- published: 05 Nov 2014
- views: 34110
Godsend is a 2004 American/Canadian thriller film, and is directed by Nick Hamm. The score is by Brian Tyler.
Paul and Jessie Duncan (Greg Kinnear and Rebecca Romijn) are a happily married couple who have an eight-year-old son named Adam (Cameron Bright). The day after his eighth birthday, when fetching a basketball he was given into the street, Adam is killed in a collision. While leaving a church, Jessie and Paul are confronted by Dr. Richard Wells (Robert De Niro), an old professor of Jessie's. He offers to clone Adam, an illegal procedure which would require a change of location and identity, to which the Duncans reluctantly agree. Everything appears to be fine with the new Adam until he reaches his eighth birthday. That night, he experiences a violent nightmare. Richard explains to Paul that it is typical for boys his age to have night terrors, and that it is not serious. He explains that because Adam II has reached the age at which the original Adam died, his life cannot be predicted anymore. From that moment on, Adam II continues to have night terrors until they become visions and he starts having them when he's wide awake, losing control of his actions.
Godsend (2004) - Trailer
2004 Godsend
Godsend 2004 HD Trailer
Godsend (2004) Trailer
Godsend Trailer HD
Godsend (2004) Full Movie
Godsend (2004) polski dubbing
Godsend TV Spots HD
Godsend (2004) Full Movie
El enviado (Godsend) - Trailer español
The Godsend Official Trailer #1 (1980)
Godsend , experience interdite
The Godsend 1980 1080p BluRay x264
Godsend FULL ''MOVIE 2004
Godsend: Kinnear & Romijn movie trailer from cheapflix
Godsend - Trailer
ADAM Cloned! Two "8" Year Birthdays [88] In 2004 "GODSEND"
GODSEND " Slaydream "
Godsend (2004) -Full Movie HD
Na het verliezen van hun kind, wordt een echtpaar aangesproken door een dokter die hun kan helpen hun zoon terug te brengen.
In Theaters: 2 July 2004 (UK) After their young son, Adam (Bright), is killed in an accident, a couple (Kinnear, Romijn-Stamos) approach an expert (De Niro) in stem cell research about bringing him back to life through an experimental and illegal cloning and regeneration process. When Adam comes back to them, however, he's.. different... Genre:Horror/Thriller Director:Nick Hamm Cast:Greg Kinnear, Rebecca Romijn, Robert De Niro
SUBSCRIBE: Listen on Spotify: Buy on iTunes: A sunlit Robbie . Godsend (2004) Movie. An English family of six takes in a pregnant woman who disappears shortly after giving birth. They raise the baby girl as their own, but over the years the strange .
In Theaters: 2 July 2004 (UK) After their young son, Adam (Bright), is killed in an accident, a couple (Kinnear, Romijn-Stamos) approach an expert (De Niro) in stem cell research about bringing him back to life through an experimental and illegal cloning and regeneration process. When Adam comes back to them, however, he's.. different... Genre:Horror/Thriller Director:Nick Hamm Cast:Greg Kinnear, Rebecca Romijn, Robert De Niro
A couple agree https://lovesongmovie3.blogspot.com/11058/.html to have their deceased son cloned under the supervision of an enigmatic doctor, but bizarre things start to happen years after his rebirth.
Año: 2004 Actores: Greg Kinnear, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Robert De Niro Sinopsis: Paul y Jessie Duncan (Greg Kinnear, Rebecca Romjin-Stamos) han perdido a su querido hijo de 8 años Adam (Cameron Bright) en un trágico accidente. Cuando están con los preparativos del entierro, el Dr. Richard Wells (Robert De Niro) se les acerca con la increíble oferta de clonar y traerles de vuelta a su hijo. El matrimonio acepta, a pesar de las obvias cuestiones legales, éticas y morales que se les plantea en este faustiano pacto con el Dr. Wells. La tentación es enorme. El secretismo que se les demanda es insignificante en comparación con el hecho de que su hijo tenga otra vez la oportunidad de crecer. La pareja entonces se traslada a la pequeña población de Riverton, lugar donde está la impresionante clíni...
Check out the official trailer for The Godsend. Grab The Outing/The Godsend Double Feature Blu-ray at https://www.shoutfactory.com/film/film-horror/the-outing-the-godsend-double-feature THE OUTING (AKA The Lamp) 1987 / New HD Transfer! An ancient genie is released from a lamp when thieves ransack an old woman's house. They are killed and the lamp is sent to a museum to be studied. The curator's daughter is soon possessed by the genie and invites her friends to spend the night at the museum, along with some uninvited guests. THE GODSEND 1980 / New HD Transfer! When a strange woman has her baby at the Marlowe's house, then disappears, Kate Marlowe is forced to keep the baby, Bonnie. She loves the child, but when her own children are systematically killed, suspicion turns to Bonnie.
Résumé : Traumatisés par l'assassinat de leur fils Adam le jour de ses huit ans, Jessie et Paul se tournent vers le docteur Richard Wells pour tenter l'impossible. Dans une tentative désespérée pour retrouver en vie leur enfant, le couple fait appel à la recherche génétique et parvient à obtenir un clone. Pour eux, le miracle semble acquis et le "nouvel" Adam grandit, heureux, jusqu'à son huitième anniversaire... Soudain assailli de rêves horribles, le jeune garçon n'est plus lui-même. En proie à de terribles et inexplicables , il semble développer une toute autre personnalité que la sienne. Pour Jessie et Paul, c'est le début du pire des cauchemars...
The trials of parenthood are at the forefront of this murky horror effort that recalls 1970s child-possession hits like AUDREY ROSE ('77) and The EXORCIST ('73). Inner-city school teacher Paul (Greg Kinnear) and his wife Jessica (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) are distraught after losing their eight-year-old son David (Cameron Bright) in an accident. At the funeral, Jessica's old science professor Dr. Wells (Robert Deniro) offers them a chance to rebuild their lives: a mansion in the country near his DNA clinic, a private school teaching job for Paul, and an exact clone of their dead son. Sworn to secrecy and facing all sorts of moral issues, the grief-stricken couple accepts Wells' offer. All goes well until the new David passes the age he previously died, then comes ghostly visions of burning ch...
When Jessie (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) and Paul’s (Greg Kinnear) eight year old son Adam is tragically killed on his birthday, Richard (Robert De Niro), a doctor on the forefront of genetic research, befriends his former student Jessie and her husband at the height of their mourning. He leads the couple in a desperate attempt to reverse the rules of nature and clone their son. The experiment is successful and under Richard’s watchful eye, Adam grows into a healthy and happy young boy, until his 8th birthday, when the new Adam begins to suffer from night terrors and horrific flashbacks and a sinister new personality begins to emerge.
Under a veil of hate and sorrow
They struggle to survive
Doomed in eternal suffering
Praying for freedom
Betrayed by their own kind
Now living in madness
An ancient hero is still to be risen
An ancient god known only by the few
In these times they must be strong
For the cry for help has been heard
From the shadow of the past long forgotten
Rises forth an ancient hero in all his glory
Like a godsend he will lead the people into victory
The enemy shall bow to his unholy feet
Gather up all my sons for now you will prevail
The time has come to make them pay
Strike them with all your might and your land will be free
The bards will sing of your bravery
An ancient hero is still to be risen
An ancient god known only by the few
In these times they must be strong
For the cry for help has been heard
From the shadow of the past long forgotten
Rises forth an ancient hero in all his glory
Like a godsend he will lead the people into victory
The enemy shall bow to his unholy feet
From the shadow of the past long forgotten
Rises forth an ancient hero in all his glory
Like a godsend he will lead the people into victory