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4/15/16 Stephen Zunes

Stephen Zunes, professor of politics and international studies at the University of San Francisco, discusses the radical differences between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on Israel-Palestine issues during the New York Democratic Presidential debate.

4/15/16 Peter Van Buren

Peter Van Buren, a whistleblower on State Department waste and mismanagement in Iraq, discusses why Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is a big deal, and reveals enough about her judgement, leadership and character to show she is unfit to be the US President.

4/13/16 Malik Jalal

Malik Jalal, one of the leaders of the North Waziristan Peace Committee in Pakistan, discusses the many close calls he has had with drone missile strikes, and what it feels like to be targeted for death on the Obama administration’s “Kill List.”

4/12/16 Bronwyn Bruton

Bronwyn Bruton, a democracy and governance specialist with extensive experience in Africa, discusses Somalia’s 23 years as a failed state since the “Black Hawk Down” Battle of Mogadishu, and why it’s time for the US government to take a new approach in denying Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups a safe-haven there.

4/12/16 Ron Paul

Former Republican Congressman Ron Paul discusses US intervention in Ukraine and the Middle East; and why “free trade” agreements are nothing of the sort.

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4/12/16 Show

Scott gives an update on the show, servers and things.

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