- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 9769272
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Clash of Clans is a freemium mobile MMO strategy video game developed and published by Supercell.
The game was released for iOS platforms on 2 August, 2012, and on Google Play for Android on 7 October, 2013.
Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold and elixir, and Dark Elixir, which can be used to build defenses that protect the player from other players' attacks, and to train and upgrade troops. The game also features a pseudo-single player campaign in which the player must attack a series of fortified goblin villages.
To earn and store gold and elixir, players must build gold mines and gold storages and elixir collectors and elixir storages, respectively. Elixir is used to train new troops, carry out research in the laboratory to upgrade troops, to re-load X-Bows (available from Town Hall 9) and to build and upgrade certain buildings, mostly pertaining to buildings used in attacking another player's base. Gold is used to build defensive buildings and to upgrade the town hall, which allows access to more buildings and higher levels for existing buildings. At higher levels, dark elixir becomes available; this type of elixir is used to train and upgrade dark elixir troops and heroes, create dark spells, and fuel the Inferno Tower, a defensive building that is available only at Town Hall 10. To earn and store dark elixir, players must build dark elixir drills and dark elixir storages.
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
Terms of service (also known as terms of use and terms and conditions, commonly abbreviated as ToS or TOS and TOU) are rules which one must agree to abide by in order to use a service. Terms of service can also be merely a disclaimer, especially regarding the use of websites.
The Terms-of-Service Agreement is mainly used for legal purposes by websites and internet service providers that store a user's personal data, such as e-commerce and social networking services. A legitimate terms-of-service agreement is legally binding and may be subject to change.
A terms-of-service agreement typically contains sections pertaining to one or more of the following topics:
A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document (in privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data. It fulfills a legal requirement to protect a customer or client's privacy. Personal information can be anything that can be used to identify an individual, not limited to but including name, address, date of birth, marital status, contact information, ID issue and expiry date, financial records, credit information, medical history, where one travels, and intentions to acquire goods and services. In the case of a business it is often a statement that declares a party's policy on how it collects, stores, and releases personal information it collects. It informs the client what specific information is collected, and whether it is kept confidential, shared with partners, or sold to other firms or enterprises.
The exact contents of a privacy policy will depend upon the applicable law and may need to address requirements across geographical boundaries and legal jurisdictions. Most countries have their own legislation and guidelines of who is covered, what information can be collected, and what it can be used for. In general, data protection laws in Europe cover the private sector as well as the public sector. Their privacy laws apply not only to government operations but also to private enterprises and commercial transactions.
2012 第 9 張音樂力作 羅志祥 有我在 9ood SHOW 沒有愛的世界 才是真正的末日 為愛而存在 分秒都精彩 天天都是 GOOD SHOW 做自己的平民英雄 開創你的天長地九 不怕風雲變色無畏驚天動地 打破唱片界的末日神話 挑戰年度唱銷王三連霸 連續 2 年蟬聯了台灣唱片年度銷售冠軍的[亞洲舞王]羅志祥, 即將在 2012 年 4 月發行他的第 9 張個人專輯! 談到 2012 就勢必會想到全球最熱門的[世界末日]話題, 羅志祥堅持想要藉由音樂和表演來傳達他自己的羅式世界末日觀, 他和幕後製作團隊從世界末日的觀點討論出了[有我在]的專輯概念, 呼籲大家能夠在別人需要幫助時,即時伸出援手,向對方說出「有我在」, 讓這世界因為人與人的互相扶持而更美好與充滿希望! 羅志祥想要表達的世界末日, 是如果現在這個世界失去了愛的力量, 如果人與人之間都如此冷漠, 那和世界末日真的來臨 又有什麼分別? 就算世界末日真的來了, 你又是否有勇氣願意為愛你的人而努力活下去? 每次出片都不忘為了忠實歌迷爭取福利, 羅志祥最新專輯[有我在]也推出了預購限定的獨家好禮來回饋粉絲, 配合專輯以 2012 世界末日為主題的概念, 推出二款不同獨家造型的包裝贈品, [風雲變色版] 加贈 GOOD SHOW LED 投影手電筒, 以及獨家造型的[天使也哭泣]寫真歌詞本! [驚天動地版], 加贈 LOVE SHOW 全城愛秀豹紋口罩, 以及獨家造型[末日風火海]寫真歌詞本, 預購期間限定 有我在KKBOX收聽 http://kkbox.fm/Fs08mS 有我在EZPEER收聽 http://www.ezpeer.com/song/song.php?song_id=p000007-a0135117-s0...
李毓芬加盟索尼音樂 女神不「玩」美 呈現真實情感面的李大哥 2016首支個人單曲「是我不夠好」 探討男女之間感情排序態度差異 過去李毓芬總是給大家完美女神的印象,美麗嬌柔的外表常常讓大家忘記了她在演藝事業上¬的努力與敬業態度,其實私底下的李毓芬個性很像男生,簡單而直爽,在朋友間有著「李大¬哥」的綽號,對於愛情她依然抱持著單純、執著的態度,坊間一些流言緋語她常常懶得去解¬釋。2016加盟索尼音樂發行最新單曲「是我不夠好」,李毓芬突破女神的印象,這次不¬「玩」美,以不完美的真實樣貌,表達她對愛情的態度,讓大家更了解她。 李毓芬說:「男人與女人在愛情中的表達方式不同,女生往往投入感情比較慢,但是一旦投¬入就會全心全意;男生卻是相反,在一起之後感情只是生活中的一部分,被排在工作、興趣¬、朋友、家人之後」。這首歌就是在探討男女之間,對於感情排序的差異,期待能引起大家¬的共鳴。 李毓芬【是我不夠好】數位單曲 下載連結: ●iTunes/ Apple Music :https://goo.gl/6XZ5lX ●Spotify:https://goo.gl/Tx1O6I ●KKBOX:https://goo.gl/sJWqaq ●myMusic 線上音樂:http://goo.gl/KVYe08 Omusic:http://goo.gl/NlJT58 電信下載: ●CHT中華電信:https://goo.gl/PkPR1s ●TWM台灣大哥大:http://goo.gl/Ilor5w ●FET遠傳電信:http://goo.gl/BJDcSY ★更多活動詳情請上 Sony Music官方網站 http://www.sonymusic.com.tw/main Sony Music Taiwan CPOP-華語粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/sonymus...
算什麼男人 詞/曲: 周杰倫 特別演出:林依晨/邱凱偉 為了歌曲的意境,周杰倫遠赴義大利的Verona(維洛那)以及佛羅倫斯拍攝MV對嘴,Verona是莎士比亞名作「羅密歐與茱麗葉」的故鄉,當地觀光景點之一的「愛情鎖牆」也入鏡其中,因應MV劇情,周董拍了在牆上解開鎖的畫面,日前在台北拍攝MV時,不忘把當時的鎖帶入劇情中。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 算什麼男人 What Kind of Man 親吻你的手 還靠著你的頭 讓你躺胸口 那個人已不是我 這些平常的舉動現在叫做難過 喔~難過 日子開始過 我沒你照樣過 不會很難受 我會默默的接受 反正在一起時你我都有開心過 就足夠 我的溫暖你的冷漠讓愛起霧了 如果愛心畫在起霧的窗是模糊 還是更清楚 你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 眼睜睜看她走卻不聞不問 是有多天真 就別再硬撐 期待你挽回你卻拱手讓人 你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 還愛著她卻不敢叫她再等 沒差 你再繼續認份 她會遇到更好的男人 親吻你的手 還靠著你的頭 讓你躺胸口 那個人已不是我 這些平常的舉動現在叫做難過 喔~難過 日子開始過 我沒你照樣過 不會很難受 我會默默的接受 反正在一起時你我都有開心過 就足夠 我的溫暖你的冷漠讓愛起霧了 如果愛心畫在起霧的窗是模糊 還是更清楚 你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 眼睜睜看她走卻不聞不問 是有多天真 就別再硬撐 期待你挽回你卻拱手讓人 你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 還愛著她卻不敢叫她再等 沒差 你再繼續認份 她會遇到更好的男人 你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 眼睜睜看她走卻不聞不問 是有多天真 就別再硬撐 期待你挽回卻拱手讓人 你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 還愛著她卻不敢叫她再等 沒差 你再繼續認...
《帥到分手》三立偶像劇 [飛魚高校生] 片頭曲 詞:周湯豪/崔惟楷 曲:周湯豪 暌違四年,周湯豪 [真] 的回來了! 2016 領先潮流 一個包裝、2 張專輯 讓你聽到好、聽到飽 NICKTHEREAL品牌真腔實彈雙專輯再進化 最新創作 全球流行概念時尚音樂「REAL」 10/15 (六) 猛爆雙輯、正式回歸 -- 【數位線上聽】 KKBOX ►http://smarturl.it/6qes36 Omusic ►http://smarturl.it/dxspzq myMusic ►http://smarturl.it/dd975q Spotify ►http://smarturl.it/yqfqjq iTunes ►http://smarturl.it/kuyru0 心音樂 ►打開APP,搜尋「周湯豪」 Nick周湯豪:https://www.facebook.com/nickeveryday/ 台灣太陽娛樂粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/sunegtw -- 《帥到分手》 詞:周湯豪/崔惟楷 曲:周湯豪 像沒人要的狗 風在吹著我 感覺超悲哀 你說要分手 直白的藉口 因為怕被我甩 現在你只想要跟我 掰掰 太突然了你 現在我只想要搬 搬到太麻里隔壁 rap 不用再爭誰錯誰對 愛到了底你進我退 uh 如果我付出的你當無所謂 愛情失敗帥到分手的罪 就讓我背 女人的 珍貴青春不能浪費 悲劇收場 只要一個人狼狽 now stop 乾脆 不要那麼累 我背 我帥到分手 安全感不夠 你選擇向錢走 現實將我爆頭 我帥到分手 安全感不夠 你選擇向錢走 原來你是高手 話都你在說 when i gave u all my love u pushed me back i dont really care no more dont reall...
[ ♬ 數位音樂平台] iTunes : http://smarturl.it/JJ10 KKBOX : http://smarturl.it/927qiu myMusic : http://smarturl.it/qzszyz Omusic : http://smarturl.it/uat994 ▶ 購買專輯 : http://smarturl.it/kmpxyk ▶ 修煉愛情鈴聲下載資訊: 中華電信用戶: 手機直撥760→按1→輸入718772 遠傳電信用戶: 手機直撥900→按4→輸入744429 台哥大用戶: 手機直撥803→按4→輸入718772 亞太用戶: 手機直撥560→按2→按6選擇快速點歌→輸入718772 威寶用戶: 手機直撥700→按4→輸入718772 或者直撥以下所屬電信代碼,並按1說【林俊傑】就可立即設定! 中華用戶: 手機直撥700 遠傳用戶: 手機直撥900 台哥大用戶: 手機直撥803 威寶用戶: 手機直撥700 --------------------------------------------- 故事改編自JJ不曾提起、最沉痛的一段回憶...... 2012學不會,2013修煉愛情 愛情,是我們永遠的課題 有些回憶,怎麼洗都洗不掉 有些感覺,失去了就永遠回不來 每愛一次,都是一次修煉,為了下一次,我們能愛得更好 JJ林俊傑 10周年鉅獻 誠意再推薦 第10張全新專輯「因你而在」最新抒情強打「修煉愛情」Music Video 金曲獎最佳導演徐筠軒首度執導音樂動畫作品 故事改編自JJ不曾提起、最沉痛的一段回憶...... 「近未來的世界,是一個沒有植物的寂寥世界 程式設計師Jean Joseph Orban (JJ飾演) 的植物學家女友 在一次例行性的探勘任務中,遭遇流星群擊中太空船,因而喪命 悲傷的Jean ...
《鬧翻天》邀來珍妮花執導 砸重金搭120坪實景大玩特玩 「亞洲舞王」羅志祥2012年度精選大碟『舞極限』甫發行即空降五大金榜、G-music排行榜雙榜冠軍,抒情主打《空中飛人》MV感人連帶影響歌曲受歡迎度,奪下KKBox冠軍、中華電信emom來電答鈴冠軍,果真魅力無法檔。最新主打MV《鬧翻天》邀來演藝圈裡炙手可熱的珍妮花導演拍攝,是小豬首次舞曲MV與女導演合作,珍妮花發揮一貫在視覺上鮮明色調處理方式,砸重金租棚打造近120坪實景拍攝,顏色繽紛、完全符合「鬧翻天」全民一起跳的熱鬧感,2人首次合作卻完全不尷尬陌生,珍妮花笑稱:「在〝玩來玩去〞的時候就突然拍完了,大家都玩得跟瘋子一樣!」 MV拉風獻寶新入荷未來車 小豬騎上信義鬧區 連法拉利車主也瘋狂 他在MV裡獻寶自己新入荷的電動科技單車「YikeBike未來車」,這是他在國外花10萬台幣購入的戰利品,台灣非常少見,在現場他還大方出借讓工作人員試騎,但因方向控制有難度,燈光師試騎時不穩摔倒,新車刮花他完全不在意,淡定直呼:「挑戰失敗,下一位。」因是電動控制,無法用來健身,小豬坦誠純粹因為「外型很炫」情有獨鍾就買了,但在台北騎得機會不高,現在成了他去家中附近便利商店的代步車,某天他跟PartyBoys騎到信義鬧區,停車位置恰巧是一整排法拉利名車,因外型特別,瞬間引起路人圍觀拍照,連法拉利車主都跑來問他「這車是什麼?」讓他覺得挺拉風。 爆紅騎馬舞高中原住民 裸上身靠張嘴膽大向「亞洲舞王」下戰帖 演唱會第四場熱銷9成 小豬積極練體能 惜肉如金 不脫就不脫! MV故事描述小豬去到一個頒有「禁舞令」的未來星球,最後靠他舞蹈的感染力,吸引王子隨之起舞,全民鬧翻天,是一隻充滿趣味、無厘頭的MV。珍妮花導演也特別找來幾位〝極具喜感〞的演員演出,日前因只穿一條小褲褲在教室裸跳騎馬舞而躍上台灣新聞的布農族高中生邱凱倫,飾演大王...
吳子雲(藤井樹)首執導電影【六弄咖啡館】 董子健、顏卓靈、林柏宏、歐陽妮妮領銜主演 六弄咖啡館∣FB官方專頁 https://www.facebook.com/atcafe6/ 華聯國際 https://www.facebook.com/hualienmedia 【六弄咖啡館】故事大綱: 人生,像走在一條小巷中,每一弄都有可能是另一個出口。 一夜滂沱大雨,車子拋錨的梁小姐來到咖啡廳躲雨,老闆泡著虹吸式咖啡,娓娓道來他跟同窗好友的曲折往事…關閔綠(董子健飾)和蕭柏智(林柏宏飾)雖不是校草,但自小一起讀書追女孩,也嬉鬧歡樂。小綠暗戀女神李心蕊(顏卓靈飾),撮合他們成了阿智的任務。阿智喜歡的恰北北蔡心怡(歐陽妮妮飾)是心蕊的閨蜜,打鬧相識戀情初萌時,四個同班同學渡過了最燦爛的年少生活。 但,人生曲折如巷弄。小綠和心蕊的戀情,在考上不同大學開始了遠距的考驗,雖然,總能找到拉近距離的方法...聽同一首歌、吃同口味便當…在不同城市,做同一件事,享受異地同行的浪漫。然而,人長大了就會改變?不同的視野和現實,漸漸拉開了人心的距離。當世界都在改變,小綠「與妳同在」的不變承諾,該何去何從? 半句再見 曲:李偲菘 詞:吳子雲 一張照片 半句再見 塵封的紀念 用眼淚把你複習一遍 殘缺的詩篇 遺忘的誓言 誰腦海有張忘不掉的臉 微紅的眼 微亮的天 好一次失眠 回憶輕易帶走了時間 有些從前 太執念 那痕跡 太明顯 而故事被遺憾 畫上了重點 一端在彼 一端在天 兩端成直線 直線永遠畫不出個圓 有些從前 太尖銳 誰腳步 太遙遠 讓結局被遺憾 寫下了句點 為何不放 既是過往 雲煙 想要遺忘 怎麼反覆 掛牽 往哪裡找安慰 會簡單一些 我被思念制約 快樂顯得卑微 怎麼不放 早是過往 雲煙 越想遺忘 越是反覆 掛牽 而你在心裡面 要怎麼道別 說這半句再見 已過了多少年 無解
CLASH-A-RAMA! is an original comedy series based on your favorite Clash of Clans and Clash Royale characters. Subscribe for more -- https://www.youtube.com/clashofclans He wasn’t even supposed to work today. Follow the trials and tribulations of a Wall Breaker Balloon Instructor. Frank, a Hog Rider, is sad that he doesn’t get to go to battle. His Hog needs a new leg because he got a little too hungry. Can a Builder help him out? A Giant wants to talk to Archers, but can’t seem to get over his awkwardness. His shyness melts after he heroically saves their lives and becomes their hero. A Wall Breaker goes out on the Village with his buddies, but his bomb tags along. He tries to date a Villager, but the bomb makes it awkward. The Wall Breaker can’t stay mad at his bomb, though, even when he...
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Talk to me baby, I'm listening
Lay down and tell me what's on your mind
What exactly did he do to make you cry this time
Well, I will be your comforter, I will make it right
He cast a shadow on your heart and I will bring back your light
Come in, I see he's hurt you again, when you are in pain, I'm in pain
That's part of being a friend but this is a special case
I held my feelings back because of him and now I can see it more than ever
I made a big big big, big mistake
I don't mean to disregard your feelings but I think that he's a fool
He don't know how sensitive you are and baby that just ain't cool
I'm just glad, I can be there for you when you need a helping hand
When deep inside my heart from the start I know I should've been your man
Lay down and tell me what's on your mind
What exactly did he do to make you cry this time
Well, I will be your comforter, I will make it right
He cast a shadow on your heart and I will bring back your light
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
Lay down and tell me what's on your mind
What exactly did he do to make you cry this time
Well, I will be your comforter, I will make it right