Gamera the Brave, released in Japan as Young Braves of Gamera (小さき勇者たち~ガメラ~, Chiisaki Yūsha-tachi ~Gamera~), is a kaiju film released in 2006, produced by Kadokawa Pictures. This is the twelfth Gamera film and the first produced by Kadokawa Pictures after they purchased a percentage of the remaining assets of Daiei Motion Picture Company, the original company responsible for the Gamera films.
Gamera self-destructed to destroy several Gyaos in 1973, the tale picks up thirty three years later, when the son of one of the survivors of that incident finds an unusual egg, from which a baby turtle hatches. The boy, Toru, raises the creature, quickly realizing it as remarkable in that it hovers and breathes fire. The creature quickly outgrows the house, is relocated by Toru and his friends to maintain secrecy, and then disappears.
Concurrently, many shipping disasters occur in the area, the cause of which is the kaiju Zedus (ジーダス), which soon thereafter rampages through the city. It corners Toru and his friends, but the boy's former pet, now significantly larger, intercedes. The young Gamera is wounded in the fight and captured by government officials, who hook the creature up to a machine which infuses it with liquid derived from mysterious red stones found in the vicinity of egg, and which scientists theorize gives Gameras their power.
Twisted mind, twisted Face
There's no rest, endless Race
It's too late to save your Face
From the twisted sons of Hate
In your brain, the vein of Pain
Causes you to twist your Face
Velocity, accelerate
Pressure builds, burning Strain
Mirror skiing for the answer
Your face a twisted Mess
Speeding faster, never Slowing
You know there's no rest
Feel the Rush, urgency
Methamphetamine, can't be Freed
Feel your Heart beat faster faster
Never ending Thrust
Feel your Skull begin to Crush
Your Brain turns into Mush
Crank it up, smell the Rage
Locked within, Cage of Death
Can't slow down, no time to Rest
No way to end this Chase
Your twisted Face, your burning Nose
You die a fucking Disgrace
Twisted Mind, Twisted Face
There's no rest, endless Race
It's too late to save your Face
From the twisted Sons of Hate
In your Brain, the Vein of Pain
Causes you to twist your Face
Velocity, Accelerate
Pressure builds, burning Strain
Mirror skiing for the Answer
Your face a twisted Mess
Speeding faster, never slowing
You know there's no Rest
Twisted Face
Twisted Face