Bobby the Chihuahua is living proof that love knows no bounds. And sometimes life is like a Disney movie.

Bobby was just 2 days old when his mother was struck and killed by a car. But rather than give up on the tiny pup, the Michigan Humane Society stepped in and found him a foster family — in a litter of kittens.

“They had a mom cat who was nursing and we thought ... that we would see if this puppy would go along with these guys and if mommy cat would treat him as her own,” Faith O’Georgia, a customer service representative at the organization, said in a video. “And it actually worked.”

Bobby’s new mom is a cat named Gwen, who had just given birth to a brood of her own. Bobby was brought into the Berman Center for Animal Care in Westland where Gwen and her kittens were already staying. It seemed like a good idea to pair them up, and thanks to a hunch the pup was successfully introduced to the bunch.

The cuddly group can be seen in a video on the Michigan Humane Society’s Facebook page, nursing with mom, playing with cat toys and sleeping in a warm and happy-looking pile.

"You've heard stories in the past and you see it in nature sometimes," said Ryan McTigue, a spokesman for the Michigan Humane Society. "It's really astounding when interspecies animals take care of each other."

The pup is now 5 weeks old and thriving with his blended family. They’ve been spending time in a foster home receiving specialized care.

Bobby and his kitten siblings will remain in foster care for several more weeks until they are bigger. And then they can all be adopted, mama included, into new homes.

But before that happens, Bobby will spend some time with a canine foster family, so he can learn how to act like a dog. But anyone who adopts him can be certain that he will still be cat-friendly.

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