Saturday, October 09, 2010



A recent Labour Board decision has certified a Wal-Mart in Gatineau Québec as the second unionized Wal-Mart on the North American continent. The only other location now represented by a union is also in Québec in St. Hyacinthe. Previous attempts to unionize Wal-Mart in Québec and in locations as far afield as Texas and Weyburn Saskatchewan have been beaten back either legally or by the expedient of simply closing the outlet affected.

The latter is both a favoured threat and a favoured action on the part of Wal-Mart management. The largest example of this was when Wal-Mart decided to withdraw from the whole German market rather than tolerate unions in its stores in that country. The only country where Wal-Mart is happy to coexist with a unionized workforce is...China. In China's case the "union" is, of course, the official government controlled federation which takes its marching orders from the Communist Party. Nothing could be plainer in pointing out the ideological affinity of neo-conservative managerialism and it communist counterpart. Two sides of one coin.

This Board decision may benefit the workers involved only marginally as the wage increases stipulated were only minimal, and the biggest issue, the use and abuse of the part time system, remained outside the Board's decision. Still it shows that even the Wal-Mart colossus is not invulnerable. It is a shame that the unions involved in Wal-Mart organizing are not imbued with at least a minimum of the internationalism and industrial unionism of the anarcho-syndicalist unions or revolutionary syndicalist unions such as the IWW. Things would go much better then.

Be that as it may if you want to follow the misdeeds of Wal-Mart in more detail Molly can suggest the following sites: Wake Up Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart Watch. It`s almost a classic 'Perils of Pauline' series complete with evil top-hatted capitalist. A refreshing old fashioned morality play in an age when the corporate rulers more often than not adopt fuzzy "progressive" and "new age" public personae. Here`s the story from the CBC.
Quebec Wal-Mart workers get rare union deal
Only one other North American Wal-Mart has a collective agreement

CBC News
The contract covers more than 150 employees at the store on Boulevard du Plateau in Gatineau. (CBC) Workers at a Wal-Mart store in Gatineau, Que., have won a new collective agreement, only the second at any Wal-Mart store in North America — but not everyone is celebrating.

A government arbitrator imposed the agreement, after negotiations between the union and retailer were judged to be going nowhere.

The contract covers more than 150 employees at the store on Boulevard du Plateau. It took three years for the United Food and Commercial Workers to unionize the store, and another two years to get the contract.

"We had a first assembly last night to present the first collective agreement that was imposed by the Labour Board of Quebec," said union member Matthieu Allard.

He said the collective agreement gives employees a grievance process, recognizes statutory holidays and considers seniority in determining working hours.

Wages will go up 30 cents an hour this year, and another 30 cents next year. None of the employees, however, would say how much an hour they make now.

The arbitrator modeled it on the contract at the Wal-Mart in St-Hyacinthe, Que., the only other store with such an agreement.

"It might not have been as much as we could have gained in a normal negotiation process, but it's a definite step forward," Allard said.

Some employees at the store think otherwise.

In the parking lot outside the store, Denise Barre said she and her coworkers are disappointed with a 30-cent-an-hour raise, especially when it means paying union dues.

She said only 13 of the 150 employees went to Wednesday night's meeting with the union, which she says shows employees aren't interested.

Barre said she doesn't need this contract.

She said Wal-Mart treats her well and gives her benefits.

In a statement, the company also pointed out that the arbitrator found its wages competitive with other retailers, and adopted the wage scale Wal-Mart proposed.

The union said employees at the store were concerned by Wal-Mart's previous actions at unionized stores, but the Gatineau location is busy, and they hope Wal-Mart will not close it

In 2005, Wal-Mart closed a store in Jonquiere, Que., days before an arbitrator imposed a contract for its employees. The employees took Wal-Mart to court over the closure but lost their case.

In 2008, Wal-Mart also closed a tire shop on Maloney Boulevard in Gatineau after its employees received union certification.

The new agreement has a start date back in 2008, which means the union will be back to negotiating next year.

Read more:

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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Molly has to admit that the following strikes me as more than slightly strange, but it was sent my way so here goes. Aren't "vegan" and "fashion" redundant if they appear in the same sentence ? To each their own.
2010 Montreal World Vegan Day Fashion Show
Time Monday, November 1 · 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Location Theatre Corona
2490 Rue Notre-Dame Ouest,
Montreal, QC

Created By CARA Concordia Animal Rights Association


More Info
Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) in association with La Vegan En Rose is proud to present the 2010 Montreal World Vegan Day Fashion Show!

On November 1st join us at Theatre Corona for an evening of cutting edge and cruelty-free couture, musical entertainment, silent auctions and gourmet vegan catering. All proceeds go directly to help animals.

Hosted by: Georges Laraque
Special Guest: Whale Wars star/Sea Shepherd member, Laurens de Groot

visit for more info

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Sunday, September 19, 2010




Cause Commune est le journal de l'Union Communiste Libertaire du Québec. Voici l'annonce du lancement de numéro 29. Cause Commune is the journal of the Union Communiste of Québec. Here is the announcement of the launch of issue number 29.

Lancement du Cause Commune #29 Spécial Budget
Time Wednesday, September 22 · 7:00pm - 11:30pm

Location Cheval Blanc, 809 Ontario Est


More Info

L'Union Communiste Libertaire vous invite au lancement du 29e numéro de son journal Cause Commune à la Brasserie le Cheval Blanc. Ce numéro est spécialement dédié au dernier budget du gouvernement Charest, les fausses et les vraies alternatives ainsi que la lutte qui reste à finir pour contrer les mesures néfastes.

Venez discuter de tout ça avec nous et prendre votre exemplaire du journal.
Launch of Common Cause # 29 Budget Special

Time Wednesday, September 22 · 7:00 pm - 11:30 pm


Location Cheval Blanc, 809 Ontario East


More Info
The Libertarian Communist Union invites you to launch of the 29th edition of its journal Common Cause at the White Horse Tavern. This issue is specially dedicated to the Charest government's last budget, the false and real alternatives and the struggle that remains in the end to counter the adverse measures.

Come discuss everything with us and pick up your copy of the newspaper.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Always in search of new sources of underpaid migrant labour to exploit agribusiness in Québec has finalized a deal with a new source- Honduras. Here's the story from the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW).

Federal Government Asked to Intervene After Quebec Agribusiness Owners
Cut a Deal With Honduras Under Federal Temporary Foreign Workers Program
Migrant agricultural workers from Honduras began toiling in Quebec fields this week, after a Quebec farm lobby group and Honduran officials cut a deal to bring the workers to Canada under the federal government's controversial Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) program. The TFW program provides no oversight to prevent the abuse of foreign workers contracted to Canadian employers, yet it is a program the federal government has aggressively been expanding by the tens of thousands of workers.

"The TFW program is the federal government's "Exploitation Express" that delivers migrant workers to Canada as a vulnerable and disposable work force," says Wayne Hanley, the national president of UFCW Canada - the country's largest private sector union.

"The collusion between the farm lobby and the governments is not only appalling, but an assault on the rights and safety of precarious workers who are fired and shipped out if they voice any concerns."

While the newly arrived Honduran workers do have visas and a work permits, the employment contract they are forced to sign clearly states that Canada "has no power to intervene or ensure the contract is enforced" in case of dismissal, abuse or exploitation.

The abuse of migrant workers under TFW program was recently in the news after UFCW Canada and community allies launched a campaign to denounce the nefarious living and working conditions of migrant Guatemalan farm workers. For a number of years workers from Guatemala have been brought to Canada under TFW contracts that force them to sign away some of their basic workplace rights to get the job and keep it.

Yet in spite of the well documented problems with the TFW program, the federal government has begun discussions, along with industrial agriculture lobbyists, to "harmonize" the system; potentially allowing employers even less supervision, as well as passing housing and transportation costs that are now paid for by employers onto the workers.

"The TFW program absolutely has to change," says Hanley, "but what's going on here is the private sector, behind closed doors, calling the shots on employment and immigration policy."

"The abuse has to end - not increase. That will only happen with an open and just public review and reform of the programs that bring temporary workers to Canada," said the UFCW Canada national leader.

"Whether workers come from Honduras, Mexico, the Caribbean, Guatemala, Thailand, the Philippines or other sending countries, the story is the same. They are forced to surrender their human and workplace rights at the border in order to work here. The federal government would say it's not so but a public review would definitely show otherwise."

UFCW Canada has been an ally and advocate for migrant agricultural workers in Canada for more than three decades, and in association with the Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA) operates ten agriculture worker support centres across Canada.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010



As August 30 draws nearer so does the deadline for a general strike in Québec's construction sector. As of today no further talks have been scheduled before the deadline. Whether the strike will actually happen or if it will be called off by a last minute deal like last May's construction strike in Manitoba is still in doubt. In the interim the unions involved (part of a five union common front) are mainly engaged in the tried and true tactics of on the job action such as work to rule, refusing overtime and taking all allowed breaks.

In the end these tactics may exert more pressure than the threat of a general strike which, as the writer of the piece below notes, would be rapidly legislated back to work. The delay since the opening of negotiations last fall in coming to a contract may possibly be due to employer intransigence. This suspicion is reinforced by what is also noted below, that any new contract will not be retroactive. In other words every minute of delay adds more to the construction company profits, and the companies involved would only soften their stance at the last possible moment to avoid serious disruption.

What can be done in such situations ? It may make me unpopular amongst "radical" circles, but it seems obvious to me that the possible general strike is almost certain to fail due to back to work legislation. That fact should be clearly pointed out, and the usual leftist cheerleading for "general strikes" should be muted. Not every such strike is a victory, and they often result in great defeats. And no such defeats do not necessarily "build militancy", let alone radicalism. At the same time the die has been cast, and Québec construction workers now have little choice but to go ahead with the strike unless the bosses back down. What should have been done long ago is the present pressure tactics at the actual job sites. A few days of such things actually costs the bosses far more than an ephemeral general strike that is rapidly legislated out of existence.

But that is a lesson for the future not for now. The following article is from the Québec City Voix De Faits blog, the blog of the QC section of the platformist Union Communiste Libertaire. The original French version can be read at that site. Molly takes full responsibility for any translation errors that the following may contain.
Outline of the situation in Quebec.
Since January 2010, construction workers in Quebec have been working without a contract . Nevertheless , as many bosses as unions had announced in October 2009 , exemplary negotiations that would be settled by the due date of collective agreements. Practically nine months later , workers in shipyards have yet signed agreements and the situation is becoming increasingly tense .

What we should not lose sight of here is that the concept of " retroactivity " as if logic and common in the public service do not apply . Each day that passes represents several thousands of dollars of economic savings in the pockets of the bosses. In short , for almost nine months, the pressure tactics are one way : towards workers .

Recently , the unions began a common front in negotiations , all five represented in the construction field are involved this time , and began to implement a plan of pressure tactics voted for in a general assembly of the members present . Of course , for anyone coming from other areas of work , it is rather suspicious to see stewards on hand in the workplace asking members to leave. We must not forget, however, that construction is a sector that is excessively scattered over the territory and that is the only effective way to spread the word.

The media always refers to two or three " honest workers "who say they are not aware of all this is happening and that they felt " intimidated " or even " forced " to leave the targeted sites . First , ignorance of the current situation of these workers is their own fault as there are regular union meetings where it is possible for everyone involved to be informed. Then , all construction workers , including supervisors , are unionized and union representatives are equipped with cell phones reachable all week and just waiting to answer questions from their members . In terms of bullying , it is a little or nothing at all. On the site , workers present are not in the habit of being four and a half feet tall and weighing120 pounds . In short , of course, if a " union team " landed on construction sites, they are often large and heavy fellows , but they do not raise their voices except when necessary ( eg confrontation with employers or workers who are anti union ) . In short , we must take cognizance of the existence of these cases , but it is not necessary to make a big deal as in the mass media where one can see the boss' petticoat sticking out .

Employer Demands

The employer demands follow an inexorable logic exceedingly common in the capitalism of the twenty-first century : flexibility and deregulation . We want more hours working on construction sites with less overtime paid accordingly (time and a half , double time , etc. .) . We demand the elimination of many benefits deemed " unproductive " . These benefits can range from those called " team leaders "( a bit like a small foreman ) to work at night or in special conditions .

The bosses also want the best value for their money , otherwise there will be less of it coming into their pockets and that, that is the enemy of the bourgeois class . In this context, they want to cut down on operating costs directly related to the workforce . They want to cut the compensation offered for accommodation on remote sites , stretching the concept of the territorial zone of workers (a worker in the region of Quebec can not go, exceptions , and work in Abitibi) and in the industrial sector , begin to pay the worker only when physically present on the worksite . Thus one is left to go to different checkpoints for minutes or even hours, on his own time .

Basically, the employers' logic is simple: we want to increase competitiveness through deregulation, a reduction of wage costs and increased flexibility of the workforce . In short , they are quietly approached the model of employment in a fast food restaurant . Simply , the rules of collective agreements apply to all of Quebec , so we can immediately ask what the bosses want to really mean by 'competitiveness'.

Union demands

For the workers' representatives , the situation is quite different. They are asking to tighten the rules in connection with the territories of the workers, increase the premiums that employers consider "non-productive ", and to improve the concept of financial compensation for accommodation on remote sites . In short , as usual, the bosses and the workers both pull up the covers of their sides hoping to improve their lots.

It's a bit simplistic , but in terms of brevity and to avoid annoying repetitions , take the demands of the employers listed above and reversing them you get roughly the trade union positions.

The logic of the trade unions is also quite different. It is assumed that the construction market is moving in a "closed" way , that is to say that everyone should work by the same rules in Quebec , which eliminates the logic of competitiveness so dear to employers . In short , when the logic behind the demands are the opposite, do not expect the demands to be in close proximity to each other.

Interestingly , the issue of wages is hardly the order of the day!

Critique of the unions

We live in a system that leaves little room for radicalism , let alone anti-capitalism . So do not be surprised to see the central claim to be merely to improve conditions for workers under the current economic mode of production and no more.

Also , the construction environment is an area where everyone is unionized with no other choice but to settle down in one of five union centrals present . This leads to the perverse effect of disconnecting the unions from the unionized . General meetings are not held and efforts to attract the union members are hardly massive.

The centrals over time and except when negotiating collective agreements or filing grievances , seem like nothing more than service centers . There's even a central that looks more like a general store than a union , but this is not the subject of this text here. Obviously , it is the members who make their unions and it is they who must take action, but the absence of the option of organizing themselves has the perverse result of having an amorphous mass that is more reluctant to pay more for dues than anything else.

Finally, from a libertarian perspective , one could also wonder why one does not seek to change the very framework of functioning and take up, for example, a sort of anarcho -syndicalism, but that would be to live in a bubble, to ignore the society around us and to believe that the current trade unions have any revolutionary fervor .

The general strike?

It is effectively this option that is scheduled for late August , at the same time as it will nine months that construction workers are working without contracts and the bosses have saved millions of dollars in salaries .

This way of action will be hard , but will certainly be short. One of the major employers is the Québec state , especially roads. It should be understood that the four different sectors currently negotiating will return to work at the same time , even if only three out of four have agreements on principle .

This labor solidarity is good to see, but it will also certainly lead to a blow from the state expressed no doubt as a government decree that would force a return to work . In principle , workers should not admit defeat without at least trying to push , but also in principle, the Government will play its role in class struggle and will help its natural ally, the employers.

Meanwhile, workers continue to demonstrate their anger by randomly deserting work sites in the province one day at a time . Thus , legal or not , these means of pressure expressing the workers' anger will continue for a few weeks and , hopefully , will make the employers compliant before the end of the month .

* * *

The author is a construction worker who is active in the UCL and his union.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010



As those arrested at the G20 protests are gradually being released or charged solidarity for their situation is growing across Canada. It may be that the federal Conservative government has made a grievous miscalculation in their plans, both in holding the summit in downtown Toronto which a majority of Canadians disapproved of, especially considering the cost, and then in authorizing the mass arrests that seemed targeted at everyone but the small group of rioters. Given the fact that the Canadian population was quite divided about the protests to begin with and the fact that few if any arrests were made of actual rioters while numerous ordinary citizens unconnected with the protests were scooped up and held in cages it is likely that the consequences for the show of force may rebound on the heads of the Harperites. Questions about police tactics during the initial riots are revolving around whether it was deliberate or not that police cars and a section of downtown Toronto were left for the rioters to play with.

Meanwhile solidarity rallies for those arrested are being held in many cities across eastern Canada. Here's a rundown from the Ontario platformist group Common Cause.
The fight back is on!
Solidarity with the Toronto 900 rallies organized across the country

All out against police brutality and in solidarity with the Toronto 900!

A protest outside police headquarters in every city!

June 30, 2010 in Hamilton
5:00pm at Hamilton Police Headquarters
155 King William Street

June 30, 2010 in London
6:00 pm at London Police Headquarters
601 Dundas St (Dundas and Adelaide)

June 30, 2010 in Windsor
6:00pm at Windsor Police Headquarters
150 Goyeau Street

June 30, 2010 in Ottawa
7pm at 474 Elgin Street (Ottawa Police Station)

July 1, 2010 in Montreal
1pm carré Phillips,
St. Catherine

The events of the past week in Toronto have been unprecedented in Canadian history. Over 900 people were arrested, the biggest mass arrests ever in Canada, for daring to protest against the destructive policies of the G20.

Protesters and local residents were subjected to violent baton attacks, snatch squads, tear gas and rubber bullets. Sleeping people have been pulled from their homes at gunpoint in the middle of the night. Many have been beaten. People who have been arrested have been strip-searched and held in cages, facing long delays in obtaining legal support. We have heard numerous accounts of sexual abuse by police from women who were arrested. Journalists have been punched, arrested and had their equipment broken.

On the streets of Toronto, the mask of “liberal democracy” has slipped off and the police reminded us of the State's willingness to use blatant violence against its own population in the face of popular dissent. And thanks to citizen journalists, the alternative media and even some in the corporate media, the truth of what happened in Toronto is slowly emerging.

In order to make sure that the actions of the police state are fully exposed, we must keep up the pressure on the police and the government.

We must also publicly demonstrate our solidarity with all those arrested so that they are released as quickly as possible and charges are dropped against all those caught up in the net of the police state.

In Toronto, solidarity rallies outside detention centres and police stations are already taking place. But just as police forces from across the province converged on Toronto for the G20, so our resistance must spread out from the epicentre of oppression to every corner of the province.

Common Cause thus calls on all those concerned to take the fight back across the province and across the country.

Starting this Wednesday, June 30, we are calling for solidarity rallies outside police headquarters in as many cities as possible.

Our message will be clear:

Free the Toronto 900!

Fight back against the police state! We are putting you under surveillance!

Build the resistance against the G20! Build the resistance against austerity!

Build the general strike!

Common Cause
To add your rally to the list or to send pictures from rallies, please email us at Media may also use the same email address to contact us. Check our website for regular updates on rallies in your city.

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Tuesday, May 04, 2010




Numero 28 de 'Cause Commune' de l'UCL du Québec est maintenant disponible sur le web. Voice l'avis de Voix De Fait. /Number 28 of Cause Commune from the UCL of Québec is available on the web. Here`s the news from Voix De Faits.
Cause commune no 28

Le numéro 28 de Cause commune, le journal de l'Union communiste libertaire (UCL), est maintenant disponible sur le web.

3500 exemplaires papier de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantes et des militants libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Vous pouvez soumettre un texte ou nous faire part de vos commentaires en écrivant à Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de l’UCL le plus près de chez-vous (voir la liste sur

Au sommaire du numéro 28:

Budget antisocial - Il faut faire reculer le gouvernement!

L’anarchie de A à Z - X comme... XXX

Il y a 40 ans en Italie, l'automne chaud de 1969

Camarade Michel Chartrand

Livre : Les Jacobins Noirs - Toussaint Louverture et la révolution de Saint-Domingue

Un monarque élu au Saguenay

Sur les lignes...

Du côté des patrons...
Cause commune no 28

No. 28 of Common Cause, the journal of the Libertarian Communist Union (UCL), is now available on the web.

3500 paper copies of this newspaper are distributed free by militant activists and libertarians, members of the organization or not. Common Cause wants to be a springboard for anarchist ideas, in support of resistance movements against the bosses, owners and their allies in government. You can submit a text or send us your comments by writing to . If you like the newspaper and want to help distribute in your community, contact the group at UCL nearest you (see list on ).

Contents of No. 28:

Antisocial Budget - We need to make the Government back off!

Anarchy A to Z - X as ... XXX

40 years ago in Italy, the hot autumn of 1969

Comrade Michel Chartrand

Book: The Black Jacobins - Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution

An elected monarch in Saguenay

On the lines ...

On the part of the bosses ...

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Monday, April 05, 2010




The other day this blog reported on the call from Loblaws employees in Sudbury for a boycott of the Loblaws wing of the Weston octopus/conglomerate.

The Weston empire seems to have more aliases than I have fingers, and one of them in Québec is called 'Provigo'. It also seems that whatever mask it wears the Weston empire is a particularly nasty piece of (fill in the blank ) to work for. Here's a story translated from the French Radio Canada about the Provigo distribution centre in Québec City managed to maneuver their way into locking out their employees as a sort of 'Easter Present'. The original in French is here. Here is a translation.


400 workers locked out
Photo: The Canadian Press / Jacques Boissinot

Provigo belongs to Loblaws.

Workers in the distribution center Provigo Park Armand-Viau Quebec, have been put on the street by their employer at midnight on the night of Friday to Saturday.

In a press release, the employer alleges that the union did not take its latest offering seriously , filed Wednesday, just hours before the expiry of the collective agreement.

The management of Provigo had given the CSN 48 hours to submit its proposal , called "final" to a vote. But the ultimatum went unanswered.

The union says that the period was too short to call 400 people at a special meeting in the middle of Easter weekend. They accused management of having planned closure.

The period is a pretext for the employer. For two weeks they transferred in volume. The contract ended on March 31 and 30, there were no more cases in the warehouse. There are no surprises. The intentions of the employer were to do a lockout.
- Dany Tremblay, president of the union

Members will vote next Wednesday on the employer's new offer. Provigo said it will maintain its proposal until that date, after which it will lapse.

The workers had rejected a previous by more than 99% two weeks ago, and voted for a strike mandate.

The talks foundered on sub-contracting, wages and working hours. The union workers demanded conditions similar to those offered by competitors such as Metro and IGA.

The management of Provigo supports taking steps to continue supplying the stores serviced by the warehouse, ie Loblaws, Provigo, Maxi and Intermarché in the east of the province.

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Friday, April 02, 2010




The recent Québec provincial budget is, of course, a nirror image of others that have been persented across in such provinces as Ontario and Manitoba. All across the couintry the powers that be hope to make ordinary people pay fo the deficit that will result from the recent corporate bailout. One wonders if the funds coukd have beeb better spent. Mean while in Québec people are not so pleased with the budget of their provincial government. Here`s an English translation of an article on the Voix De Faits blog. The original article in French is available at the Voix De Faits blog.

15 000 people against the budget in Montreal

On 1 April 2010 some 15,000 people filled the business district in Montreal at the invitation of more than 95 organizations of unions, feminists and students. Was this was the first stage of a unified response against the Liberal budget ? Only time will tell. In any case, it was a beautiful demonstration of the great popular procession type, very diverse , unified and combative (at least at the level of rhetoric...).

==> Our photojournalism

Text of leaflet distributed by the UCL

Against privatization and price increases:

We now know that in the budget tabled on March 30 by Minister Bachand introduced a host of measures, each one more regressive than the other. Only think of the establishment of new health fees and the sudden increase of the sales tax (QST). Rich people will do very well, as usual. Nothing in this budget calls into question their privilege and their little tricks to hide their money in tax shelters. Once again, it is us who are required to make the sacrifices.. Enough!

The worst is yet to come

Other measures, even more worrisome, are announced in this budget and will arrive later: health care billing based on use, further increases in tuition in 2012, a marked increase in electricity charges beginning in 2014 (3 7% per year until 2018). We have not come to the end of the tunnel, all the more as that there is no guarantee that the government won't add other rate increases to this list.

This budget custom made for large corporations and the ruling class, directly inspired by neoliberal ideology, also announced major cuts in public services ($ 15.4 billion in cuts over four years). While asking us to tighten our belts and pay more for reduced public services , the government reduced the tax burden on businesses, a move that will cost $ 729 million in 2010. After the end of the budget exercise, the effort asked of companies will be four times less than that required by "taxpayers". Thus, paper mills and aluminum smelters, two particularily energy hungry industrial sectors , will be spared from the rate hikes planned by the Government . And we continue to talk to us of equity and justice?

The crisis of capitalism on the backs of the working class

By increasing rates and introducing in the coming years a so-called "user fee" in the health system, the Liberal government adjusts itself to the global economic crisis. It tries to raise the budget of the state by first picking our pockets. Of course, no question of touching the advantages accorded to the rich. We know the song: if you tax companies more, they will move elsewhere. As wage earners, we are held hostage by the wheels of the economy where capital makes its own law. The state, in complete fidelity to the private sector completed the job by throwing on the backs of the people the burden of the deficit generated by the crisis of the capitalist system.

Redistributing wealth, beginning the response

A tax system even one more "progressive" will not fundamentally solve the unequal division of wealth in our society. Ultimately, to definitively resolve this problem, we must take the riches that the bosses and leaders have stolen. It is necessary to consider ways to free ourselves collectively, once and for all, from domination by the capitalists, by a takeover of our workplaces and self management of the means of production. True social justice can not be summarized as a tax credit even "solidarity"; it must come about through economic and social equality.

For now, we must fight together, shoulder to shoulder to defeat this government. We can roll back the Liberals, especially in terms of the measures announced in the medium term. There is public discontent with this government and its shenanigans. But to succeed, we need a broad movement, united and combative, ready to begin the showdown with the State, as was the case in 2003 (organized labor) and 2005 (student movement). We must also learn from our mistakes, notably in not allowing union leaders to set aside more radical agendas and initiatives (including the perspective of a comprehensive general strike). It is not by dialogue and working together that we can make the government bend, but by creating relations of strength. By submitting this budget, the government declared war on us. As always, the State has chosen sides in the class struggle. It is time to build ours.

The demonstration on April 1 is an important step in this direction, but the change must continue. Workers, students, retirees or unemployed: we are all attacked by these anti-social policies. And it's together that we must respond.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010



Since last Monday laid off workers at the AbitibiBowater plant in Beaupré Québec began a blockade of the mill that they say they will maintain until they get severance pay due to them. the blockade prevents the company from removing equipment and materials from the plant. The blockade is still on. Here`s the story from the CBC.
Abitibi workers to maintain blockade
The 300 hundred employees of the AbitibiBowater paper mill in Beaupré say they will maintain a blockade at the plant, north of Quebec City, until they get their severance pay.

The workers, who said they are owed a total of $12 million, set up a trailer blocking the road leading into the mill on Monday.

The severance pay is required according to the workers collective agreement, said union local president Mario Leclerc.

The workers are owed between $40,000 to $60,000 each, said Leclerc.

The company cannot afford to make the payments, because it is under bankruptcy protection, said AbitibiBowater spokesman Pierre Choquette.

Each worker must file a request for compensation through the court-appointed bankruptcy trustee, he said.

"Already a package has been sent to them with forms, and all of these forms have to be completed by each of the employees, with the amount according to their personal situation," said Choquette.

The deadline for the forms to be submitted is April 7, he said.

Leclerc, however, said the workers have already submitted their claims.

The barricade will stay put until the workers are offered the full amount of their severance packages, he said.
Agreement with union
AbitibiBowater announced plans to shut down its Beaupré plant and to suspend operations at three other Canadian plants in September.

The company blamed the move on a worldwide drop in demand for all types of paper.

Earlier this month, AbitibiBowater reached a tentative deal with its union that could allow the company to emerge from bankruptcy protection.

The agreement, which includes concessions from workers, is currently going through the ratification process. Pension regulators in Quebec and Ontario must also give their nod.

The company has been operating under creditor protection in both Canada and the United States for almost a year. It filed to restructure after struggling amid slumping newsprint demand and debts approaching $5 billion.

Here's some relevant comment translated from the french at the Voix De Faits blog in Québec City.

Factory Blockade In Beaupré
According to regional media, hundreds of AbitibiBowwater workers have been blockading the entrance to the Beaupré plant since 6am this morning. The blockade is to prevent the company from leaving with the factory's equipment. The most recent report said that about twenty persons were still on the scene in the evening. Constant vigilance is maintained on the premises.

The factory is closed but the company still owes money to its former employees ($ 12 million in various bonuses!). As AbitibiBowater was placed under the protection of the Creditors Arrangement , the only guarantee that people have of the region to be paid one day is to prevent the dismantling of the machines. That is their ultimate balance of power.

The gesture is described by the symbolic local union president. It is indeed, however, direct action. Such blockades - sometimes embellished with threatening to destroy the material - have brought results around the world (from France to Ontario). Maybe it's not "legal" but it's perfectly legitimate! Don't let any piece go.

There's videos on the site of the LCN and Radio-Canada (The Sun also did a story on the subject).

Note that the resumption of the plant under capitalist control is very unlikely (but not for lack of trying, including a revitalization committee supported by local elites!). Strangely (!), Nobody seems to have thought about a relaunch under workers' control, as in Argentina, at least until the payment of sums due. An idea to consider?

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Sunday, March 21, 2010




Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal est le plus grand événement de son genre en Amérique du Nord. Cette nuit est la date limite pour les propositions pour d'ateliers. Voici l'avis et plus sur le Salon du livre.
The Montréal Anarchist Bookfair is the largest event of its kind in North America. Tonight is the deadline for proposals for workshops. Here's the notice and more about the Bookfair.
DIMANCHE à minuit: date limite pour les propositions d'ateliers‏
[English :]
[NOTEZ : La date limite pour la réception des propositions d'ateliers est le 21 MARS (à minuit). La date limite pour la réception des propositions de tables d'expositions, d'oeuvres d'art, de films et d'événements du Festival est le 1er AVRIL.]
À notez dans vos agendas
Les 29 et 30 MAI, 10h-17h
Au CEDA, 2515 Delisle
(tout près du métro Lionel-Groulx)
GRATUIT. Bienvenue à toutes et tous!
Ni dieux, ni maîtres; ni frontières, ni patrons!
Pour les anarchistes et ceux/celles qui s'intéressent à l'anarchisme.
-> Avec des distributeurs de partout au Québec et en Amérique du Nord, des ateliers, des films, des discussions, des expositions, des activités pour les enfants et bien plus !
-> Tout le mois de mai 2010: Le Festival de l'Anarchie avec différents évènements en divers lieux
-> NOTE: Pour le Salon du livre de cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant deux jours : les 29 (samedi) et 30 (dimanche) mai, entre 10h et 17h.
Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal (ainsi que le Festival de l'Anarchie) rassemble les idées et pratiques anarchistes, par les mots, les images, la musique, le théâtre et les luttes quotidiennes pour la justice, la dignité et la libération collective.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste s'adresse aux anarchistes, mais également à celles et ceux qui ne se considèrent pas nécessairement comme anarchistes mais qui ont développé une certaine curiosité vis-à-vis de l'anarchisme. Le Salon est un espace où les anarchistes peuvent se rencontrer et échanger dans un esprit de respect mutuel et de solidarité. Tous et toutes y sont bienvenu-e-s.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste est organisé dans un esprit d'ouverture vis-à-vis des différentes traditions, visions et pratiques de l'anarchisme. Nous cherchons à promouvoir l'anarchisme en mettant en pratique des valeurs comme l'entraide, la démocratie par la base, l'action directe, l'autonomie et la solidarité, et en nous opposant à toutes les formes d'oppression.Le Salon du livre et le Festival de l’anarchie sont une occasion importante de rassemblement et un point de référence pour les idées et les pratiques anti-autoritaires en Amérique du Nord.
-> Pour savoir « Qu'est-ce qui se passe au Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal? », suivez ce lien:
-> Énoncé d'accessibilité:
ateliers, tables d'expositions, oeuvres d'art et films
a) Propositions d’atelier:
Appel à contributions

Nous vous encourageons à proposer des ateliers et des présentations pour les deux jours du Salon du livre de cette année (29 ou 30 mai).

Vous pouvez soumettre des ateliers qui sont des introduction à l’anarchisme ou qui explorent plus en profondeur des thèmes liés à l’anarchisme.

Les ateliers d’introduction doivent s’adresser à des gens qui sont curieux de connaître les idées anarchistes ou pour qui ce sujet est nouveau. Ces ateliers devront donc être accessibles aux non-anarchistes.

Les ateliers plus en profondeur devront d’adresser aux gens qui sont déjà familiers avec l’anarchisme ou qui s’identifient comme anarchistes.

Nous vous invitons aussi à proposer des ateliers qui pourraient être présentés dans une Salle des médias autonomes. Les ateliers sur les médias autonomes peuvent être des ateliers pratiques et de partage des connaissances ou des ateliers qui explorent en profondeur un aspect des médias indépendants, alternatifs et autonomes. S’il-vous-plaît consultez le lien suivant pour plus de détails sur les propositions d’atelier, dont les directives:
--> La date limite pour la réception des propositions d'ateliers est le 21 MARS 2010.
b) Tables d'expositions:
Appel à contributions
Le coeur du Salon du livre est l’auditorium principal où se trouvent les tables des libraires, des distributeurs, des journaux indépendant et des groupes politiques de partout à Montréal, du Québec, de l’Amérique du Nord et de l’étranger.

Cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant les DEUX jours - samedi le 29 mai et dimanche le 30 mai, de 10h. à 17h.

Contactez-nous à pour faire une demande de table d’exposition. S’il-vous-plaît, veuillez fournir TOUTES les informations suivantes clairement pour faire une demande de table d’exposition au Salon du livre:
a) le nom de votre groupe et l’endroit d’où vous venez (dans les mots exacts que vous voulez que nous utilisions dans nos publicités);
b) les informations pour communiquer avec vous (téléphone, courriel et l’adresse de votre site web); le numéro de téléphone et le courriel sont pour l’usage des organisateurs et organisatrices du Salon du livre seulement, mais l’adresse du site web servira de lien à partir de notre site;
c) indiquez si vous voulez votre table pour les deux jours, seulement samedi ou seulement dimanche;
d) indiquez si vous avez déjà eu une table au Salon du livre; si vous n’avez jamais eu de table au Salon du livre avant, s’il-vous-plaît joignez une brève description de votre groupe et une description du matériel que vous prévoyez distribuer au Salon, ainsi que votre accord avec les principes du Salon du livre:
--> La date limite pour la réception des propositions de tables est le 1er AVRIL 2010.
c) Oeuvres d'art :
Appel à contributions
Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal réserve un espace pour la diffusion d'oeuvres d'art liées à l'anarchisme, l'anti-autoritarisme, l'autonomie et les luttes supportées par les anarchistes.

Faîtes nous part de vos propositions d'expositions de photos, d'affiches, de créations originales ou de reproductions. Le collectif du salon du livre considèrera toutes les oeuvres respectant les principes de base du salon. Les oeuvres devront être accrochées ou suspendues aux murs, voire placées dans un espace délimité.Si vous faites une proposition artistique, s’il-vous-plaît fournissez clairement les informations suivantes:
a) un titre clair et une courte description (pour notre publicité);
b) le médium utilisé (affiche, photo, sculpture, etc.);
c) les informations pour vous contacter;
d) si possible, s’il-vous-plaît envoyez nous aussi un fichier jpg ou pdf des oeuvres d’art que vous voulez exposer.--> La date limite pour les propositions pour l’exposition artistique est le 1er AVRIL 2010.
d) Films :
Appel à contributions
Le Salon du livre anarchiste réserve également un espace pour la projection de films durant la tenue du Salon. Les films présentés doivent être en lien avec l'anarchisme, avec des luttes soutenues par les anarchistes ou doivent concorder avec les principes de base du Salon du livre.

Si vous faites une proposition de film, s’il-vous-plaît fournissez clairement les informations suivantes:
a) le titre du film et une brève description pour notre publicité;
b) la durée du film;
c) la langue du film et des sous-titres, s’il y en a;
d) le format du film;
e) indiquez où une copie du film est disponible.
--> La date limite pour les propositions de films est le 1er AVRIL 2010.
e) Festival de l'Anarchie:
Appel à contributions
Le mois de mai dans son ensemble sera consacré aux idées ou pratiques anarchistes. Le Festival de l'Anarchie prendra place dans les semaines qui précèdent le Salon du livre (les 29-30 mai), avec des événements reliés à l'anarchisme, dans plusieurs lieux publics de Montréal.

Le collectif du Salon du livre compile les événements à être placés et produira un calendrier public. La seule fonction du collectif, en plus de diffuser le calendrier, concernant le Festival, est de veiller à ce que deux évènements ne se produise pas le même jour. Nous comptons donc sur vous pour organiser les événements du Festival de l'anarchie. Réservez rapidement une date pour votre événements dans le calendrier du mois de mai. Premierères arrivées, premierères servies!

S'il vous plait veuillez noter que les soirées des 18 et 19 mai sont déjà réservées pour le Festival de théâtre anarchiste de Montréal et que la soirée du 28 est réservée au Cabaret anarchiste.

Lorsque vous soumettez un événement pour le Festival de l'anarchie, svp incluez l'information suivante:
a) un titre, une date et une description claires;
b) un contact pour rejoindre les organisateurs.
--> La date limite pour soumettre un événement pour le Festival et pour être inclut dans le calendrier qui sera diffusé est le 1er AVRIL 2010.
Si vous souhaitez contribuer à la promotion du Salon du livre anarchiste et/ou du Festival de l'Anarchie dans votre quartier, votre école ou votre communauté, communiquez avec nous ( )

Nous ferons la promotion du Salon du livre anarchiste dans la région de Montréal. Avertissez-nous si vous pouver faire de l'affichage et du tractage.

Si vous résidez à l'extérieur de Montréal, communiquez avec nous si vous désirez recevoir des affiches, prospectus et dépliants. Le matériel de promotion sera aussi disponible pour téléchargement sur notre site Internet.Pour ceux et celles qui sont sur facebook, nous vous encourageons à vous joindre à notre groupe facebook:
Vous pouvez aussi nous suivre sur twitter :
Si vous avez d'autres idées pour le Salon du livre ou le Festival de l'Anarchie, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part! Vous pouvez nous rejoindre par courriel, par téléphone ou par la poste.
-> liste d’annonces :
-> courriel:
-> web:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> poste:
Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec
H3G 1N1
Ni dieux, ni maîtres; ni frontières, ni patrons!

SUNDAY at midnight: deadline for workshop proposals‏
[en français:]
[NOTE: The deadline for workshop proposals is MARCH 21 (at midnight). The deadline for tables, art exhibit proposals, film proposals and Festival of Anarchy events is APRIL 1.]
Mark your calendars …
MAY 29-30, 10am-5pm
at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle
(a short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro)
FREE. Welcome to all!
No gods, no masters, no bosses, no borders.
Curious about anarchism?: check us out!
-> Participants from all over Quebec and North America, booksellers and vendors, workshops, films, discussions, kids activities, art exhibits and more!
-> Part of the month-long Festival of Anarchy held throughout the month of May at venues and locations all over the island of Montreal.
-> NOTE: During this year’s Bookfair, tabling will take place over TWO DAYS: May 29-30, between 10am-5pm.
The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair -- and month-long Festival of Anarchy -- bring together anarchist ideas and practice, through words, images, music, theatre and day-to-day struggles for justice, dignity and collective liberation.

The Bookfair is for people who don't necessarily consider themselves anarchists, but are curious about anarchism, as well as a space for anarchists to meet, network and share in a spirit of respect and solidarity. All are welcome.

The Bookfair is organized in a spirit of openness towards the different traditions, visions, and practices of anarchism. Together we share a commitment to promoting anarchism through the values of mutual aid, grassroots democracy, direct action, autonomy and solidarity, while opposing oppression in all its forms.

The Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy provide an important gathering and reference point for anti-authoritarian ideas and practice in North America.
-> What Happens at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair?
Read more here:
-> Accessibility Statement:
Workshops, Tables, Art Exhibits & Films, Festival of Anarchy Events
a) Workshop ProposalsWe encourage your workshop and presentation proposals for both days of this year’s Bookfair (May 29 or 30).

You can submit workshops that are introductions to anarchism, or a proposal that explores an anarchism- themed topic in some depth. Introductory workshops should be aimed at people who are curious about, or new to, anarchist ideas. These workshops should be accessible to non-anarchists.

The in-depth workshops should be intended for people who are already familiar with anarchism, or might identify as anarchists. We also encourage workshop proposals that could be part of an Autonomous Media Room. Autonomous media workshops can be hands-on and skillshare-style workshops, or workshops that explore independent, alternative and autonomous media in-depth in some form.

Please consult the following link for detailed information about workshop proposals, including guidelines:
--> The deadline for workshop proposals is MARCH 21, 2010
b) Tabling at the Bookfair
The heart of the Bookfair is the main auditorium that includes booksellers, distributors, independent presses and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec, North America, and abroad. This year, there will be Bookfair tabling on BOTH days – Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30, from 10am to 5pm.

Contact us at to request table space. Please provide ALL the following information clearly if you are requesting tabling space at the Bookfair:
a) the name of your group and your geographic location (exactly as you want it to appear in our publicity);
b) provide your contact information (telephone, e-mail and web address); the telephone and e-mail is for Bookfair organizers only, while the web address is to link from our website;
c) indicate whether you want to table on BOTH days, on Saturday only, or on Sunday only;
d) indicate whether have you tabled at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair before; if you haven't tabled at the Bookfair before, please include a short description of your group and the material you intend to distribute at the Bookfair as well as indicating your agreement with the Bookfair principles:
--> The deadline to request a table is APRIL 1, 2010.
c) Art Exhibits
The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will again be displaying artwork relating to anarchism and anti-authoritarian, autonomous or anarchist-supported struggles. Please consider proposing an exhibit of photos, posters, original art, repros - anything within the parameters of the Bookfair that can be mounted on a wall or placed in a corner!

If you are making an art proposal, please provide the following information:
a) a clear title and short description (for our publicity);
b) the format of your submission (poster, photos, sculpture, etc);
c) your contact information;
d) if possible, please also send us a jpg or pdf of the art you wish to exhibit.
--> The deadline for art exhibit proposals is APRIL 1, 2010.
d) Films
The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will also have a film room, showing films related to anarchism or anarchist-supported struggles, that fall within the principles of the Anarchist Bookfair.

If you are making a film proposal, please provide the following information clearly:
a) film title and short description, to be use for publicity purposes;
b) duration of film;
c) language of film, as well as subtitles if applicable;
d) format of film;
e) where a copy of the film is available.
--> The deadline for film proposals is APRIL 1, 2010.
e) Festival of Anarchy Events
The entire month of May comprises the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Montreal. The Bookfair collective compiles a Festival of Anarchy calendar, but we count on you to organize the actual Festival of Anarchy events. Get in touch to reserve a date for your event in May (calendar dates are "first come first served").

Please note that the evenings of May 18-19 are already reserved for the Montreal Anarchist Theatre Festival, and the evening of May 28 is reserved for the Anarchist Cabaret.

When submitting a Festival of Anarchy event, please provide the following information:
a) a clear title, date and description;
b) contact information with the organizers of the event.
--> The deadline to submit Festival of Anarchy events, to be included in our public calendar, is APRIL 1, 2010
If you can help promote the Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy in your neighborhood, school or community, please get in touch:

We will be actively promoting the Bookfair all over the Montreal-area. Let us know if you can help with postering or flyering.

If you are from outside Montreal, get in touch if you would like us to send you posters and pamphlets. We are also hoping to have these materials available for download on our website soon.

For those of you on facebook, we encourage you to join and share our facebook group:
And, you can now follow us on twitter:
If you have other ideas for the Bookfair or Festival of Anarchy, don't hesitate to get in touch with a proposal! Contact us to receive regular updates and announcements by e-mail.
-> announcements list:
-> e-mail:
-> web:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:
-> telephone: 514-679-5800
-> post: Montreal's Anarchist Bookfair
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec, H3G 1N1
Ni dieux, ni maîtres; ni frontières, ni patrons!

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