Showing posts with label Simon San German. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simon San German. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2009

The following appeal is from the United Farm Workers and is a follow-up to their campaign against the American H2A Regulations
Worker featured in last H2A alert fired:
--what you can do
Two weeks ago we told you about Simon San German, the brave farm worker who spoke up against the huge vegetable grower Tamimura and Antle. The company was abusing the H2A program by laying-off local farm workers at its Tres Picos Ranch, including Simon & others. They did this while bringing in foreign guest workers and not offering the laid-off the opportunity to apply for those jobs as required by federal law.

In response to the workers’ situation, the UFW had filed a complaint with the US Department of Labor, demanding that Tanimura & Antle be barred from the H-2A program for such blatant discrimination against local workers. Simon and several of his co-workers were eventually rehired.

The week after we sent you the e-mail Simon spoke up again during a worker meeting, when the company tried to unevenly reduce their work hours. Simon was fired immediately afterwards. When Simon asked why, he stated the ranch supervisor told him, “He was tired of me, that I caused him many problems.”

As a result, today we filed charges with the Agricultural Labor Relations Board for company retaliation.

Help us get word to the company that they are not above the law. Send an immediate message to Tamimura and Antle’s Vice President of Human Resources, Carmen Ponce, today and tell them to immediately rehire Simon.
Please go to the link above to send the following letter to Carmen Ponce in Tres Picos company management.

You are not above the law.

I call on you to immediately rehire Simon San German, a farm worker at your Tres Picos Ranch who was unfairly fired for standing up for his rights.

I'm exasperated by your company's arrogance. First you abused the H2A program by laying-off local farm workers, including Simon, and instead bringing in foreign guest workers without allowing them to apply for those jobs. Simon had the courage to complain and got the UFW to file a complaint with the US Department of Labor, demanding that you be barred from the H-2A program for such blatant discrimination against local workers. As a result Simon and several of his co-workers were eventually rehired.

However, your company still acts like it is above the law. The week after Simon's story came out in an e-mail the UFW sent to supporters, you unfairly fired Simon for protected concerted activity. Simon had spoken up during a worker meeting when your company tried to unevenly reduce hours. The law guaranteed him this right.

However, your company decided to disregard the law and instead immediately fired Simon. When Simon asked why, he said your ranch supervisor told him, "He was tired of me, that I caused him many problems."

Your response is not only against the law, it's just plain wrong. I join thousands of others in demanding that you immediately rehire Simon San German and pay him back pay for the time he missed.