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What I Saw That Day Israel's June 8 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS LIBERTY and its Aftermath Paperback – 2011

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Product Details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Liberty Publications; Probable First Edition edition (2011)
  • ISBN-10: 1450715540
  • ISBN-13: 978-1450715546
  • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.7 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces
  • Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (27 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,095,071 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Format: Paperback
As one of the survivors and the enlisted man in charge of the body recovery and identifcation, I often marvel at the reviews that an eyewitness receives when telling the story of what he actually saw that day. I know a bit about what Phil saw on June 8, 1967 and of course there may be some ranting at times. The anger this has caused when one really knows the truth would cause anyone to rant, and I would probably be the first. The slaughter that I was exposed to after the ship was put in drydock, and we could really see the carnage has for the most part been blotted from my brain. I do know I was there, I do know I picked up arms, legs, torsos, and even a head now and then to try and put it all on the right person. A jigsaw puzzle of huge proportions. To say I was a complete mess when I returned home would be an understatement. The attack was horrible, but the aftermath should go on record, and the aftermath still goes on as our government keeps a tight lid on the real story. As this great nation that we all love changes from what seems to be bad to worse, I often wonder if the very fact that we have allowed this terrible thing to happen to our military people could be the reason for the pain we are all suffering at this very moment. Please understand that the aftermath has not gone away for many of us who love this country and who would do anything to keep it intact. I have seen these men fight back, I have seen men at our reunions that were still suffering from shrapnel wounds to the head, and one who had a seizure at the reunion. The first reunions were more like a funeral where one just couldn't get their dead buried. It was like you just couldn't keep them in the ground as they came back to the survivors in nightmares and terrible thoughts that would linger in broad daylight.Read more ›
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Format: Paperback
Survivors of the Liberty who knew Israel had purposefully attacked their vessel were also silenced. Richard Larry Weaver, a seaman aboard the Liberty, says he was visited in the hospital by a three-star admiral. The admiral asked what had happened on the Liberty; and when Weaver stated his testimony, the admiral said, " "If you tell anyone what happened you will be put in prison and we'll lose the key."

Investigation by Biased Parties

The investigation of the U.S.S. Liberty was conducted by the US Navy, which forbade eyewitnesses from reporting their testimony. "Within three weeks, the Navy put out a 700-page report, exonerating the Israelis, claiming the attack had been accidental and that the Israelis had pulled back as soon as they realized their mistake. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara suggested the whole affair should be forgotten. `These errors do occur,' McNamara concluded."

The attack on the Liberty remains the only maritime incident in US history, involving fatalities, which was never investigated by Congress. The Liberty Veterans Association, composed of survivors, says the inquiry didn't even examine Israeli culpability but only focused on American miscommunications. No Israelis were questioned. All known survivors agree the attack was deliberate. But then, as today, the USA colluded with Israel to cover up the attacks and slaying of American citizens.

A must read!!!
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Format: Paperback
As a longtime researcher of Israel's deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY, not to mention an author on this subject, I can say with certainty that this book paints a portrait of one of the most shameful events in this country's history that has been covered-up by the U.S. Government. The reason why is obvious: Israel's Defense Force (IDF) savagely attacked the USS LIBERTY in 1967 with the sole intent of sinking the ship, then blaming it on Egypt to draw America into the Six Day War. They've used similar tactics before in their bloody history. 34 men were murdered, and what the crewmen endured then - and to this day - is heartbreaking. Read this book and discover who the enemy is; then ask yourself: why do we keep protecting this supposed "ally"?
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Format: Paperback
Easy to read, easy to understand, USS LIBERTY survivor Phil Tourney did a terrific job in describing the horror of the attack by Israel. There are a few books out about the attack, this is one of the better ones! My spouse who is not a book worm read every word, took her 3 days, reading even in the early afternoons, too! Phil laid his emotions bare in telling this story, one which every American should read. It is easy to understand how so many of the survivors have turned to alcohol and have been victimized by PTSD... particularly so because our own government turned its back on them, even forbade them for talking about the attack. Hard to accept the fact that the cover-up is still going on today... 43 years after the attack... congress will not touch this story with a 100-ft. pole! Closure for the survivors seems far away.
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Format: Paperback
Phil Tourney was there and tells it like it was. Anyone who doubts the sinister nature of this attack by a purported ally need only remember that, prior to the Six-Day Land Grab (a provocation that set in motion all that has followed since in the region), Lyndon Johnson was "befriended" by Arthur and Mathilde Krim. Arthur, president of United Artists, was chair of the campaign finance committee for the Democrats, a party then headed by LBJ. Krim acquired property near the LBJ Ranch in Texas where he built "Mathilde's House" where she commenced a long-running affair with our Commander-in-Chief. That should sound familiar to those who recall the time-critical role of Monica Lewinsky during the Clinton presidency.

On the night that the 1967 "war" commenced (aka an agent provocateur operation), Mathilde was having a "sleepover" in the White House. Mathilde was previously married to an Irgun terrorist and became an Irgun operative. The Irgun, led by Menachem Begin, arranged for the bombing of the King David Hotel, leaving 91 dead. Mathilde, a convert to Judaism, struck up an exquisitely well-timed affair with a U.S. president in the lead-up to this provocation. Irgun became the Likud Party of Sharon and Netanyahu. As usual, this trans-generational criminal syndicate pre-staged events such that Johnson was thoroughly compromised well before this operation commenced. By creating "facts on the ground," those complicit then argue that the land is theirs. Keep that in mind when watching their steady expansion of the settlements. As usual, operations have multiple purposes.
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