FINAL FANTASY XV - All Summons + Secret Summon Attacks
FFXV All the Summons and summon secondary attacks in FF15. Some summons have 2 attack animations, and Titan has 3. This video will show you all the summon attacks and secret secondary summon attacks
Titan secret summon attack animation vs Adamantoise
Titan's Gaia wrath from afar, where he throws huge rock
Titan's Gaia Wrath fist smash.
Ramuh's Judgement Bolt and Ramuhs secondary attack where he throws spear if you're in Dungeon.
Shiva Summon vs Ifrit, and Shiva in-game battle Summon
Bahamut summon, exlusive to Ifrit only.
Leviathan summon ( near water places only )
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42JpbHMGA5cPngPZib4ZXe3O
Assassin's Creed Mirage videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42LIyQq7_KriP-18pu8v3XD5
published: 24 Dec 2016
【Final Fantasy VII Rebirth】All Summons
All summoning animations and finishing moves.
00:00 Intro
00:03 Shiva
00:31 Ifrit
00:59 Ramuh
01:29 Leviathan
01:57 Titan
02:26 Phoenix
02:58 Alexander
03:34 Kujata
04:03 Bahamut Arisen
04:37 Odin
05:09 Gilgamesh
05:49 Magic Pot
06:21 Moogle Trio
06:45 Chocobo & Moogle
SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
published: 07 Mar 2024
All Summons - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 4K Gameplay (Spoilers)
Here is every summon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth including their entrance, attacks, and ultimate moves. Some spoilers at the end.
#gaming #gamespot #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7rebirth
If you were wondering what summons are capable of in Rebirth and what powerful attacks they can do, this video features all of them including Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Chocobo And Moogle, Pheonix, Alexander, Odin, Kujata, Bahamut Arisen, and one more unexpected one.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second game in the latest Final Fantasy trilogy and releases on Feb 29 on PlayStation 5. It's a follow-up to Final Fantasy VII Remake. The series has been rebooted from the beloved 1997 Final Fantasy VII.
published: 29 Feb 2024
Final Fantasy Evolution Of Summons Compilation - FFIII - FFXV (1990 - 2017)
►Subscribe - https://goo.gl/izJQ3s ►Support Dansg08 on Patreon: https://goo.gl/xvvDJD ► Thanks to the help of my fellow Youtubers, I was able to put together this compilation of every summon in the main numbered Final Fantasy games, all the way from FF3 on the NES to FFXV on the PS4. This encapsulates more than 25 years of Final Fantasy history, and I thought it might be a nice way to see how the game has evolved over the years. This compilation features everything from the most famous summons like Shiva, Bahamut and Leviathan to those who have only ever appeared in a single FF title. I hope I have got them all (I did it based on the FF wiki summons list since I don't know every FF inside out), if I have missed anything, do let me know and when I update this video in the years to come, I w...
published: 25 Dec 2017
10 Most Powerful Summons In Final Fantasy History
Final Fantasy X's Bahamut was the king.
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/gaming
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- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1433583146
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/75Wj1jpLKribbIZKTrf9aI?si=Zj0yx0zpTe-AmFCZXFFI2A
WhatCulture Gaming Podcast is also available on Acast, Podbean, Podbay, Podcast Addict, and more to come!
published: 01 Oct 2023
History of Final Fantasy Summons
Summons have been part of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. With Eikons, Final Fantasy XVI's version of Summonable Monsters, playing a central role in the recently released game, we're taking a look at how Summons have evolved since their first appearance in 1990's Final Fantasy III. We also take a deeper look at all the major Eikons in Final Fantasy XVI, including the mythology they come from and their defining characteristics and behaviors.
Eidolons, Espers, Guardian Forces, Aeons, Primals…call them what you will, summonable creatures have been a cornerstone of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. Making their first appearance in Final Fantasy III in 1990, the initial roster included 8 summons, including series’ regulars Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Odin and Bahamu...
published: 03 Jul 2023
Final Fantasy 13 - All Summons and Ultimate Attacks (4K Remastered)
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ All summons and ultimate attacks from Final Fantasy 13 remastered in 4K.
0:00 - Odin "Zantetsuken"
1:15 - Shiva "Diamond Dust"
2:31 - Bahamut "Megaflare"
3:42 - Alexander "Divine Judgment"
5:06 - Hecatoncheir "Gaian Salvo"
6:20 - Brynhildr "Muspell Flame"
7:39 - Lightning "Army of One"
7:53 - Snow "Sovereign Fist"
8:02 - Sazh "Cold Blood"
8:14 - Hope "Last Resort"
8:26 - Fang "Highwind"
8:33 - Vanille "Death"
FF13 limit breaks. Final Fantasy XIII summons.
published: 13 Apr 2020
Final Fantasy XVI : All Human Character to Eikon Summons Transformations ( FFXVI 2023 )
[ Final Fantasy XVI All human character to Eikon summons transformations ]
Here are all the interesting human characters in Final Fantasy 16 transforming into their Eikon summons. Who doesn’t like watching giant kaijus fighting each other?
Timestamps :
0:00 - Garuda
0:51 - Ramuh
2:30 - Ifrit
3:27 - Titan
5:25 - Bahamut
6:47 - Shiva
8:11 Odin and Phoenix
[ Final Fantasy XVI is an upcoming action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. The sixteenth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, it is scheduled for release on June 22, 2023 for the PlayStation 5 as a timed exclusive. The game will feature segmented open environments and an action-based combat system involving both melee and magic-based attacks. There...
published: 22 Jun 2023
[FEH] Seasonal banner - Duo Fjorm & Nifl Summons
FEH keeps throwing so many cool units I want to 10+ merge damn XD
Clovis - LadyMatcha/MatchaManx
Vtuber Art - Cherry_n_Bon on Twitter
published: 09 Sep 2024
Final Fantasy 15: All Summons (1080p 60fps)
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ Final Fantasy 15 All Summons on PS4 Pro in 1080p 60fps. This includes Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, Shiva, Bahamut, and Ifrit. Note: Bahamut and Ifrit are not able to be summoned in combat.
See all the Final Fantasy 15 boss battles here:
✪ Subscribe! http://bit.ly/Subscriiiibe
Final Fantasy XV All Summons Boss Battle PS4 Pro FF15.
published: 02 Dec 2016
FINAL FANTASY XV - All Summons + Secret Summon Attacks
FFXV All the Summons and summon secondary attacks in FF15. Some summons have 2 attack animations, and Titan has 3. This video will show you all the summon attac...
FFXV All the Summons and summon secondary attacks in FF15. Some summons have 2 attack animations, and Titan has 3. This video will show you all the summon attacks and secret secondary summon attacks
Titan secret summon attack animation vs Adamantoise
Titan's Gaia wrath from afar, where he throws huge rock
Titan's Gaia Wrath fist smash.
Ramuh's Judgement Bolt and Ramuhs secondary attack where he throws spear if you're in Dungeon.
Shiva Summon vs Ifrit, and Shiva in-game battle Summon
Bahamut summon, exlusive to Ifrit only.
Leviathan summon ( near water places only )
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42JpbHMGA5cPngPZib4ZXe3O
Assassin's Creed Mirage videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42LIyQq7_KriP-18pu8v3XD5
Mortal Kombat 1 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42I4CF6vN8YhRZ7KSyHADHsd
God of War videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42IuC60kuow2ZASljuBB1kAv
Tekken 8 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KwZzRByKKZ5uwJ-oFum7Se
Devil May Cry Series Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KHPzu-6KmSmUzry49jk1if
Full Game Walkthrough videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KwrwxbOEMlqK_Ftr6ssQwh
Full Game Movie / All Cutscenenes videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KGGHvexCi1U7qiRjSLaAo9
FFXV All the Summons and summon secondary attacks in FF15. Some summons have 2 attack animations, and Titan has 3. This video will show you all the summon attacks and secret secondary summon attacks
Titan secret summon attack animation vs Adamantoise
Titan's Gaia wrath from afar, where he throws huge rock
Titan's Gaia Wrath fist smash.
Ramuh's Judgement Bolt and Ramuhs secondary attack where he throws spear if you're in Dungeon.
Shiva Summon vs Ifrit, and Shiva in-game battle Summon
Bahamut summon, exlusive to Ifrit only.
Leviathan summon ( near water places only )
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42JpbHMGA5cPngPZib4ZXe3O
Assassin's Creed Mirage videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42LIyQq7_KriP-18pu8v3XD5
Mortal Kombat 1 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42I4CF6vN8YhRZ7KSyHADHsd
God of War videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42IuC60kuow2ZASljuBB1kAv
Tekken 8 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KwZzRByKKZ5uwJ-oFum7Se
Devil May Cry Series Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KHPzu-6KmSmUzry49jk1if
Full Game Walkthrough videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KwrwxbOEMlqK_Ftr6ssQwh
Full Game Movie / All Cutscenenes videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrAtIG9Gr42KGGHvexCi1U7qiRjSLaAo9
- published: 24 Dec 2016
- views: 8592461
【Final Fantasy VII Rebirth】All Summons
All summoning animations and finishing moves.
00:00 Intro
00:03 Shiva
00:31 Ifrit
00:59 Ramuh
01:29 Leviathan
01:57 Titan
02:26 Phoenix
02:58 Alexander
03:34 K...
All summoning animations and finishing moves.
00:00 Intro
00:03 Shiva
00:31 Ifrit
00:59 Ramuh
01:29 Leviathan
01:57 Titan
02:26 Phoenix
02:58 Alexander
03:34 Kujata
04:03 Bahamut Arisen
04:37 Odin
05:09 Gilgamesh
05:49 Magic Pot
06:21 Moogle Trio
06:45 Chocobo & Moogle
SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
All summoning animations and finishing moves.
00:00 Intro
00:03 Shiva
00:31 Ifrit
00:59 Ramuh
01:29 Leviathan
01:57 Titan
02:26 Phoenix
02:58 Alexander
03:34 Kujata
04:03 Bahamut Arisen
04:37 Odin
05:09 Gilgamesh
05:49 Magic Pot
06:21 Moogle Trio
06:45 Chocobo & Moogle
SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 07 Mar 2024
- views: 108322
All Summons - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 4K Gameplay (Spoilers)
Here is every summon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth including their entrance, attacks, and ultimate moves. Some spoilers at the end.
#gaming #gamespot #finalfan...
Here is every summon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth including their entrance, attacks, and ultimate moves. Some spoilers at the end.
#gaming #gamespot #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7rebirth
If you were wondering what summons are capable of in Rebirth and what powerful attacks they can do, this video features all of them including Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Chocobo And Moogle, Pheonix, Alexander, Odin, Kujata, Bahamut Arisen, and one more unexpected one.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second game in the latest Final Fantasy trilogy and releases on Feb 29 on PlayStation 5. It's a follow-up to Final Fantasy VII Remake. The series has been rebooted from the beloved 1997 Final Fantasy VII.
Here is every summon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth including their entrance, attacks, and ultimate moves. Some spoilers at the end.
#gaming #gamespot #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7rebirth
If you were wondering what summons are capable of in Rebirth and what powerful attacks they can do, this video features all of them including Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Chocobo And Moogle, Pheonix, Alexander, Odin, Kujata, Bahamut Arisen, and one more unexpected one.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second game in the latest Final Fantasy trilogy and releases on Feb 29 on PlayStation 5. It's a follow-up to Final Fantasy VII Remake. The series has been rebooted from the beloved 1997 Final Fantasy VII.
- published: 29 Feb 2024
- views: 120363
Final Fantasy Evolution Of Summons Compilation - FFIII - FFXV (1990 - 2017)
►Subscribe - https://goo.gl/izJQ3s ►Support Dansg08 on Patreon: https://goo.gl/xvvDJD ► Thanks to the help of my fellow Youtubers, I was able to put together th...
►Subscribe - https://goo.gl/izJQ3s ►Support Dansg08 on Patreon: https://goo.gl/xvvDJD ► Thanks to the help of my fellow Youtubers, I was able to put together this compilation of every summon in the main numbered Final Fantasy games, all the way from FF3 on the NES to FFXV on the PS4. This encapsulates more than 25 years of Final Fantasy history, and I thought it might be a nice way to see how the game has evolved over the years. This compilation features everything from the most famous summons like Shiva, Bahamut and Leviathan to those who have only ever appeared in a single FF title. I hope I have got them all (I did it based on the FF wiki summons list since I don't know every FF inside out), if I have missed anything, do let me know and when I update this video in the years to come, I will try to add it in :)
I have decided to take the approach of only showing the summons that can actually be summoned and used by the players, and not if they just appear as part of the story in a context other than summoning otherwise it is too broad a spectrum since sometimes they might simply appear once as part of a cutscene and nowhere else in the game, so you can't actually summon them. FFXIV is the exception here because you cannot truly summon in that game, the summons as we know them appear as Bosses. Where possible I have made sure to include the summon + their best move.
This is a mixture of my own footage and footage that has been provided by fellow Youtubers (especially the very old and online FF titles). Here is a list of the contributors to this video:
- https://www.youtube.com/user/Xenomic
- https://www.youtube.com/user/OshanWorld
- https://www.youtube.com/user/DarioZuga
- https://www.youtube.com/user/dudewhereismyspoon
- https://www.youtube.com/user/IkariLoona (Special thanks to this channel who actually took the time to record the summons with their FFXI account)
3:34 Final Fantasy IV
10:11 Final Fantasy V
12:01 Final Fantasy VI
18:48 Final Fantasy VII
29:52 Final Fantasy VIII
41:36 Final Fantasy IX
50:29 Final Fantasy X
1:10:24 Final Fantasy XI
1:13:15 Final Fantasy XII
1:30:41 Final Fantasy XIII
1:36:24 Final Fantasy XIV
1:58:26 Final Fantasy XV
For those interested, I have Walkthroughs for the following Final Fantasy Titles (most also have an accompanying movie version):
Final Fantasy X - www.youtube.com/watch?v=03HaLMNJWWk
Final Fantasy X-2 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBYnm_oc6rs
Final Fantasy IX - www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1UcjXfu9nk
Final Fantasy XIII - www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI351TIOH_I
Final Fantasy Type-0 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsGEmMEiiv8
Final Fantasy XV - www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWWV09LEOCc
►Subscribe - https://goo.gl/izJQ3s ►Support Dansg08 on Patreon: https://goo.gl/xvvDJD ► Thanks to the help of my fellow Youtubers, I was able to put together this compilation of every summon in the main numbered Final Fantasy games, all the way from FF3 on the NES to FFXV on the PS4. This encapsulates more than 25 years of Final Fantasy history, and I thought it might be a nice way to see how the game has evolved over the years. This compilation features everything from the most famous summons like Shiva, Bahamut and Leviathan to those who have only ever appeared in a single FF title. I hope I have got them all (I did it based on the FF wiki summons list since I don't know every FF inside out), if I have missed anything, do let me know and when I update this video in the years to come, I will try to add it in :)
I have decided to take the approach of only showing the summons that can actually be summoned and used by the players, and not if they just appear as part of the story in a context other than summoning otherwise it is too broad a spectrum since sometimes they might simply appear once as part of a cutscene and nowhere else in the game, so you can't actually summon them. FFXIV is the exception here because you cannot truly summon in that game, the summons as we know them appear as Bosses. Where possible I have made sure to include the summon + their best move.
This is a mixture of my own footage and footage that has been provided by fellow Youtubers (especially the very old and online FF titles). Here is a list of the contributors to this video:
- https://www.youtube.com/user/Xenomic
- https://www.youtube.com/user/OshanWorld
- https://www.youtube.com/user/DarioZuga
- https://www.youtube.com/user/dudewhereismyspoon
- https://www.youtube.com/user/IkariLoona (Special thanks to this channel who actually took the time to record the summons with their FFXI account)
3:34 Final Fantasy IV
10:11 Final Fantasy V
12:01 Final Fantasy VI
18:48 Final Fantasy VII
29:52 Final Fantasy VIII
41:36 Final Fantasy IX
50:29 Final Fantasy X
1:10:24 Final Fantasy XI
1:13:15 Final Fantasy XII
1:30:41 Final Fantasy XIII
1:36:24 Final Fantasy XIV
1:58:26 Final Fantasy XV
For those interested, I have Walkthroughs for the following Final Fantasy Titles (most also have an accompanying movie version):
Final Fantasy X - www.youtube.com/watch?v=03HaLMNJWWk
Final Fantasy X-2 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBYnm_oc6rs
Final Fantasy IX - www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1UcjXfu9nk
Final Fantasy XIII - www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI351TIOH_I
Final Fantasy Type-0 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsGEmMEiiv8
Final Fantasy XV - www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWWV09LEOCc
- published: 25 Dec 2017
- views: 318117
10 Most Powerful Summons In Final Fantasy History
Final Fantasy X's Bahamut was the king.
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/gaming
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Final Fantasy X's Bahamut was the king.
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/gaming
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WhatCulture Gaming Podcast now available!
- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1433583146
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/75Wj1jpLKribbIZKTrf9aI?si=Zj0yx0zpTe-AmFCZXFFI2A
WhatCulture Gaming Podcast is also available on Acast, Podbean, Podbay, Podcast Addict, and more to come!
Final Fantasy X's Bahamut was the king.
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/gaming
Catch us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/whatculturegaming
Find us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/wculturegaming
Check out our merch store at: http://teespring.com/stores/wcg
Why not join our Discord? http://discord.gg/MHBjvVv
WhatCulture Gaming Podcast now available!
- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1433583146
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/75Wj1jpLKribbIZKTrf9aI?si=Zj0yx0zpTe-AmFCZXFFI2A
WhatCulture Gaming Podcast is also available on Acast, Podbean, Podbay, Podcast Addict, and more to come!
- published: 01 Oct 2023
- views: 35702
History of Final Fantasy Summons
Summons have been part of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. With Eikons, Final Fantasy XVI's version of Summonable Monsters, playing a central role...
Summons have been part of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. With Eikons, Final Fantasy XVI's version of Summonable Monsters, playing a central role in the recently released game, we're taking a look at how Summons have evolved since their first appearance in 1990's Final Fantasy III. We also take a deeper look at all the major Eikons in Final Fantasy XVI, including the mythology they come from and their defining characteristics and behaviors.
Eidolons, Espers, Guardian Forces, Aeons, Primals…call them what you will, summonable creatures have been a cornerstone of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. Making their first appearance in Final Fantasy III in 1990, the initial roster included 8 summons, including series’ regulars Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Odin and Bahamut, all of whom are present as Eikons in Final Fantasy XVI. These creatures were summonable by the Evoker, Sage and Summoner jobs, and had one of three effects when called upon, depending on which job had summoned them. While lower level summons were available in shops, Final Fantasy III also introduced the long running tradition of defeating more powerful summons in battle in order to gain the ability to summon them.
By Final Fantasy VIII, summons found themselves playing a central role in the game's mechanics and story once again. Called “Guardian Forces”, they junctioned to a human host’s consciousness. A Junctioned party member could draw magic from enemies and the environment then cast it in battle or junction it to status attributes to increase speed, strength or add elemental defense or attack properties. Final Fantasy IX limited summoning to two characters, Garnet/Dagger and Eiko, and introduced the term “Eidolon” which, as previously mentioned, would be used in the DS release of Final Fantasy IV, as well as Final Fantasy XII. Eidolon’s were summoned via gemstones and are, according to Final Fantasy IX lore, manifestations of the planet's collected memories gathered by its crystal.
Final Fantasy X again restricted summoning to a single character, the Summoner Yuna, but also completely changed the way summons worked. For the first time in the series, rather than being an in-battle cutscene resulting in massive amounts of elemental damage, Summons acted as temporary party members, controllable by the player for a limited amount of time once summoned. In Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy’s first foray into the massively multiplayer online space, Avatars as they were called worked similarly, and remained on the battlefield under the control of a summoner player character until all their MP was depleted, to different ends depending on what blood pact the summoner used to call them.
A weird outlier in the series is Final Fantasy XII, wherein their version of Espers, a term originating in FFVI, all correspond to a sign of the zodiac. NONE of the standard summons appear per se –more on that later– in this installment of the franchise, though many of them correspond with the Lucavi of Final Fantasy Tactics which, like Final Fantasy XII, is set in Ivalice. Eidolons make their return in Final Fantasy XIII only this time they’re Transformers. No really, they’re all mechanical and transform into vehicles. They must be defeated in battle to gain access to their power via a crystal shard called an Eidolith.
Final Fantasy XIV featured two names for summoned creatures: Primals and Eikons. Well, will you look at that Yoshi-Producer of Final Fantasy XIV and also XVI. Primals are godlike beings, with each holding dominion over a tribe within Eorzea and manifest with enough prayer and aether. They're a destructive force deeply tied to the lore and story, and make for some major boss fights, too. Those who play Summoner must summon “fragments” of a Primal's power, known as Egis, to do battle with - incomplete enough for them to maintain control of them. This is also the first game wherein Final Fantasy began to explore the idea of humanoid Avatars physically assuming the form of summons, with the Primal Phoenix having been created from the Elezen sage Louisoix Leveilleur during the confrontation with the Primal Bahamut, which kicked off A Realm Reborn. In Final Fantasy XV summons were divided into two categories, Astrals, colossal beings that protect Eos and are worshiped as gods - and Messengers, magical beings sent to make humankind aware of the Astrals’ will. Astrals are unlocked as part of the story, with Noctis gaining their favor and ability to summon them upon completing their trials.
Exploring the individual histories and origins of every Summon to ever appear in the Final Fantasy series would make for a really, really, really long video so in honor of the recently released Final Fantasy XVI, we’ll keep our focus on those legendary creatures out here making big trouble in Little Valisthea.
Summons have been part of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. With Eikons, Final Fantasy XVI's version of Summonable Monsters, playing a central role in the recently released game, we're taking a look at how Summons have evolved since their first appearance in 1990's Final Fantasy III. We also take a deeper look at all the major Eikons in Final Fantasy XVI, including the mythology they come from and their defining characteristics and behaviors.
Eidolons, Espers, Guardian Forces, Aeons, Primals…call them what you will, summonable creatures have been a cornerstone of the Final Fantasy franchise for over 30 years. Making their first appearance in Final Fantasy III in 1990, the initial roster included 8 summons, including series’ regulars Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Odin and Bahamut, all of whom are present as Eikons in Final Fantasy XVI. These creatures were summonable by the Evoker, Sage and Summoner jobs, and had one of three effects when called upon, depending on which job had summoned them. While lower level summons were available in shops, Final Fantasy III also introduced the long running tradition of defeating more powerful summons in battle in order to gain the ability to summon them.
By Final Fantasy VIII, summons found themselves playing a central role in the game's mechanics and story once again. Called “Guardian Forces”, they junctioned to a human host’s consciousness. A Junctioned party member could draw magic from enemies and the environment then cast it in battle or junction it to status attributes to increase speed, strength or add elemental defense or attack properties. Final Fantasy IX limited summoning to two characters, Garnet/Dagger and Eiko, and introduced the term “Eidolon” which, as previously mentioned, would be used in the DS release of Final Fantasy IV, as well as Final Fantasy XII. Eidolon’s were summoned via gemstones and are, according to Final Fantasy IX lore, manifestations of the planet's collected memories gathered by its crystal.
Final Fantasy X again restricted summoning to a single character, the Summoner Yuna, but also completely changed the way summons worked. For the first time in the series, rather than being an in-battle cutscene resulting in massive amounts of elemental damage, Summons acted as temporary party members, controllable by the player for a limited amount of time once summoned. In Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy’s first foray into the massively multiplayer online space, Avatars as they were called worked similarly, and remained on the battlefield under the control of a summoner player character until all their MP was depleted, to different ends depending on what blood pact the summoner used to call them.
A weird outlier in the series is Final Fantasy XII, wherein their version of Espers, a term originating in FFVI, all correspond to a sign of the zodiac. NONE of the standard summons appear per se –more on that later– in this installment of the franchise, though many of them correspond with the Lucavi of Final Fantasy Tactics which, like Final Fantasy XII, is set in Ivalice. Eidolons make their return in Final Fantasy XIII only this time they’re Transformers. No really, they’re all mechanical and transform into vehicles. They must be defeated in battle to gain access to their power via a crystal shard called an Eidolith.
Final Fantasy XIV featured two names for summoned creatures: Primals and Eikons. Well, will you look at that Yoshi-Producer of Final Fantasy XIV and also XVI. Primals are godlike beings, with each holding dominion over a tribe within Eorzea and manifest with enough prayer and aether. They're a destructive force deeply tied to the lore and story, and make for some major boss fights, too. Those who play Summoner must summon “fragments” of a Primal's power, known as Egis, to do battle with - incomplete enough for them to maintain control of them. This is also the first game wherein Final Fantasy began to explore the idea of humanoid Avatars physically assuming the form of summons, with the Primal Phoenix having been created from the Elezen sage Louisoix Leveilleur during the confrontation with the Primal Bahamut, which kicked off A Realm Reborn. In Final Fantasy XV summons were divided into two categories, Astrals, colossal beings that protect Eos and are worshiped as gods - and Messengers, magical beings sent to make humankind aware of the Astrals’ will. Astrals are unlocked as part of the story, with Noctis gaining their favor and ability to summon them upon completing their trials.
Exploring the individual histories and origins of every Summon to ever appear in the Final Fantasy series would make for a really, really, really long video so in honor of the recently released Final Fantasy XVI, we’ll keep our focus on those legendary creatures out here making big trouble in Little Valisthea.
- published: 03 Jul 2023
- views: 43492
Final Fantasy 13 - All Summons and Ultimate Attacks (4K Remastered)
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ All summons and ultimate attacks from Final Fantasy 13 remas...
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ All summons and ultimate attacks from Final Fantasy 13 remastered in 4K.
0:00 - Odin "Zantetsuken"
1:15 - Shiva "Diamond Dust"
2:31 - Bahamut "Megaflare"
3:42 - Alexander "Divine Judgment"
5:06 - Hecatoncheir "Gaian Salvo"
6:20 - Brynhildr "Muspell Flame"
7:39 - Lightning "Army of One"
7:53 - Snow "Sovereign Fist"
8:02 - Sazh "Cold Blood"
8:14 - Hope "Last Resort"
8:26 - Fang "Highwind"
8:33 - Vanille "Death"
FF13 limit breaks. Final Fantasy XIII summons.
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ All summons and ultimate attacks from Final Fantasy 13 remastered in 4K.
0:00 - Odin "Zantetsuken"
1:15 - Shiva "Diamond Dust"
2:31 - Bahamut "Megaflare"
3:42 - Alexander "Divine Judgment"
5:06 - Hecatoncheir "Gaian Salvo"
6:20 - Brynhildr "Muspell Flame"
7:39 - Lightning "Army of One"
7:53 - Snow "Sovereign Fist"
8:02 - Sazh "Cold Blood"
8:14 - Hope "Last Resort"
8:26 - Fang "Highwind"
8:33 - Vanille "Death"
FF13 limit breaks. Final Fantasy XIII summons.
- published: 13 Apr 2020
- views: 2192242
Final Fantasy XVI : All Human Character to Eikon Summons Transformations ( FFXVI 2023 )
[ Final Fantasy XVI All human character to Eikon summons transformations ]
Here are all the interesting human characters in Final Fantasy 16 transforming int...
[ Final Fantasy XVI All human character to Eikon summons transformations ]
Here are all the interesting human characters in Final Fantasy 16 transforming into their Eikon summons. Who doesn’t like watching giant kaijus fighting each other?
Timestamps :
0:00 - Garuda
0:51 - Ramuh
2:30 - Ifrit
3:27 - Titan
5:25 - Bahamut
6:47 - Shiva
8:11 Odin and Phoenix
[ Final Fantasy XVI is an upcoming action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. The sixteenth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, it is scheduled for release on June 22, 2023 for the PlayStation 5 as a timed exclusive. The game will feature segmented open environments and an action-based combat system involving both melee and magic-based attacks. There are also recurring series features including Chocobos, and summoned monsters called Eikons, which are both fought as bosses and used through channelling their power in combat.
Final Fantasy XVI is set in the fictional world of Valisthea, a world divided between six nations who hold power through access to magical Crystals and Dominants, humans who act as hosts for each nation's Eikon. Tensions between the nations escalate as a malady dubbed the Blight begins consuming the land. Clive Rosfield, guardian to his younger brother Joshua, witnesses his kingdom destroyed and goes on a revenge quest in pursuit of the dark Eikon Ifrit. ][ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XVI ]
Outro Music “Honor For All” by John Licht & Daniel Licht
#ffxvi #finalfantasy16 #ff16
[ Final Fantasy XVI All human character to Eikon summons transformations ]
Here are all the interesting human characters in Final Fantasy 16 transforming into their Eikon summons. Who doesn’t like watching giant kaijus fighting each other?
Timestamps :
0:00 - Garuda
0:51 - Ramuh
2:30 - Ifrit
3:27 - Titan
5:25 - Bahamut
6:47 - Shiva
8:11 Odin and Phoenix
[ Final Fantasy XVI is an upcoming action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. The sixteenth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, it is scheduled for release on June 22, 2023 for the PlayStation 5 as a timed exclusive. The game will feature segmented open environments and an action-based combat system involving both melee and magic-based attacks. There are also recurring series features including Chocobos, and summoned monsters called Eikons, which are both fought as bosses and used through channelling their power in combat.
Final Fantasy XVI is set in the fictional world of Valisthea, a world divided between six nations who hold power through access to magical Crystals and Dominants, humans who act as hosts for each nation's Eikon. Tensions between the nations escalate as a malady dubbed the Blight begins consuming the land. Clive Rosfield, guardian to his younger brother Joshua, witnesses his kingdom destroyed and goes on a revenge quest in pursuit of the dark Eikon Ifrit. ][ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XVI ]
Outro Music “Honor For All” by John Licht & Daniel Licht
#ffxvi #finalfantasy16 #ff16
- published: 22 Jun 2023
- views: 133500
[FEH] Seasonal banner - Duo Fjorm & Nifl Summons
FEH keeps throwing so many cool units I want to 10+ merge damn XD
Clovis - LadyMatcha/MatchaManx
Vtuber Art - Cherry_n_Bon on Twitter
FEH keeps throwing so many cool units I want to 10+ merge damn XD
Clovis - LadyMatcha/MatchaManx
Vtuber Art - Cherry_n_Bon on Twitter
FEH keeps throwing so many cool units I want to 10+ merge damn XD
Clovis - LadyMatcha/MatchaManx
Vtuber Art - Cherry_n_Bon on Twitter
- published: 09 Sep 2024
- views: 46
Final Fantasy 15: All Summons (1080p 60fps)
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ Final Fantasy 15 All Summons on PS4 Pro in 1080p 60fps. Thi...
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ Final Fantasy 15 All Summons on PS4 Pro in 1080p 60fps. This includes Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, Shiva, Bahamut, and Ifrit. Note: Bahamut and Ifrit are not able to be summoned in combat.
See all the Final Fantasy 15 boss battles here:
✪ Subscribe! http://bit.ly/Subscriiiibe
Final Fantasy XV All Summons Boss Battle PS4 Pro FF15.
Subscribe for more! ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaluuQuE5GoOlULA2PGKmA?sub_confirmation=1
☆ Final Fantasy 15 All Summons on PS4 Pro in 1080p 60fps. This includes Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, Shiva, Bahamut, and Ifrit. Note: Bahamut and Ifrit are not able to be summoned in combat.
See all the Final Fantasy 15 boss battles here:
✪ Subscribe! http://bit.ly/Subscriiiibe
Final Fantasy XV All Summons Boss Battle PS4 Pro FF15.
- published: 02 Dec 2016
- views: 1039918