Tuesday, October 19, 2010



À Samedi Octobre 22 à Montréal. On Saturday, October 22 in Montréal.

MARCHE COMMÉMORATIVE: Justice pour les victimes de bavures policières!
Time Saturday, October 23 · 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Location Guy & de Maisonneuve (métro Guy-Concordia)
Montreal, QC

Created By No One Is Illegal Personne n'est illégal MONTRÉAL


More Info [English below]

Justice pour les victimes de bavures policières!

23 octobre, 12h30
Rassemblement: Guy & de Maisonneuve
(métro Guy-Concordia, sortie Guy)

Nous commémorerons le souvenir de Anas Bennis, Claudio Castagnetta, Ben Matson, Quilem Registre, Gladys Tolley, Fredy Villanueva et de toutes les autres victimes.

JOIGNEZ-VOUS à nous pour la Journée nord-américaine demandant l’arrêt de la brutalité policière. Montrez votre soutien et votre solidarité avec toutes les victimes de bavures policières. Avec les familles des victimes et leurs alliés, demandons vérité, dignité et justice.

Évènements familiauxBienvenu à tous et toutes !
INFO: 514-848-7583 – 22oct.mtl@gmail.com -- http://www.22octobre.net

Les familles de personnes tuées par la police, leurs amis et leurs alliés organisent une vigile et une marche à la mémoire des victimes. Ces familles, qui doivent se battre pour connaître la vérité et pour obtenir justice pour les êtres qui leurs étaient chers, ont besoin de notre soutien.

Le vendredi 22 octobre, une vigile aura lieu en compagnie de certaines des familles devant la Fraternité des policiers et des policières (480, rue Gilford, sortie St-Joseph du métro Laurier) entre 16 h et 18 h. À la fin de la vigile nous allumerons des bougies en mémoire des victimes de brutalité policière.

Le samedi 23 octobre, une marche contre l’impunité systématique dans les cas de bavures ou de violence policière aura lieu. La marche commencera à 12h30 au coin des rues Guy et de Maisonneuve, ce sera un évènement à caractère familial. Descendez nombreux dans la rue pour montrer votre soutien aux familles. Le nombre fait la force!

Ce que nous recherchons, c’est LA DIGNITÉ, LA JUSTICE ET LA VÉRITÉ.

Le but principal de la marche est de :
- COMMÉMORER les personnes victimes de bavures policières
- SOUTENIR leurs familles par tous les moyens

Nous soutenons les revendications des familles Bennis, Castagnetta, Matson, Registre, Tolley et Villanueva. Leurs revendications incluent:
- LA FIN de la brutalité policière
- LA FIN de l’impunité policière
- LA FIN du profilage racial, social et politique
- L’ACCÈS rapide à toute l’information
- DES ACCUSATIONS CRIMINELLES contre les policiers ayant tué une personne
- LA TENUE d’enquêtes indépendantes quand une personne est tuée par la police
- L’APPLICATION des recommandations du coroner
- LA FIN de l’utilisation du Taser

Cette initiative est née suite au Forum contre la Violence Policière et l’Impunité qui a eu lieu de janvier 2010 à Montréal, durant lequel des familles ont exprimé leur désir de se réunir pour commémorer leurs proches et renforcer leurs luttes pour la dignité, la justice et la vérité. La date symbolique du 22 octobre a ensuite été choisie pour organiser des événements familiaux pour commémorer les victimes de bavures policières car cette date est la Journée Nationale de Protestation aux États-Unis, organisée par la Coalition du 22 octobre pour arrêter la brutalité policière, la répression et la criminalisation d’une génération depuis 1996.

Nous demandons le soutien d’autres groupes. Pour endosser nos revendications et participer, communiquez avec nous au (514) 848-7583 ou écrivez à 22oct-mtl@gmail.com . Vous pouvez passer prendre des dépliants et des affiches au GRIP Concordia (1500, de Maisonneuve, 2e étage).

Évènements familiauxBienvenu à tous et toutes !
INFO: 514-848-7583 – 22oct.mtl@gmail.com -- www.22octobre.net


Justice for Victims of Police Killings!

, October 23, 12:30pm
Gathering at the corner of Guy & de Maisonneuve
(métro Guy-Concordia, Guy exit)
facebook event:

We remember: Anas Bennis, Claudio Castagnetta, Ben Matson, Quilem Registre, Gladys Tolley, Fredy Villanueva and all the other victims of police killings.

JOIN US on the North American Day to Stop Police Brutality & Repression to show your support and solidarity with all victims of police killings. Together with the families and supporters of police victims, we demand truth, justice and dignity.

Family friendly - Welcome to all!
INFO: 514-848-7583 – 22oct.mtl@gmail.com -- www.22octobre.net

The families of people killed by the police, their friends and their allies are organizing a commemorative vigil and march to remember victims. These families, who face an uphill battle in uncovering the truth and obtaining justice for their loved ones, need our support.

Friday, October 22: There will be a family-led vigil in front of the Police Brotherhood (480 Gilford St., Laurier metro, St-Joseph exit) between 4 and 6 p.m. We will end the vigil by lighting candles in memory of the victims of police killings.

Saturday, October 23: There will be a family-led, family-friendly march against the systemic impunity in the face of police killings and police violence. The march will begin at 12:30 p.m. on the corner of Guy St. and de Maisonneuve. We strongly encourage as many supporters as possible to come out on the streets and show our support for the families. There is power in numbers!

What we are seeking is DIGNITY, JUSTICE and TRUTH.

The main purpose of the march is to:
- REMEMBER the victims who lost their lives to police violence and abuse and;
- SUPPORT their families in any way we can

We support the list of demands of the Bennis, Castagnetta, Matson, Registre, Tolley and Villanueva families. Their demands include:
- END police brutality
- END police impunity
- END racial, social and political profiling
- ACCESS all information in a prompt manner
- LAY criminal charges in police killings
- HOLD public independent inquiries in police killings
- APPLY the recommendations of the coroner
- STOP the use of tasers

This initiative came out of the Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity in January of 2010, during which the families expressed their desire to come together to remember their loved ones and strengthen their respective struggles for dignity, justice and the truth. The symbolic date of October 22 was subsequently chosen for a family-friendly march to commemorate the victims of police killings to coincide with the National Day of Protest in the United States organized by the October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation, which has been mobilizing every year since 1996.

We ask for your group’s endorsement. To get involved contact us at (514) 848-7583 or at 22oct-mtl@gmail.com . You can pick up flyers and posters for the event at QPIRG Concordia (1500 de Maisonneuve St. W 2nd floor).

Family friendly - Welcome to all!
INFO: 514-848-7583 – 22oct.mtl@gmail.com -- www.22octobre.net

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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Molly has to admit that the following strikes me as more than slightly strange, but it was sent my way so here goes. Aren't "vegan" and "fashion" redundant if they appear in the same sentence ? To each their own.
2010 Montreal World Vegan Day Fashion Show
Time Monday, November 1 · 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Location Theatre Corona
2490 Rue Notre-Dame Ouest,
Montreal, QC

Created By CARA Concordia Animal Rights Association


More Info
Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) in association with La Vegan En Rose is proud to present the 2010 Montreal World Vegan Day Fashion Show!

On November 1st join us at Theatre Corona for an evening of cutting edge and cruelty-free couture, musical entertainment, silent auctions and gourmet vegan catering. All proceeds go directly to help animals.

Hosted by: Georges Laraque http://www.georgeslaraque.com/
Special Guest: Whale Wars star/Sea Shepherd member, Laurens de Groot

visit http://www.montrealworldveganday.com/ for more info

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Sunday, September 19, 2010




Cause Commune est le journal de l'Union Communiste Libertaire du Québec. Voici l'annonce du lancement de numéro 29. Cause Commune is the journal of the Union Communiste of Québec. Here is the announcement of the launch of issue number 29.

Lancement du Cause Commune #29 Spécial Budget
Time Wednesday, September 22 · 7:00pm - 11:30pm

Location Cheval Blanc, 809 Ontario Est


More Info

L'Union Communiste Libertaire vous invite au lancement du 29e numéro de son journal Cause Commune à la Brasserie le Cheval Blanc. Ce numéro est spécialement dédié au dernier budget du gouvernement Charest, les fausses et les vraies alternatives ainsi que la lutte qui reste à finir pour contrer les mesures néfastes.

Venez discuter de tout ça avec nous et prendre votre exemplaire du journal.

Launch of Common Cause # 29 Budget Special

Time Wednesday, September 22 · 7:00 pm - 11:30 pm


Location Cheval Blanc, 809 Ontario East


More Info
The Libertarian Communist Union invites you to launch of the 29th edition of its journal Common Cause at the White Horse Tavern. This issue is specially dedicated to the Charest government's last budget, the false and real alternatives and the struggle that remains in the end to counter the adverse measures.

Come discuss everything with us and pick up your copy of the newspaper.


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Friday, August 27, 2010



Tomorrow, Augst 28, there will be a public forum at McGill University in Montréal focusing on the movement against the g8/g20 and its present relevance today. Here's the promo.>>>
Summit Up: Reflections on the Movement against the G8/G20
Tomorrow · 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Saturday August 28th at 3:30 pm Shatner Ballroom (3rd floor, 3480 McTavish)

Created By Rad Frosh, A.p. Mals, Qpirg McGill, Andrea Figueroa

More Info Summit Up: Reflections on the Movement against the G8/G20

Saturday August 28th at 3:30 pm
Shatner Ballroom (3rd floor, 3480 McTavish)

This panel will be focusing on the events of this summer in Toronto, an attempt to get beyond the media’s one-sided coverage and hear from those directly involved in mobilizing efforts. By giving historical context to the summit against the G8/G20, panelists will discuss how the anti-globalization movement arrived at this moment.

The intention of the panel is;
to highlight why different groups became involved in the movement
against the G8/G20,
to share their analysis of the movement as it stands today,
to highlight successes and/or lessons that have been learned this year.

Featuring speakers from QPIRG McGill, No One is Illegal, PolitiQ, and CLAC 2010.

This panel is part of Rad Frosh 2010, organized by QPIRG McGill. Find out more at http://radfrosh.qpirgmcgill.org and http://qpirgmcgill.org!

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Saturday, August 21, 2010



Beginning today and into next week there will be a number of rallies across the country in support of the right of the recently arrived Tamil refugees on the west coast to stay in Canada. These are being organized by No One is Illegal. Here is the story from No One Is Illegal Vancouver.
Canada: Stop Jailing and Deporting Refugees, Let The Tamil Refugees Stay!
August 21 at 3:30pm - August 26 at 6:00pm

Location Various cities and communities - check description for details
across Canada / Indigenous lands
Created By No One Is Illegal - Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories
More Info

==> In VANCOUVER, Unceded Coast Salish Territories:
Saturday August 21 @ 3:30 pm
...Gather at Vancouver Art Gallery, Robson Side
* Download poster PDF http://bit.ly/aq9HWI or JPG: http://bit.ly/c0VN60

Saturday August 21
Solidarity with the Tamil Refugees and No One Is Illegal. Moricetown Canyon, noon.
Contact gitksanmanoct6@hotmail.com

Saturday August 21st 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Victoria Information Booth, Government and Belville
Organized by Victoria Anti-Racism Network (VARN)
RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=143826562315624

==> In OTTAWA:
Monday August 23 @ Noon.
Gather at corner of Kent and Laurier
(Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=119285261456467

Thursday August 26th from noon to 2 pm
Front of Immigration and Refugee Board offices, 200 Boul. René Levesque. Organized by Friends of Tamil Refugees/ Les Amies des Réfugiées Tamils.
Contact 514-668-4751 or 514-449-9370.

Monday August 23.
Press Conference and gathering, details tbc.
Contact rachel@peaceculture.org

Saturday August 21st
Toronto Welcomes Tamil Migrants!
Follow www.twitter.com/noii_ to to see images of creative actions that we will be taking.

(more TBC)

Join No One is Illegal to call for the immediate release of detained Tamil asylum seekers, and an end to racist and restrictive refugee policies. Justice, Freedom, and Status for All!

Surviving a dangerous journey, 500 Tamil refugees, including women and children, arrived in BC after fleeing war and persecution in Sri Lanka. When the ship first neared Esquimault, territories of the Songhees First Nation, it was immediately boarded by the Armed Forces, Border Services, and RCMP. Families are now being separated, with many children being taken by the Ministry of Child and Family Development. The refugees now face the threat of incarceration and eventual deportation.

Canadian government officials and media outlets are perpetuating false and dehumanizing stereotypes of 'illegals', 'terrorists', and so-called queue-jumpers. The earlier arrival of 76 Tamil migrants on Ocean Lady was similarly sensationalized. This deliberately created hysteria appeals to prejudices of refugees as undesirable. Well-known neo-Nazis, like Paul Fromm and the Aryan Guard, also known as the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, are openly organizing rallies for the ship to be sent back.

This fear-mongering is just another tactic used to disguise the racist policies that define Canada’s immigration and refugee system. The Canadian government was recently forced to apologize for its “keep Canada white” measures, such as the Komagata Maru incident. Yet Minister of Censorship and Deportation Jason Kenney continues to increase detentions and deportation of refugees and undocumented migrants, while bringing in more temporary exploitable migrant labour. Public Safety Minister Vic Toews recently declared that Cabinet is drafting new policies to clamp down on migrants and “make this country less welcoming for future shipments of human cargo.”

No One is Illegal-Vancouver asserts the basic human right to safety, mobility, and protection. It is well known that Tamils in Sri Lanka are fleeing military atrocities and mass displacement. The only crime the migrants have committed is transgressing this imposed settler-colonial border. We encourage you to join us in rejecting repressive, racist, and exclusionary ideologies and policies, and instead encourage compassion, solidarity, respect for life, and justice for all refugees. Release Detained Asylum-Seekers! Let the Boat Stay! Status for All!


1) Join other cities and communities for nation-wide actions. Wherever you maybe, whatever you can organize (delegation to a Minister’s office, street theatre, leafleting, community speak-out), will help build this movement. Please email noii-van@resist.ca and let us know how you can participate.

2) Engage in dialogue and widely circulate the factsheet on the 6 most popular myths about the 490 Tamil Refugees, available here: http://noii-van.resist.ca/?p=2167

3) Sign the online petition here: http://www.petitiononline.com/16082010/petition.html . Join the Facebook group Uphold the Rights of the MV Sun Sea Migrants here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=106719212717437

4) Put up posters in your neighbourhood, workplace, and campus, and as your social media profile. We have ‘Let them Stay’ and ‘Anti Neo Nazi, Fight Racism’ posters available here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nooneisillegal/ . PDF’s: http://bit.ly/9HBtGa and http://bit.ly/cgM3gK

5) Participate in the Call/Email/Fax Campaign to the Government and your MP. State your support for the refugees to stay in Canada and denounce the government for spreading unsubstantiated racist lies. This is easy to do and you can tell others to do the same!

Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Phone 613-992-2235 or 403-225-3480. Fax 403-225-3504 or 613-992-1920.
Email: Minister@cic.gc.ca and kennej@parl.gc.ca

Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety
Phone: (204) 326-9889 or (204)345-9762 or (613) 992-3128.
Fax: (204) 346-9874 or (204) 345-9768 or (613) 995-1049
Email: toewsv1@mts.net and Toews.V@parl.gc.ca

To find out who your MP is and where to write them:

6) Always take a minute to write letters to the editor and comment on news stories - make a difference in public discourse! Reinforce your support for the migrants and condemn irresponsible reporting including repeating unsubstantiated lies and giving white supremacists like Paul Fromm a platform. All letters must be short (100 words), include name, mailing address and daytime phone number of the writer; state “Letter to the Editor” in subject; and content should be in the body of the email.

Globe and Mail: letters@globeandmail.com
Vancouver Sun: sunletters@png.canwest.com
Vancouver Province: provletters@png.canwest.com
24 Hours: news@sunmedia.ca
Metro News: http://www.metronews.ca/Vancouver/comment/lettereditor
National Post: letters@nationalpost.com
Toronto Star: lettertoed@thestar.ca

7) Take your own initiative. This issue is not just the Tamil communities’ or for migrant justice organizers. The growing racist backlash that is taking root should concern all of us. Think of creative ways to disrupt this xenophobic climate (do a banner drop, host a community picnic, take some friends postering, organize a forum or press conference, distribute anti-racist zines, take action at the prison).

8) Consider inviting a speaker to your next meeting. Email noii-van@resist.ca and we would be happy to attend or suggest speakers, as well as provide educational materials.

9) Have your organization, traditional council, union, community group, or artist collective write a short public statement of support for the Tamil migrants. Please email us a copy at noii-van@resist.ca .

10) Join our low-traffic email announcement list to receive news and events. You can subscribe yourself https://lists.resist.ca/mailman/listinfo/noii-l . Our Facebook group is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6252584281&ref=ts . Visit our website regularly for articles: http://noii-van.resist.ca/


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Friday, August 06, 2010



Shell Canada announced earlier this year that they would be closing their Montréal East oil refinery and converting it into a "distribution terminal". This means a reduction of the workforce from about 800 people to a low of perhaps 25 ie layoffs for about 97% of the workers employed there. Needless to say the workers, represented by Local 121 of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP Union) have been fighting this tooth and nail. To date they have achieved a temporary injunction preventing the closure of the plant until it is certain that a buyer cannot be found.

The union is considering various courses of action as the time on this injunction is running low. What seems to be missing is an obvious alternative. Molly will get into this later. For now here's a story from the CBC about the opposition to the refinery closure.
Union vows fight to save Montreal refinery

Shell Canada plans to convert its Montreal East refinery into a distribution terminal after negotiations to sell the 77-year-old facility failed. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)
A boycott, a petition and political pressure are among tactics that union leaders are considering to stop Shell Canada from dismantling its Montreal East oil refinery.

Shell said Monday it will go ahead with plans to convert the refinery into a distribution terminal after negotiations with a potential buyer fell through.

The 77-year-old refinery employs 800 people, while a distribution terminal would require only 25 to 30.

"It's frustrating," union president Jean-Claude Rocheleau said Tuesday. "We just can't lose all those jobs."

Rocheleau said there's enough public support in Quebec for a petition, and another boycott of Shell products is a possibility. The union organized a one-day boycott in June.

"It's easier to do because there are so many gas stations," he said.

Shell and Delek US Holdings, which had offered to buy the refinery, renewed talks last week to see if they could resolve issues that led to a breakdown of negotiations earlier this year. Shell had previously rejected Delek's offer of $420 million.

However, the talks broke off with both companies saying they did not intend to discuss the sale further.

Injunction in place
Rocheleau said he believes Shell doesn't want to sell the refinery and have it continue operating. "We have to convince Shell it's better for them to sell their refinery than keep running a terminal," he said.

The union obtained an injunction in July that prevented Shell from dismantling the refinery while the possibility of a sale remained alive.

"We will continue to comply with the injunction," said Shell spokesman Larry Lalonde, adding it expires around Sept. 10.

In the meantime, the company will continue working on regulatory approval to convert the refinery into a distribution terminal, Lalonde said.

Shell would need the Quebec government's approval to shut down the refinery and Rocheleau said he wants to make sure the union is consulted.

Natural Resources Minister Nathalie Normandeau has to decide if Shell has done everything it can to sell the refinery, he said, adding that environmental regulations also have to be respected if the closure goes ahead.

Denis Lebel, federal minister of state for Canada economic development, said the federal government won't get involved in a business decision between two companies.

Rocheleau also expressed concern that the refinery's 500 unionized employees could be locked out by Shell. The two sides are in contract negotiations regarding layoff procedures and protocol for closure of the refinery.

In a lockout, unionized employees would lose a layoff premium based on the number of years of service, Rocheleau said.

Shell said it will treat workers fairly during the closure. "We recognize that it's a difficult time for them and our intent is to be fair with them," Lalonde said.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2010/08/03/shell-refinery-union.html#ixzz0vsQzxC6i
It appears that Shell has merely been going through the motions of obeying the injunction and searching for a buyer for the plant as the following item from the CEP Union website says. Note also the further clarification of the number of workers compared to the CBC item.
Union to fight Shell conversion of refinery to terminal;

Move would result in loss of almost 500 high-paying jobs, CEP says

Published Postmedia News
By Allison Lampert
MONTREAL - Government regulators will come under intense union pressure to stall Shell Canada Products's plans to convert its east-end Montreal refinery into a terminal, labour leaders say.

The plans for a terminal, which would result in the loss of almost 500 high-paying jobs, are inevitable after negotiations ended with potential buyer Delek US Holdings, Inc., Shell says.

Union leaders say they're asking Quebec to use provincial laws governing environmental protection and oil products to make the conversion more difficult for Shell. For example, Shell cannot demolish its oil refining equipment when it converts to a terminal, which would receive refined oil from both domestic and international markets.

"It's clear that we are going to use these tactics to stop the conversion," said Jean-Claude Rocheleau, president of local 121 of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada.

The conversion to a terminal will eliminate all but 25 to 30 jobs at the site, which is now staffed by about 500 unionized workers and an additional 250 temporary, full-time employees. The workers, including engineers, welders and technicians, earn about $80,000 a year, on average, Rocheleau said.

"This will make Quebec poorer," he said.

Larry Lalonde, spokesman for Shell, which operates 280 company-owned retail outlets and a wholesale business in Quebec, said any delays to the permit-approval process could result in shortages.

While Shell doesn't need to demolish parts of the plant, it is seeking government approval to modify certain pieces of equipment for the terminal.

"We need to get moving on the conversion," Lalonde said. "Otherwise supply would be tight."

Shell intends to cease production at the refinery in mid-September and would like to have the terminal running by November, he said.

"But this is all pending regulatory approval, of course."

At a time when companies are operating modern, efficient refineries in oil producing regions like Qatar, Lalonde said, it would cost Shell more than $400 million in capital upgrades to properly run the 130,000 barrel-per-day crude processing facility in Montreal. The refinery now processes crude oil imported from Portland, Me.

"This refinery, in particular, is 77 years old," he said. "It is an old facility. It is not commercially viable for Shell to keep running it as is."

Lalonde said Shell had searched unsuccessfully for a buyer for more than a year. While Shell was asking for a sale price of around $150 million to $200 million for the refinery alone, the best offer from Delek would have included the refinery plus the sale of parts of Shell's resale and wholesale businesses, he said.

But Rocheleau dismissed the sales process as a sham. The potential buyer, Delek, was found by a special committee of union and political representatives, not Shell, he said.

"It's clear that what they always wanted to do was to convert the refinery into a terminal," he said.

Of the tactics that the CEP Union has proposed only the idea of a boycott will actually impact Shell directly. Further lobbying would be the least useful as the government, in the absence of any evidence of public pressure would almost inevitably wash its hands of the whole matter, saying that "it has done all that it could" with the previous injunction.

About the only thing likely to give Shell serious pause would be an implied threat that the process of dismantling/refitting (chose one) might be disrupted either by blockade or by an actual occupation of the premises. Nobody should expect the union to actually "threaten" such a thing, but one could hardly accuse them of a violation of the law if they were to simply mention to both their membership and the public the many instances in recent Canadian history where such tactics were successfully used by a variety of workers in a variety of disputes. No need to "advocate" any such thing. Just a little "background information", that's all.

To be honest, however, I personally think that this particular struggle is unlikely to succeed given the age of the plant and the implied costs of upgrading it. Not that the plant couldn't be made viable given enough time and gradual refitting. But, as the above article says, any buyer would pretty well have to be in possession of at least some of Shell's wholesale and retail revenue to finance such upgrading. By the "letter of the law" ie the injunction Shell is under no compulsion to part with that part of their business, and their actions have shown that they most certainly will not.

The problem with this search for a new operator is the same problem that continually reoccurs in many industries. All this is being done in an atmosphere of crisis where a company is threatening shutdowns and massive layoffs. The workers involved in such situations are in a position where their bargaining power is considerably reduced. To my mind there should be a long term approach, rather than coasting through "good times" with an I'm all right Jack attitude and only reacting in times of crisis.

To my mind a long term solution would obviously be a nationwide federation of co-ops involved in the energy sector. Sure there are co-op gas bars across the country. In Québec they are operated under the 'Sonic' brand owned by the Coop fédérée. In the whole of Canada, however, the only co-op refinery is in Regina Saskatchewan. There should be many more. Not that the Regina refinery was the most pleasant neighbour at times. I remember well how the closer you lived to it the fouler the air was. I understand things are a bit different these days. I understand that cooperatives are a provincial responsibility under Canadian law, but I don't see how this could prevent various provincial federations from coordinating their efforts - the very essence of a federation- without being formally linked. I would suggest a mixed producer/consumer co-op model. The present gas outlet co-ops are exclusively consumer owned. I would also suggest that the demonstrated long term success of the co-op model in Canada says that it is a viable alternative to statist solutions such as the late unlamented PetroCan or to simply letting the multinationals run the show in the accustomed way.

That, of course, is a long term prospect. It is, however, an attractive one for many reasons, not to just protect jobs or to reduce the cost to consumers. In the immediate future of the situation in Montréal the idea of a co-op refinery is not as outré as it may seem. Difficult yes, but not impossible. Québec already has a vast cooperative network with large financial resources. It also already has a network of retail co-op outlets. Why not consider this option ?

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Saturday, July 10, 2010




Bientôt à Montréal ... Rencontre avec l'auteur Matinik Doubout. Parrainé par l'Union Communiste Libertaire.
Coming soon in Montréal...meeting with author matinik Doubout. Sponsored by l'Union Communiste Libertaire.

Conférence et discussion avec l'auteur du livre Matinik Doubout.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Studio Levier Noir (Métro Place St-Henri)
Street: 4525 rue St-Jacques
City/Town: Montreal, QC

Description.Matinik Doubout: Lutte anticolonialiste et lutte de classe en Martinique et dans les Antilles.

L’Union Communiste Libertaire-Montréal vous convie à une conférence estivale.

En février-mars 2009, la Martinique a été secouée par le plus puissant mouvement populaire du siècle dernier. Des milliers de Martiniquais-es se sont retrouvé-es dans un mouvement de grève générale qui s’est étendu comme une trainée de poudre dans les Antilles Françaises.

Nemo, enseignant, témoin et acteur de ces événements et militant d’Alternative libertaire présentera une conférence qui traitera de la lutte anticolonialiste et de la lutte des classes en Martinique ainsi que dans les Antilles. Il est l’auteur du livre Matinik Doubout, qui raconte au jour le jour le mouvement de 2009 et analyse les perspectives politiques et économiques quil a ouvertes.

Cette conférence abordera l’historique de ces luttes, la situation actuelle ainsi que les perspectives à l’ombre de la crise économique mondiale. Cette conférence sera suivie d’une période de discussion et de questions.


Un billet portant sur le bouquin:

(english version)

Conference: Matinik Doubout - The anti-colonialist, class struggle in Martinique and the Antilles

The Montreal branch of the Union Communiste Libertaire invites you to a summer conference with the author of the book "Matinik Doubout".

When? Thursday 22 July 2010 at 7.00pm

Where? 4525 Rue St-Jacques, Montreal (metro Place St-Henri)

In February and March 2009, Martinique was shaken by the strongest popular movement seen in the country since the last century. Thousands of Martinicans found themselves as part of a general strike movement which spread like a powder-trail throughout the French Antilles.

Nemo, a teacher and member of Alternative Libertaire Martinique, was a witness to and participant in these events. He will be presenting a talk on the anti-colonialist struggle and the class struggle in Martinique and the rest of the Antilles. He is also the author of the book "Matinik Doubout", which gives a day-by-day account of the 2009 movement and analyses the political and economic conditions which lay at its root.

This conference will cover the history of these struggles and the current situation, also in the light of the global economic crisis. The talk will be followed by an opportunity for questions and debate.

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Monday, May 24, 2010




Here's the final update for the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair, the largest event of its kind on the continent. Coming next weekend.
[français: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.salonanarchiste.ca ]
[fully updated information below and on the website: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca ]
[please post and forward widely; curious about anarchism? check us out!]

MAY 29-30, 10am-5pm
at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle
(a short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro)
FREE. Welcome to all!

For anarchists and people curious about anarchism.



The Bookfair features over 100 booksellers, distributors, independent presses, zines and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec and North America, and abroad. This year’s out-of-town vendors come from France, England, Switzerland, Belgium & Sweden; Oakland, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, New York City, Indiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Vermont; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean & Quebec City; and more! For a full list of vendors, visit: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/participants


Fun activities, snacks, outdoor games, craft room, quiet space and more for all interested kids (and their parents): http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/kids-and-parents


Art & Anarchy brings together the creations of dozens of anarchist-inspired artists and organizers. This year’s exhibition will include sculptures, paintings, posters, banners, drawings, and other multi-media forms. info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/art

- On Saturday, May 29 at 1pm:
* Anarchism and Its Aspirations (Cindy Milstein)
* The ABSs of Anarchism (Anna Kruzynski & Marco Silvestro)
- On Sunday, May 30 at 1pm:
* Anarchism without Anarchists / Anarchism with Anarchists: The Practice and Relevance of Anarchism (Jaggi Singh)
* The History of Anarchism in Quebec (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/workshops


* 11am: Refusing to Be Abused: Histories and Present Realities of Copwatch as a Tool Against Police Repression (Copwatch Montreal & Winnipeg)
* 11am: Self-Management versus Capitalist Management (Nicolas van Caloen)
* 1pm: Building land defence and anti-colonial resistance movements: Becoming a force to be reckoned with (Shabina Lafleur-Gangji & Matt Soltys)
* 3pm: Solidarity City: Migrant justice and the everyday practice of mutual aid and direct action
* 3pm: One Big Union and revolutionary syndicalist movements in Quebec and in Canada (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* 3pm : Practical strategies for anarchist writing (Alexis Shotwell)
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/workshops

* 11am: Anarchism and Riots (Marc-André Cyr)
* 11am: Panel: Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social – Transformation (Chris Dixon, Cindy Milstein and Maia Ramnath)
* 12pm: Anarchist Writers of Fiction Meeting (facilitated by Norman Nawrocki)
* 1pm: Basic Computer Security (the Koumbit Network)
* 3pm: Eugenics in Anarchism and Feminism (AJ Withers & Griffin Epstein)
* 3pm: Capitalist Authority versus Anti-Colonial Breakout: The example of the militant direct-action Civil Rights movement in one Northern u.s. city, 1960-1965 (J. Sakai)
* 3pm: Sea Piracy and Anarchism: Beyond the myths (Marco Silvestro)
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/workshops

FILM ROOM (Saturday, May 29):
* Deux roues sur terre (Guillaume Girard, 2009, 66 min., FR, Uruguay / Canada)
* Slug love (J. Mary Burnet, 2009, 3min.30, EN, Canada)
* Contre-culture à vendre (Pierre-Luc Junet, 2009, 7 min., FR, Québec)
* Tortilleria (Chloé Germain-Thérrien, 2010, 3min.30, no dialogue, Québec)
* Motions for web (Anita Schoepp, 2010, 4 min., no dialogue, Québec)
* I didn’t know what to say to him (Jessica McCormack and Stephen Brown, 2008 7 min., EN, Québec)
* Psychic Capital (Jessica McCormack and Rae Spoon, 2009, 16 min., EN, Québec)
* If CSIS comes knocking (People's Commission Network, 6 min., EN, 2010, Québec)
* Interviews from Defenders of the Land 2008 (45 min. excerpt, 2008, Winnipeg)
* Regards de société : Afrique, Palestine, Montréal (Santiago Bertolino and Steve Patry, 2009-2010, 65 minutes, FR, Québec)
* Les Anarchistes (2009, 25 min., FR, France)
* Whatever happened to Who’s Emma (Lyndall Musselman, 2009, 27 min., EN, Canada)
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/films

* 11am: 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance (with Gord Hill, Kwakwaka’wakw)
* 1pm: Justice for Missing, Murdered and Disappeared Indigenous Women (with Bridget Tolley, Algonquin from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg)
* 3pm: 20 Years Since Oka: Kanienkehaka Communities in Resistance (with Clifton Arihwakehte a member of the Kanehsatake Mohawk Community)
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/indigenous-solidarity-room

* 11am: Alternative Birthing (presenters include Martine Quimper, Melissa Bellemare, Francine Rhéault and others)
* 12pm: Radical Learning and Education (with the Rad School, Cap Libre, Jerry Mintz from the Alternative Education Resource Organization in New York, Kamala Bhusal of Sri Aurobindo Ashram/Orphanage in Nepal and others)
* 3pm: Supporting parents dealing with state authorities
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/kids-and-parents

* Toronto Community Mobilization Network (TCMN)/Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR)
* G20, Power and the Economic Crisis (Coalition féministe radicale contre le G20)
* Student Resistance to the G20 (le Regroupememt Anti-G20 Étudiant (RAGE))
* The Economic and Ecological Crisis of Capitalism (presented by the popular education of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC2010))
info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/clac2010


(Friday, May 28, at Il Motore, 179 Jean-Talon Ouest): A kick-off and benefit for the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. A night of music, hip hop and dancing: Micros Armés, Dramatik, Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble, Emrical and Don’t Put Charles on the Money. info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/anarchist-cabaret-may-28


The entire month of May in Montreal is part of the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues all over the island of Montreal. info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/festival-of-anarchy


The proceeds from this year’s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will support the DIRA Anarchist Library (Montreal) and the new Anarchist Bookfair Accessibility Fund. info: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca/donations

Curious about anarchism? Check us out!

INFO: http://www.facebook.com/l/07e6d;www.anarchistbookfair.ca
Mise à jour!
[English: www.anarchistbookfair.ca ]

[des mises-à-jour importants ci-dessous ou ici: www.salonanarchiste.ca ]
[svp diffusez EN MASSE : pour les anarchistes et ceux qui s'intéressent à l'anarchisme]

Les 29 et 30 MAI, 10h-17h
Au CEDA, 2515 Delisle
(tout près du métro Lionel-Groulx)
GRATUIT. Bienvenue à toutes et tous!
Amenez vos enfants!

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’anarchisme? Venez nous voir!

-> Veuillez consultez les POINTS SAILLANTS ci-dessous: Salle Principale, Zone d’Enfants, Art & Anarchie, Ateliers d’introduction à l’anarchisme; Ateliers & Présentations, Salle des Films, Salle de solidarité autochtone, Salle de discussion pour parents anarchistes, Salle de la résistance anticapitaliste, Cabaret Anarchiste, Festival de l’Anarchie, et plus.
-> Avec des distributeurs de partout au Québec et en Amérique du Nord, des ateliers, des films, des discussions, des expositions, des activités pour les enfants et bien plus !
-> NOTE: Pour le Salon du livre de cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant DEUX JOURS : les 29 (samedi) et 30 (dimanche) mai, entre 10h et 17h.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal (ainsi que le Festival de l'Anarchie) rassemble les idées et pratiques anarchistes, par les mots, les images, la musique, le théâtre et les luttes quotidiennes pour la justice, la dignité et la libération collective.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste s'adresse aux anarchistes, mais également à celles et ceux qui ne se considèrent pas nécessairement comme anarchistes mais qui ont développé une certaine curiosité vis-à-vis de l'anarchisme. Le Salon est un espace où les anarchistes peuvent se rencontrer et échanger dans un esprit de respect mutuel et de solidarité. Tous et toutes y sont bienvenu-e-s.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste est organisé dans un esprit d'ouverture vis-à-vis des différentes traditions, visions et pratiques de l'anarchisme. Nous cherchons à promouvoir l'anarchisme en mettant en pratique des valeurs comme l'entraide, la démocratie par la base, l'action directe, l'autonomie et la solidarité, et en nous opposant à toutes les formes d'oppression.

Le Salon du livre et le Festival de l’anarchie sont une occasion importante de rassemblement et un point de référence pour les idées et les pratiques anti-autoritaires en Amérique du Nord.

-> Pour savoir « Qu'est-ce qui se passe au Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal? », suivez ce lien: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/presentation/quest-ce-qui-se-passe-au-salon-du-livre-anarchiste-de-montreal
-> Énoncé d'accessibilité: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/accessibilite


Plus de 100 kiosques de libraires, distributeurs, presses indépendantes, maisons d'éditions et groupes anarchistes en provenance de partout à travers le Québec, l'Amérique du Nord et l'étranger. Cette année, des participants de: France, Angleterre, Suisse, Belgique, Suéde; Oakland, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, New York City, Indiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Vermont; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean & Quebec City; et plus! Pour les participants : http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/kiosques

Des activités amusants, des jeux, des collations, des activités de plein air, des sports, une salle de repos et d’artisanat: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/enfants-et-les-parents

Art & Anarchie rassemble les créations de quelques douzaines d’artistes et de militants dont la pratique s’inspire de l’anarchie. Cette année, l’exposition comprend des sculptures, peintures, affiches, bannières, dessins, installations, ainsi que d’autres médias. info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/art-2

- Samedi le 29 mai à 13h:
* Un ABC de l’anarchisme (Anna Kruzynski & Marco Silvestro)
* Anarchism and Its Aspirations (Cindy Milstein).
- Dimanche le 30 mai à 13h:
* Sur les traces de l’anarchisme au Québec (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* Anarchism without Anarchists / Anarchism with Anarchists: The Practice and Relevance of Anarchism (Jaggi Singh).
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/ateliers

* 11am: Refusing to Be Abused: Histories and Present Realities of Copwatch as a Tool Against Police Repression (Copwatch Montreal & Winnipeg)
* 11h : Autogestion versus gestion capitaliste (Nicolas van Caloen)
* 1pm: Building land defence and anti-colonial resistance movements: Becoming a force to be reckoned with (Shabina Lafleur-Gangji & Matt Soltys)
* 15h : Cité sans frontières : La justice en matière de migration et la pratique quotidienne d’entraide et d’action directe (Solidarité sans frontières)
* 15h : La One Big Union et le syndicalisme révolutionnaire au Québec et au Canada (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* 3pm : Practical strategies for anarchist writing (Alexis Shotwell)
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/ateliers

* 11h: Les émeutes et l'anarchie (fr.) (Marc-André Cyr)
* 11am: Panel: Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social - Transformation (Chris Dixon, Cindy Milstein and Maia Ramnath)
* 12pm: Anarchist Writers of Fiction Meeting (bil.) (facilitated by Norman Nawrocki)
* 13h: Connaissances de bases en informatiques (fr.) (le réseau Koumbit)
* 3pm: Eugenics in Anarchism and Feminism (AJ Withers & Griffin Epstein)
* 3pm: Capitalist Authority versus Anti-Colonial Breakout: The example of the militant direct-action Civil Rights movement in one Northern u.s. city, 1960-1965 (J. Sakai)
* 15h: Piraterie maritime et Anarchisme, au-delà des idées reçues (fr.) (Marco Silvestro)
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/ateliers

* Deux roues sur terre (Guillaume Girard, 2009, 66 min., FR, Uruguay / Canada)
* Slug love (J. Mary Burnet, 2009, 3min.30, ANG, Canada)
* Contre-culture à vendre (Pierre-Luc Junet, 2009, 7 min., FR, Québec)
* Tortilleria (Chloé Germain-Thérrien, 2010, 3min.30, sans dialogue, Québec)
* Motions for web (Anita Schoepp, 2010, 4 min., sans dialogue, Québec)
* I didn’t know what to say to him (Jessica McCormack et Stephen Brown, 2008 7 min., ANG, Québec)
* Psychic Capital (Jessica McCormack et Rae Spoon, 2009, 16 min., ANG, Québec)
* Si le SCRS venait cogner à la porte'' (Réseau de la commission populaire, 6 min., ANG, 2010, Québec)
* Interviews from Defenders of the Land 2008 (2008, extrait de 45 min., ANG, Winnipeg)
* Regards de société : Afrique, Palestine, Montréal (Santiago Bertolino et Steve Patry, 2009-2010, 65 minutes, FR, Québec)
* Les Anarchistes (2009, 25 min., FR, France)
* Whatever happened to Who's Emma (Lyndall Musselman, 2009, 27 min., ANG, Canada)
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/salle-de-films

* 500 ans de Résistance autochtone (avec Gord Hill, Kwakwaka’wakw)
* Justice en Attente: Justice pour les femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées (avec Bridget Tolley, Algonquine de Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg)
* 20 ans après Oka: les communautés Kanienkehaka en résistance
(avec Clifton Arihwakehte, membre de la communauté Mohawk de Kanehsatake)
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/salle-de-solidarite-autochtone

* Accouchement alternatif (avec Martine Quimper, Melissa Bellemare, Francine Rhéault, et d’autres)
* Éducation et apprentissage dans une perspective radicale (avec L’École libre de Montréal, Cap libre, Jerry Mintz d’Alternative Education Resource Organization à New York, Kamala Bhusal de Sri Aurobindo Ashram/Orphanage au Népal, et d’autres)
* Supporter les parents aux prises avec les autorités étatiques
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/enfants-et-les-parents

* Réseau de mobilisation communautaire de Toronto/Résistance anarchiste du sud de l’Ontario (SOAR)
* G20, pouvoir et crise économique (présenté par les membres de la Coalition féministe radicale contre le G20)
* Résistance étudiante au G20 (avec le Regroupememt Anti-G20 Étudiant (RAGE))
* La crise économique et écologique du capitalisme (présenté par le comité d’éducation populaire de la Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC2010))
info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/salle-de-la-resistance-anticapitaliste

CABARET ANARCHISTE (Vendredi le 28 mai à Il Motore, 179 Jean-Talon Ouest):
Une soirée de musique, hip hop et danse. Avec Micros Armés, Dramatik, Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble, Emrical and Don’t Put Charles on the Money. info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/cabaret-anarchiste-28-mai

Le Festival de l'Anarchie prendra place au mois de mai, avec des événements reliés à l'anarchisme, dans plusieurs lieux publics de Montréal. info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/festival-2010

Les dons recueillis lors du Salon du livre anarchiste édition 2010 seront versés à la bibliothèque anarchiste DIRA (Montréal) et le nouveau Fonds d’accessibilité au Salon du livre anarchiste. info: http://www.salonanarchiste.ca/dons

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’anarchisme? Venez nous voir!

-> courriel: info@salonanarchiste.ca
-> web: www.salonanarchiste.ca
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> liste d’annonces : https://masses.tao.ca/lists/listinfo/salon-annonces
-> facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=71082453058
-> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BookfairAnarMTL

- VENDREDI le 28 mai, après 20h: Nous serons à Il Motore (179 Jean-Talon Ouest) pour le Cabaret Anarchiste.

- SAMEDI le 29 mai et DIMANCHE le 30 mai, 10h-17h: Cette année, le Salon du livre anarchiste se tiendra à deux endroits situés l’un en face de l’autre. Notre lieu principal sera le CEDA (2515 rue Delisle, métro Lionel-Groulx), un centre communautaire pour l’éducation aux adultes dans le sud-ouest de Montréal, site du Salon du livre depuis 8 ans. Nous nous servirons aussi du Centre culturel Georges-Vanier, en face du CEDA.

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