Al Mahdi, the Quraysh & the Ottoman Caliphate
Ottoman Caliphate was abolished in 1924, ending almost 1300 years of the Caliphate of the Quraysh with brief intervals. Until the demise of the Ottoman Caliphate, the
Muslim world remained alligned and united under Baiah (
Oath of Allegiance) to the bloodline of the Quraysh and the
Oath (Baiah) of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (uwbp). After its abolishment, the Muslim world lost its Oath of Allegiance (Baiah) to the Holy Prophet Muhammad through the link of the Qurayshite inheritance of the
Ottomans. The reign of the Quraysh as Caliphs, which began with the first of the
Rightly Guided Caliphs,
Abu Bakr, then
Usman and Ali was finally destroyed. The Holy Prophet Muhammad told his wife
Aisha, in a hadith mentioned by
Imam Ahmad, "the Quraysh are the backbone of the people, and the people shall be destroyed as soon as the Quraysh is destroyed".
Although God's covenant is still evident with the Muslim world, due to their lack of allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad and his tribe, the Quraysh, the custodians of the
Ka'ba and the well of ZemZem, they are being humiliated.
Hence, as a form of penitence to God and His
Apostle, devout Muslims worldwide pray daily for the advent of
Al Mahdi, so they can once again renew their Baiah (Oath of Allegiance) to the Prophet Muhammad through the legacy of the Quraysh, to whom Al Mahdi will also belong, in addition to being from the best clans from within it, the
Hashemites and the best of them, the descendents of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the
Ahlul Bayt.
According to
Islamic tradition, the
Armageddon then will be fought by the
Kings of the descendents of
Abraham's sons
Ishmael and
The King of the descendents of the Ishmaelite
House will be known as "Al Mahdi", and will be given allegiance to at the
Station of Abraham (
Maqam Ibrahim) in
Makkah, infront of the
Kaba, the
House of God which was built by Abraham and Ishmael.
Meanwhile, the
King of the House of Isaac will be
Dajjal (Anti-Christ), who will be attempting to establish his
Kingdom in
Jerusalem when he will hear about the Mahdi. The Dajjal will then assemble all of his followers and advance against Al Mahdi, claiming him self to be the
Messiah and God. At the moment when both armies face each other, God will send
Jesus Christ, son of
Mary down for the
Second Coming.
Muslims believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth and prove that he is that real Christ (Messiah), and that the
Seal of
Prophets is
Muhammad, from the line of Ishmael, who was 'like unto
Jesus will then commence war with the
Imposter Messiah, and will slay the Anti-Christ of the
House of David near Jerusalem. Jesus will then retrieve the
Ark of the Covenant with Al Mahdi, who will know of its secret location from the secret letters of
Ali ibn Abi Talib, whose brother retrieved it from
Ethiopia (Habash) from the Negus, who believed in the Prophet Muhammad and surrendered the Ark to him, and had it returned to Makkah to present it to the Seal of Prophets mentioned in the Gospels of Jesus, from the line of Ishmael, the Holy Prophet Muhammad. The Holy Prophet Muhammad then is reported to have granted it to his son in-law, Ali, who then retrieved from it the
Zulfikar Sword and by the power and blessings of the Ark, helped establish for the Prophet Muhammad the
State in
Medina, and later on the entire Hijaz. See,
Muslims believe that the Ark was secretly guarded by the first four Caliphs, who used its power to establish the
Islamic Empire throughout the
Middle East, including in Jerusalem.
It is said, during the reign of Ali, the Ark was sent towards
Turkey, and the Ottomans became the protectors of the lands wherein it could have been hidden.
Imam Suyuti said,"He (Mahdi) will bring the Ark of the Covenant to light from a place called
Antioch." (Suyuti, al-Hawi li'l Fatawa, II, 82) See
Harun Yahya's account,
When Al Mahdi comes, he will retrieve it and with the help of Jesus Christ, establish the
Kingdom of Heaven under the House of Ishmael, as the
Gospel of Barnabas records the saying of Jesus Christ himself;
"Whereupon Jesus said:
Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.'" (
Barnabas 43:
"And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee:
Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve mighty princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation" (
Genesis 17:20)
The task of the Ottoman Caliphate was to secure the leadership of the bloodline of Ishmael, and that of the Quraysh, when it failed, it fell.