2013 Cowboyer og indianere inntar Slottet | Kongen av Amazonas og Nortraships hemmelige fond
Kongen misjonerte blant indianerne - Kinamisjonen tvinger Yanomami-indianere i Amazonas-re...
published: 01 Oct 2013
2013 Cowboyer og indianere inntar Slottet | Kongen av Amazonas og Nortraships hemmelige fond
2013 Cowboyer og indianere inntar Slottet | Kongen av Amazonas og Nortraships hemmelige fond
Kongen misjonerte blant indianerne - Kinamisjonen tvinger Yanomami-indianere i Amazonas-regnskogen til å konvertere for pengenes skyld. Kong Haralds svoger, Erling Lorentzen, har fått kritikk etter påstander om at han har bidratt til omfattende avskoging av regnskogen. Lorentzen (Safra, Rainier, Sommerlath og Carl XVI Gustaf) har drevet stort innen cellulose i Brasil, og virksomheten er blitt slaktet av miljøvernere. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aracruz_Celulose Kong Harald mottar Yanomami-indianernes leder, høvding Daví Kopenawa i audiens på slottet fredag. Det ble et hjertelig gjensyn. Foto: Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen, Det kongelige hoff Publisert 27.09.2013 Indianere okkuperer Aracruz-fabrikk Oslo (ANB): 80 brasilianske indianere har okkupert fabrikken Aracruz, som ble grunnlagt av kong Haralds svoger Erling Lorentzen. Publisert 06.10.2005 -- Selskapet er ansvarlig for ødeleggelsen av elvene, skogene, jorden og nær ødeleggelse av den indianske kulturen, sier en representant for indianerne ifølge nettavisen Terra. http://www.rb.no/Utenriks/article1772493.ece Nortraships hemmelige fond http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nortraships_hemmelige_fond Kong Harald levde ut hemmelig drøm: Se bildene fra Amazonas Opplevde jegere og giftpiler på nært hold. Men svogerens avskogingsgeskjeft var ikke tema på turen. lørdag 4. mai 2013, kl.00:00 Kongen er en ualminnelig tilpasningsdyktig person - rett og slett kul. Dag Hareide SOV GODT: Kong Harald debuterte som hengekøyebruker på turen. Foto: Regnskogfondet Norge/ISA Brasil/Det kongelige slott HAR FÅTT KRITIKK: Kong Haralds svoger Erling Lorentzen. Foto: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet HAR FÅTT KRITIKK: Kong Haralds svoger Erling Lorentzen. Foto: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet REISTE MED KONGEN: Dag Hareide i Regnskogfondet inviterte Kong Harald med på tur. Foto: Jacques Hvistendahl / Dagbladet SPREK: Kongen vandret gjennom regnskogen med staver og marsjstøvler - og reiste rett videre på regatta i Antigua. Foto: Regnskogfondet Norge/ISA Brasil/Det kongelige slott (Dagbladet): I årevis har kong Harald hatt en hemmelig drøm: å besøke indianerne i Amazonas-regnskogen. Nå har kongens drøm gått i oppfyllelse. Regnskogfondets leder Dag Hareide inviterte kongen med på tur, og fra 22. til 25. april bodde de to sammen med 120 Yanomami-indianere og deres leder Daví Kopenawa, i hans landsby Demini i Brasil ved grensa til Venezuela. - Dette er en gammel drøm jeg har hatt helt siden mine dager i Verdens naturfond. Nå bød anledningen seg, så da slo jeg til, sier kong Harald. Vond historie Etter en lang kamp fikk Yanomami-indianerne sitt eget territorium i 1992, og kong Harald er det første statsoverhodet som har vært på besøk. Møtte ikke svogeren Kong Haralds svoger, Erling Lorentzen, har fått kritikk etter påstander om at han har bidratt til omfattende avskoging av regnskogen. Lorentzen har drevet stort innen cellulose i Brasil, og virksomheten er blitt slaktet av miljøvernere. Den var ikke tema på turen, bekrefter Dag Hareide. - Dette er temaer der det har vært mye fram og tilbake. Vi har fått mye ros for vår drift, sier Erling Lorentzen til Dagbladet. Han hilste ikke på kongen under besøket. - Det er nesten like langt fra Norge til Brasil som herfra til Amazonas. Jeg var ikke med på tur, sier Lorentzen. Slottet ville ikke kommentere Lorentzens virksomhet fredag. Møtte ikke svogeren Kong Haralds svoger, Erling Lorentzen, har fått kritikk etter påstander om at han har bidratt til omfattende avskoging av regnskogen. Lorentzen har drevet stort innen cellulose i Brasil, og virksomheten er blitt slaktet av miljøvernere. Den var ikke tema på turen, bekrefter Dag Hareide. Slottet ville ikke kommentere Lorentzens virksomhet fredag. http://www.dagbladet.no/2013/05/04/nyheter/kong_harald/kongefamilien/amazonas/utenriks/26974945/ Kongen av Amazonas | 4. mai 2013 - I forrige uke fikk Kong Harald oppfylt sin gamle drøm om å besøke regnskogen. I fire dager bodde han sammen med yanomami-indianerne. Fra 22. til 25. april sjekket kong Harald ut fra det moderne liv med rutiner, klokker og stramt program. Hos yanomami-indianerne i landsbyen Demini i Brasil sov han i en enkel hengekøye side om side med 120 medlemmer av stammen. http://www.rb.no/underholdning/article6637923.ece Tre cowboyer og indianere ble bortvist fra Jessheim sentrum etter å ha havnet i munnhuggeri med vaktene på Taket. -- Cowboyer og indianere? -- Ja, tre stykker havnet i munnhuggeri med vaktene, sier operasjonsleder Bjørn Jahr ved Romerike politidistrikt til rb.no. -- Men cowboyer og indianere? http://www.rb.no/lokale_nyheter/article4689172.ece Den mähriske eller den Herrnhutiske Brødremenighed opstod omkring grev Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorff (1700-1760). http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herrnhutiske_Br%C3%B8dremenighed- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 17
A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo - PREVIEW
Purchase: http://www.der.org/films/man-called-bee.html This is one of the few ethnographic...
published: 12 May 2011
author: docued
A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo - PREVIEW
A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo - PREVIEW
Purchase: http://www.der.org/films/man-called-bee.html This is one of the few ethnographic films in which the anthropologist appears as one of the subjects, ...- published: 12 May 2011
- views: 11850
- author: docued
The Yanomamo World
This video is a mosaic of the true Yanomamo world in the Amazon region of Venezuela. Most ...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: originalpastorvon
The Yanomamo World
The Yanomamo World
This video is a mosaic of the true Yanomamo world in the Amazon region of Venezuela. Most of the video comes from the Parima area. Note the rare footage of t...- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 326
- author: originalpastorvon
Dispelling Myths: Yanomamo
Kenneth Good, anthropologist and author of "Into the Heart: One Man's Pursuit of Love and ...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Dispelling Myths: Yanomamo
Dispelling Myths: Yanomamo
Kenneth Good, anthropologist and author of "Into the Heart: One Man's Pursuit of Love and Knowledge among the Yanomamo," talks about his experience living and learning with this indigenous Amerindian people of South America. Join Upon Reflection host Marcia Alvar in this 1991 University of Washington video for a detailed look at anthropological field study and Good's integration into the Yanomamo culture.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 15
Yanomamo - Maggot (Live @ The Gladstone 01/03/13)
Get loose. yanomamo.bandcamp.com facebook.com/yanomamodoom....
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: YanomamoDoomo
Yanomamo - Maggot (Live @ The Gladstone 01/03/13)
Yanomamo - Maggot (Live @ The Gladstone 01/03/13)
Get loose. yanomamo.bandcamp.com facebook.com/yanomamodoom.- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 144
- author: YanomamoDoomo
Tribes Life_ Yanomamo People Live Very Hard At Amazon Without Money July 2013
What is africa animals ?
What is african tribal masks ?
What is african pictures ?
What is...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Tribes Life_ Yanomamo People Live Very Hard At Amazon Without Money July 2013
Tribes Life_ Yanomamo People Live Very Hard At Amazon Without Money July 2013
What is africa animals ? What is african tribal masks ? What is african pictures ? What is african american women ? What is african traditions ? What is native american masks ? What is africa travel ? What is aztec masks ? What is africa culture ? What is african textiles ? What is pictures of africa ? What is african artists ? What is african foods ? What is african language ? What is masks of the world ? What is e pro ? What is education degree online ? What is el paso ? What is dwi attorney austin ?- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 41
Yanomamo: The Jaguar
Original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical, Yanomamo by Peter ...
published: 21 Sep 2008
author: James Church
Yanomamo: The Jaguar
Yanomamo: The Jaguar
Original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical, Yanomamo by Peter Rose and Anne Conlon. Performed by the choir and musicians of St. A...- published: 21 Sep 2008
- views: 16567
- author: James Church
Yanomamo! ("Song of the Forest")
Title song from the original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical...
published: 22 Apr 2009
author: James Church
Yanomamo! ("Song of the Forest")
Yanomamo! ("Song of the Forest")
Title song from the original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical, Yanomamo by Peter Rose and Anne Conlon. Performed by the choir an...- published: 22 Apr 2009
- views: 10550
- author: James Church
Mountain of mystery part 1 The Yanomamo people
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities wh...
published: 04 Feb 2014
Mountain of mystery part 1 The Yanomamo people
Mountain of mystery part 1 The Yanomamo people
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities who live, or have lived, either by choice (people living in voluntary isolation) or by circumstance, without significant contact with globalized civilization. Few people have remained totally uncontacted by global civilization. Indigenous rights activists call for such groups to be left alone, stating that it will interfere with their right to self-determination. Most uncontacted communities are located in densely forested areas in South America and New Guinea. Knowledge of the existence of these groups comes mostly from infrequent and sometimes violent encounters with neighboring tribes, and from aerial footage. Isolated tribes may lack immunity to common diseases, which can kill a large percentage of their people after contac, The Korubo are more dangerous and hostile Indians of Amazonia, persecuted and massacred for centuries by the white man. Known as the crushing heads, had never been recorded. Never until a team of reporters saves a malaria attack to Maia, the queen of the tribe. In gratitude, the Korubo hand tend to accept recording equipment and traveling with them to the heart of the jungle. In 1996 an expedition led by explorer Sydney Possuelo attempted to contact the Korubo peaceful. This contact, starring misgivings, by fear and by the shadow of vengeance, ended in a tragic confrontation Korubo small children learn from the techniques and everyday of their elders. Play, design their own clothes and enjoy living in community Sidney Possuelo is the director of Isolated Indians. He works for Korubo maintain their land untouched, intact, to continue to belong to the indigenous people who inhabit them.- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 21
Yanomamo Forest People Song of the Forest
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities wh...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Yanomamo Forest People Song of the Forest
Yanomamo Forest People Song of the Forest
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities who live, or have lived, either by choice (people living in voluntary isolation) or by circumstance, without significant contact with globalized civilization. Few people have remained totally uncontacted by global civilization. Indigenous rights activists call for such groups to be left alone, stating that it will interfere with their right to self-determination. Most uncontacted communities are located in densely forested areas in South America and New Guinea. Knowledge of the existence of these groups comes mostly from infrequent and sometimes violent encounters with neighboring tribes, and from aerial footage. Isolated tribes may lack immunity to common diseases, which can kill a large percentage of their people after contac, The Korubo are more dangerous and hostile Indians of Amazonia, persecuted and massacred for centuries by the white man. Known as the crushing heads, had never been recorded. Never until a team of reporters saves a malaria attack to Maia, the queen of the tribe. In gratitude, the Korubo hand tend to accept recording equipment and traveling with them to the heart of the jungle. In 1996 an expedition led by explorer Sydney Possuelo attempted to contact the Korubo peaceful. This contact, starring misgivings, by fear and by the shadow of vengeance, ended in a tragic confrontation Korubo small children learn from the techniques and everyday of their elders. Play, design their own clothes and enjoy living in community Sidney Possuelo is the director of Isolated Indians. He works for Korubo maintain their land untouched, intact, to continue to belong to the indigenous people who inhabit them. amazon tribes video,amazon tribes videos,amazon tribes youtube,amazon tribes wiki,uncontacted amazon tribes,amazon tribes photos,african tribes,yanomami tribe african tribes breastfeeding,- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 10
Yanomamo: The Living Trees ("Song of the Forest")
Original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical 'Yanomamo' by Peter...
published: 10 Sep 2008
author: James Church
Yanomamo: The Living Trees ("Song of the Forest")
Yanomamo: The Living Trees ("Song of the Forest")
Original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical 'Yanomamo' by Peter Rose and Anne Conlon. Featuring the choir and musicians of St. Aug...- published: 10 Sep 2008
- views: 9628
- author: James Church
Yanomamo News People Live Very Hard At Amazon
News People , Actu People , Actualite People (7) , Actualite People , Mots clés similaires...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Yanomamo News People Live Very Hard At Amazon
Yanomamo News People Live Very Hard At Amazon
News People , Actu People , Actualite People (7) , Actualite People , Mots clés similaires à : Mode People (101) , Mode People , Girl , Tribe , Earth , Map Du Maroc , Map Monde , Village Vacances , yanomami village , yanomami women , yanomami tribe facts , Thanks safari tours channel for this video. Is the language being spoken by the natives on assassins creed iii real? Why do tribes? in the rainforest seem so happy? What is the/your meaning/purpose of life? What is the meaning of life? to you? Is the meaning of life? to be aware of our existence? 39;t fall in love wiht girls from my tribe, please help? The meaning of life? we will never know? Have any christian missionaries ever visited the namal tribe? What do you think is the meaning of life? Do cannibalistic tribes? exist on deserted islands? What is the purpose/true meaning of life? San tribe(south africa) research? Do you consider yourself part of a tribe? How was life? for africans in the early african kingdoms? Brazillian lost tribe? Fact about the yanomami tribe? Why are the Yanomami tribe under threat? What is the purpose of life? Some questions that i need Safaris? Brazil Safaris. Tanzania Safaris. African community project. Slavery in Africa. African Safari Tour. Tailored African Safaris. Overland Africa Trips Specials. African Travel. Safari Tours. Tanzania safari. Tanzania travel. safari in south africa. safari south africa. safaris in south africa. south africa safari tours. south african safari. amazon tours. Christians: do you believe there was ever a tribe of people that had absolutely no concept of god? A tribe called quest is beats, rhymes and life? album? Smart people only please. i see no meaning or value to life? I found a indian war axe/hammer in lewisburg ohio what tribe would have that been from? Amazonian tribes? Is it true at one point in time, the human race once all came from africa? African tribes? Is it true that some native american tribes? knew long ago that there will come a time.? Can you tell me about the woodsmen of the eastern forests please. they are native americans from maine to iowa. Jessie pavelka ring tattoo meaning? Life? is so unfair. physically, why do we have ugly people and beautiful people? don it- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 10
Amazonian Tribe Yanomamo Shaman Chief Shoefoot Testimony (1 of 2)
With permission by the producers of the film "The Enemy God" http://www.theenemygod.com Am...
published: 27 Aug 2009
author: Samson Brothers
Amazonian Tribe Yanomamo Shaman Chief Shoefoot Testimony (1 of 2)
Amazonian Tribe Yanomamo Shaman Chief Shoefoot Testimony (1 of 2)
With permission by the producers of the film "The Enemy God" http://www.theenemygod.com Amazonian Tribe Yanomamo (yanomami) Shaman Chief Shoefoot Testimony -...- published: 27 Aug 2009
- views: 18183
- author: Samson Brothers
Yanomamo of Orinoco PREVIEW
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities wh...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Yanomamo of Orinoco PREVIEW
Yanomamo of Orinoco PREVIEW
Uncontacted people, also referred to as isolated people or lost tribes, are communities who live, or have lived, either by choice (people living in voluntary isolation) or by circumstance, without significant contact with globalized civilization. Few people have remained totally uncontacted by global civilization. Indigenous rights activists call for such groups to be left alone, stating that it will interfere with their right to self-determination. Most uncontacted communities are located in densely forested areas in South America and New Guinea. Knowledge of the existence of these groups comes mostly from infrequent and sometimes violent encounters with neighboring tribes, and from aerial footage. Isolated tribes may lack immunity to common diseases, which can kill a large percentage of their people after contac, The Korubo are more dangerous and hostile Indians of Amazonia, persecuted and massacred for centuries by the white man. Known as the crushing heads, had never been recorded. Never until a team of reporters saves a malaria attack to Maia, the queen of the tribe. In gratitude, the Korubo hand tend to accept recording equipment and traveling with them to the heart of the jungle. In 1996 an expedition led by explorer Sydney Possuelo attempted to contact the Korubo peaceful. This contact, starring misgivings, by fear and by the shadow of vengeance, ended in a tragic confrontation Korubo small children learn from the techniques and everyday of their elders. Play, design their own clothes and enjoy living in community Sidney Possuelo is the director of Isolated Indians. He works for Korubo maintain their land untouched, intact, to continue to belong to the indigenous people who inhabit them. amazon tribes video,amazon tribes videos,amazon tribes youtube,amazon tribes wiki,uncontacted amazon tribes,amazon tribes photos,african tribes,yanomami tribe african tribes breastfeeding,- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 23
Youtube results:
Myth of Naro, Dedeheiwa (Yanomamo) - PREVIEW
Purchase: http://www.der.org/films/myth-of-dedeheiwa.html This film presents a version of ...
published: 10 Sep 2008
author: docued
Myth of Naro, Dedeheiwa (Yanomamo) - PREVIEW
Myth of Naro, Dedeheiwa (Yanomamo) - PREVIEW
Purchase: http://www.der.org/films/myth-of-dedeheiwa.html This film presents a version of a myth, different from the Myth of Naro as Told by Kaobawa, in narr...- published: 10 Sep 2008
- views: 42492
- author: docued
Yanomamo - The Knights of Malta (Slaughterfest VI @ Spectrum, Darlinghurst 27/7/13)
Check out the westie swinging at Anthony our singer www.facebook.com/yanomamodoom events@v...
published: 03 Aug 2013
author: YanomamoDoomo
Yanomamo - The Knights of Malta (Slaughterfest VI @ Spectrum, Darlinghurst 27/7/13)
Yanomamo - The Knights of Malta (Slaughterfest VI @ Spectrum, Darlinghurst 27/7/13)
Check out the westie swinging at Anthony our singer www.facebook.com/yanomamodoom events@vongrimmrecords.com http://yanomamo.bandcamp.com.- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 86
- author: YanomamoDoomo
Yanomamo - The Knights of Malta (Live @ Cosmos Rock Lounge)
Sydney Doom/Stoner band Yanomamo performing at "STONED TO DEATH FEST" at the Cosmos Rock L...
published: 02 Sep 2013
Yanomamo - The Knights of Malta (Live @ Cosmos Rock Lounge)
Yanomamo - The Knights of Malta (Live @ Cosmos Rock Lounge)
Sydney Doom/Stoner band Yanomamo performing at "STONED TO DEATH FEST" at the Cosmos Rock Lounge in Marrickville supporting the recently reunited Death Doom Sydney band Cruciform w/Exekute,Milkmaids and Burial Chamber 31/08/13 Check it: http://yanomamo.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/yanomamodoom- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 49
Yanomamo: Burn Them Trees ("Song of the Forest")
Original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical Yanomamo by Peter R...
published: 10 Sep 2008
author: James Church
Yanomamo: Burn Them Trees ("Song of the Forest")
Yanomamo: Burn Them Trees ("Song of the Forest")
Original 1988 broadcast of "Song of the Forest" - based on the musical Yanomamo by Peter Rose and Anne Conlon. Performed by the choir and musicians of St. Au...- published: 10 Sep 2008
- views: 14317
- author: James Church