Jesse Trentadue


Jesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie – a.k.a. John Doe No. 2 – in the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing), discusses the new book Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed-and Why It Still Matters by Andrew Gumbel and Roger Charles; the June 15th court deadline for the FBI to explain why the Murrah Building surveillance tapes are missing; allegations that FBI agents tried to sell the tapes in 1995 – which is why LA Times reporters were able to see two men, Timothy McVeigh and John Doe 2, exit the Ryder truck; the FBI’s PATCON program of infiltrating and probably provoking the radical right; how the FBI’s media informants help kill stories and manage the news cycle; and the lack of Congressional hearings on the single largest terrorist attack in US history (in 1995).

MP3 here. (31:05)

Scott’s collection of OKC audio clips here.

Scott’s collection of Jesse Trentadue’s court files here.

Interviews of the late J.D. Cash, Roger Charles, James Ridgeway, Frederic Whitehurst, Rick Ojeda and others on the Oklahoma City Bombing available here.

Jesse Trentadue is an attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah.

36 thoughts on “Jesse Trentadue”

  1. Okay, so Scott believes there is more to the story of the OKC bombing, even that it could have been an "inside job" yet he dismisses those who call out the collapse of the WTC 7 building, an event that the government has not been able to explain and had all the hallmarks of a controlled demolition. Now a controlled demolition requires weeks to prepare, so that would mean that whoever brought that building down had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. And of course, WTC 7 is just one of many problems with the official conspiracy theory.

    1. Has anyone interviewed the NYC police who were telling people to backup , they're taking the building (WTC7) down ? Who told the police that ? What did Larry Silverstein (WTC7 owner) mean when he said a decision was made to " pull it " (WTC7) ?

      1. That is down the memory hole. How come no mainstream news organ has bothered to interview Mohammad Atta's girlfriend who happened to be a stripper with pink hair? Nope, no news interest in that story. Could it be because her account might not mesh well with the official story?

  2. Someone please explain to me how Mayor Rudy Guliani knew the Twin Towers were gonna come down even though until 9/11 the global collapse of steel framed skyscrapers from fires was unprecedented. Or explain to me how the BBC was able to report on the collapse of WTC 7 more than twenty minutes before it happened? How do you get a perfect symmetrical collapse of a building that has been damaged asymmetrically? Given the laws of physics, you cannot.

    And why where the American people lied about the design and structure of the Twin Towers? It appeas omeone was coordinating a media disinformation campaign in order to create a narrative friendly to the official conspiracy theory.

  3. The absurdity of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory was briefly and hilariously summed by this video:

    Even the former CIA case officer Robert Baer has said there is evidence of US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks. Listen to this clip of an interview of him conducted by Thom Hartmann in 2006:

    Now Baer makes frequent appearances in the mainstream media, is quoted frequently in print, and is a pseudo celebrity yet when he drops this bombshell there is silence, even here at Anti War. ????

    If the Feds could get away with the Waco massacre and pull off OKC as part of a "strategy of tension", then 9/11 being an inside job becomes a possibility. After all, if you're willing to kill hundreds of innocent civilians to achieve a political objective, why not thousands? As Stalin said, "the death of one man is a tragedy, the deaths of millions is a statistic."

  4. The release of the Northwords documents in 1999 gives us a glimpse into the twisted and sinister thinking of many within the national security state. Of course, that false flag plot was nixed by Kennedy. But is to too much to consider the possibility that an updated version was executed on September 11, 2001? It has been exposed that the Pearl Harbor raid was not really a surprise attack. Not only had FDR deliberately provoked the attack but he and a close circle of advisors probably had foreknowledge of it. But the deaths of 2400 Americans were considered a reasonable price to pay for their larger geopolitical ambitions. After all, they had a world to save. Such is the thinking of those who lurk the corridors of power. Could the "catastrophic and catalyzing" events of 9/11 have been another Pearl Harbor?

  5. In investigating any crime, a detective should ask, Qui bono? With 9/11 the main beneficiaries were the US government and a network of well connected firms and defense contractors. The subsequent years witnessed the transfer of trillions of dollars into the pockets of a very few men. What ever happened to "follow the money?" The point is there never was an investigation of 9/11. At least with OKC, the Feds went to the trouble of putting on a sham investigation and trial.

    Before you dismiss "outrageous" conspiracy theories regarding OKC or 9/11, you should remember this one thing: we are governed by psychopaths.

  6. “Cui bono” 9-11? — Who enriched themselves upon the misery of 9-11?

    “In investigating any crime, a detective should ask, Qui bono?
    With 9/11 the main beneficiaries were the US government
    and a network of well connected firms and defense contractors.”

    Ask all the Americans with great jobs, terrific homes and deluxe healthcare, For our voting majority, it being our upper half of society, what is their wealth today compared to before 9-11?

    For not until we start embarrassing our voting majority, expose to the light of day all the selfish intent of the richest upper half of society the world has ever known, as I always say,

    There can be no secular solution to a criminal government,
    until there is a moral solution to an immoral society

  7. For not until we start embarrassing our voting majority, expose to the light of day all the selfish intent of the richest upper half of society the world has ever known, as I always say,

    There can be no secular solution to a criminal government,
    until there is a moral solution to an immoral society

  8. The Oklahoma bombing, the inner dynamics of the Iraq occupation, Rumsfeld and the Neocons, Iran and nukes – the narrative created by Scott Horton and his guests on these subjects is the most coherent you'll find on the internet in audio format. I urge the webmaster here to compile them out of the archives or tag them in a more user-friendly way.

    As for the lack of 911 coverage, I sympathize with Antiwar's decision to avoid the subject and focus on other aspects of the 'terror war'. From where I stand you can take the best 911 stuff from other places on the web (Kevin Fenton's work, Peter Dale Scott's summaries, FBI whistle-blower Ali Soufan, CIA whistle-blower Susan LIndhauer) and combine it with best OK bombing stuff from here (Trentadue and PATCON) and get an amazing outline of how domestic covert operation have determined the last 20 years of American politics. You also begin to see how the two deep events may also link together…

    Similarly take Scott Horton's shows on FBI entrapment and combine them with ex-DEA agent Mike Levine's 'Expert Witness' radio show on informants and you have an unparalleled primer on the deep corruption of American law enforcement.

    Antiwar Radio has punched far above its weight for a decade on many important subjects so if they leave 911 to other websites they have earned a pass.

  9. Perhaps but I have heard Scott Horton postively dismiss those who question the official narrative of 9/11. I will give Scott the benefit of the doubt and I assume that those remarks were made out of ignorance. But if AntiWar is really antiwar, how can they ignore the questions swirling all around 9/11? It seems to me that is the elephant in the room.

    The previous comments are correct. How can Scott raise so many questions regarding the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and totally dismiss the possibility of government complicity in 9/11? It is not as if there isn't any evidence to justify suspicion. If Scott doesn't have the time to read up the issue, he should shut up and not insult those who have had done the research and have the courage to speak out.

  10. I don't know about how and why the government evaded questions and investigative responsibility, except that it was obvious in relation to 9/ll. What was even more obvious, though, was the total commitment of the (NYC-based) national media to apologetics for any and all government action and inaction. It seemed unamerican even to expect better from officials. This was the same attitude they've used toward the wars. THAT seems to me to be the connection.

  11. There wasn't a OKC bombing kook movement like there is for 911 to murky the waters. And antiwar has not avoided 911. Go read Justin Raimondo's earlier works on the subject. He did good work on the anthrax cover up as well. I'm sure Jonestown was jumping on the blame Iraq story which they did and they tried to pollute OKC the way they have 911, but they didn't have the audience then they have now and so they couldn't discredit investigation into it yet. The elephant in the room in OKC is not just the blanked tapes or missing tapes, its the bombs in the building. they were reported live two of them defused that had not gone off. That is an inside job. This interview sealed it for me, because my one puzzle was why id the LA times and chan 4 get to see some tapes. Some FBI goons were SELLING the tapes! And that was a way to authenticate it. How stupid, do you know who the highest bidder would be on that? Mostly likely another government. Because its supreme blackmail. I don't think it was Guthrey in the truck I think it was Andre reason being there are some still camera shots of him wearing the same hat, no mustache, not that big, in OKC at the bombing. I have 4 photos. I put them in "war by deception" not only was he cointel provocateur for the FBI apparently he's done work abroad either for the CIA or for the Germans.

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  15. Read a book, titled "Star Quest" in 1961 which accurately predicted the J.F.K., R.F.K. and M.L.K.
    assassinations, Vietnam and both Gulf Wars, Challenger and Shuttle disasters, the Tsunami
    wave of 2004, plus Presidents Clinton, Bush (both), and Obama. All done by one or more
    amazingly accurate 'seers'.
    This information was leaked to a Cold War Communist to show him the Soviet Union would fall without WWIII. He may have encouraged the Neo-Natzi movements for someone America could fear
    more than his socialists. Terry Nichols in a brief conversation with me on Jan. 3, 1995 knew some
    future events NOT mentioned in 'Star Quest'. How did he? Nichols lied to investigators saying he
    wasn't in Las Vegas. I saw his Iowa driver's license!
    Four days after meeting Nichols, I was set up to be murdered in an apparent robbery, as what
    happened to J.F.K. witnesses and a man doing a documentary on Viet Vets hooked on heroin
    as was Kenneth Trentadue. Most conspiracy theories are too far fetched for me. This one I lived.
    It is a C.I.A. experiment gone wrong.

  16. Most conspiracy theorists, journalists, and people in general accept the first possible theory
    which seems logical. Thucydidies noted this 2,500 years ago. All You people haven't gotten any wiser.
    Look at all the possible scenarios. Even the best geniuses are only right 20% of the time.
    There are patterns with all the government cover-ups. Garrison who investigated J.F.K., looked at
    all possibilities. What he did not know was his gay lover Tollison set J.F.K. up. Research like him.
    This was mentioned in 'Star Quest'.

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