after reconquering the region. The fortress was soon destroyed in 1064 by an attack of the Uzes, however some inhabitation continued. A settlement, larger than the one in the 11th century, is archaeologically attested beginning with the 14th century. The Ottoman rule was imposed around 1420, and would last for the following four centuries.
Buzzy, Tonyca, Rapsodic, Microscop, Ctin, Rumano, So What - Tulcea (Mana sus!) Hip-Hop Romania 2011
Welcome to Tulcea City 2014
Prin orasul Tulcea
orasul tulcea inainte de revolutie
Nimic Nou 7 - Asta-i Tuica De Tulcea!
Tulcea Comori Ascunse. Film documentar judetul Tulcea
Formatia Artistic Tulcea - Nunta Apollo Ballroom 7 - 2015
Tulcea - Orasul de la Portile Deltei Dunarii
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Si nu uitati !!! Like la pagina pentru mai multe secunde de distractie https://www.facebook.com/07secunde orasul tulcea inainte de revolutie tulcea tulcea 2014 orasul tulcea tulcea revolutie revolutie
http://www.facebook.com/Sector7Romania http://www.facebook.com/nimicnoucuteo Prezentat de Teo Scris de: Raul Gheba + Teo + Radu "PiticiGratis" Alexandru + Alex Cotet DOP: Marius Donici Regie: Alex Cotet Montaj: Cristian Maraloiu Regie: Alex Cotet Montaj: Alex Cotet, Cristian Maraloiu Muzica/Sunet: Emmanuel Deaconu
Tulcea Comori Ascunse. Varianta finala a filmului documentar de promovare a judetului Tulcea, realizat in cadrul contractului privind realizarea unui film documentar si a unui spot video de promovare a judetului Tulcea. Varianta cu subtitrare in limba engleza. Imagine: Claudiu Steti, Ioan Teglas Montaj: Claudiu Steti Coloana sonora: Calin Ionce Voce: Sandu Barbu (Sendi) O productie Inside Media, 2013
Armineasca www.formatiaartistic.com Tel. contact: 0741575233
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O tornadă a făcut prăpăd în localitatea Niculiţel, a smuls acoperişurile caselor şi a dus prin aer garduri, la sute de metri distanţă. Oamenii sunt şi acum în stare de şoc şi spun că dacă ar mai fi durat puţin, le-ar fi luat pe sus casele., Stiri, Antena 1, 03-06-2016
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible
Wrote your name in graffiti on the wall
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible
Wrote your name but all my words are gone.
Love made visible
The truth is unstoppable
Touch your hand in the blue of the swimming pool.
Love made visible
The truth is unstoppable
Touch your hand but all my words are gone.
I found you in summer
When you were undercover
Not hiding,
Just shadowed
And burning brightly now.
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible
Wrote your name in graffiti on the wall.
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible
Wrote your name in graffiti on the wall.
Love made visible
The waves are unbreakable
Holds you up, lets me float to the shore.
Love made visible
The feat is impossible
Make a move but all my words are gone.
I found you in summer
When you were undercover
Not hiding,
Just shadowed
And burning brightly now
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible
Wrote your name in graffiti on the wall
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible
Wrote your name
But all my words are... [x7]
Love made visible
Your skin feels incredible