Open letter to all brands sourcing from Cambodia

Open letter to all brands sourcing from Cambodia

22-03-2016 11:50

Clean Clothes Campaign published an open letter to all brands in Cambodia to publicly support freedom of association and independent unions in Cambodia. We call upon the brands, representatives for H&M, Inditex, C&A, Levi Strauss, Marks & Spencer, Tchibo, Primark and other brands to widely disseminate a public support statement, for a Trade Union Law which fully complies with ILO Conventions 87 and 98 as a condition for future sourcing from the country.

Labour groups demand H&M deliver "safety conscious" fashion

Labour groups demand H&M deliver "safety conscious" fashion

07-04-2016 09:30

Labour rights groups in Europe, Bangladesh and North America are today launching a call for consumers to participate in a global day of action on May 3rd. The protests, which will coincide with H&M’s 2016 Annual General Meeting in Solna, Sweden, will demand H&M finally keep its promises to make its Bangladeshi supplier factories safe. A review of corrective action plans relating to 32 of H&M’s strategic suppliers, carried out this week, shows that the majority of these factories still lack adequate fire exits nearly three years after H&M committed to improve working conditions by signing the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety.

Mizuno denies support to unfairly dismissed Indonesian workers

Mizuno denies support to unfairly dismissed Indonesian workers

07-03-2016 16:55

Japanese sports brand Mizuno, celebrating its 110th anniversary this year, continues to refuse to help 346 Indonesian workers who were unfairly dismissed after a strike in 2012. Some of the women, who have been working for years on Mizuno sportswear, lost their homes and families after the company producing for Mizuno sacked them. Adidas, another buyer at the factory at the time, also refuses to support the workers.

European garment workers face forced overtime and poverty wages

02-02-2016 10:40

The text “Made in Europe” on a label is frequently perceived as a guarantee of good working conditions in the production of garments. However, two new country researches of Clean Clothes Campaign into working conditions in Poland and the Czech Republic show that workers in the garment industry in the European Union get poverty wages and are confronted with forced overtime which sometimes goes unpaid.

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Global Wage Forum confirms living wage as core human right

12-10-2015 23:30

On the first day of the Living Wage Forum in Brussels, bringing together workers, labour leaders, academics and members of the CCC global Network, the right to a living wage was confirmed as a human right. At the forum, organised by Clean Clothes Campaign and held between 12 and 14 October, more than 200 workers, brands, policy makers and campaigners come together to commit to implement a living wage for all garment workers.

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Take action to make H&M factories safe!

Brands care about their image. Over and over again they therefore promise us to improve their supply chain, but what are those promises worth?

Help us to put them to the test. Call upon H&M to create safe factories in Bangladesh, by sending them a letter and joining a demonstration on May 3rd, 2016 in front of your local H&M store!

Who We Are

The Clean Clothes Campaign is dedicated to improving working conditions and supporting the empowerment of workers in the global garment and sportswear industries.

We educate and mobilise consumers, lobby companies and governments, and offer direct solidarity support to workers as they fight for their rights and demand better working conditions.

We work with a global network of partners, always according to our principles and with a strong belief that empowering women is key to improving lives.

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