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The G20 Legal Defence Fund Has Closed BUT Remaining Defendants Still Need Your Help!

Donations are needed to support those arrested at the G20.You can support the detainees’ legal costs and help alleviate some of the other costs of navigating the court system. Information below…

From June 25-27, elites from the world’s most powerful economies met in Huntsville and Torontoto draft policies to further exploit the environment and people, bolstering the systems that sustain colonialism, wars and displacement. Tens of thousands of people mobilized in a historic weeklong convergence in opposition to these policies. Daily demonstrations highlighted struggles for Indigenous sovereignty; environmental justice; migrant justice; an end to war and occupation; community control over resources; gender justice; and queer and disability rights.

Over $1.2 billion was spent on security, the most in G20 summit history, which paid for a dizzying array of weaponry and nearly 20,000 police—plus a security fence that turned Toronto into a fortress to host a select few and a police state to terrorize the rest of us.

Over 1,000 people, protesters and bystanders alike, were detained—the largest mass arrests in Canadian history. They were held for long periods in makeshift cages in deplorable conditions, most without timely access to legal counsel. Many had been simply caught up in massive police sweeps of public areas.  Others were woken at gunpoint while sleeping. Others were picked up at their homes. Some of those arrested are still in custody. Many have been long-time community organizers. Recently extraditions have occurred nearly three years later.
We all need to support all of those arrested during the G20 summit. We must continue to mobilize and build greater solidarity among our communities. An important part of this will be supporting our courageous allies still in detention and those released on bail.

We are requesting that people organize fundraisers, throw parties, art auctions and public events to raise money and to create awareness. If you would like a speaker at your event or have further questions, please email

Please contribute to the legal defence funds that remain:
Eva Botten from Vancouver
Extradited Americans Facing G20 Charges
Guelph ABC