- published: 14 Mar 2016
- views: 1856
The Nivkh (also Nivkhs, Nivkhi, or Gilyak; ethnonym: Nivxi; language, нивхгу - Nivxgu) are an indigenous ethnic group inhabiting the northern half of Sakhalin Island and the region of the Amur River estuary in Russia's Khabarovsk Krai. Nivkh were traditionally fishermen, hunters, and dog breeders. They were semi-nomadic, living near the coasts in the summer and wintering inland along streams and rivers to catch salmon. The land the Nivkh inhabit is characterized as taiga forest with cold snow-laden winters and mild summers with sparse tree cover. The Nivkh are believed to be the original inhabitants of the region deriving from a proposed Neolithic people migrating from the Transbaikal region during the Late Pleistocene.
The Nivkh suffered heavily from foreign influences, the first of which was the migration of the Tungusic peoples. Later, the Qing Dynasty of China forced the Nivkh to pay tribute to them. In 1850s–1860s, Russian Cossacks annexed and colonized Nivkh lands, where they are a small, often neglected, minority today. Today, the Nivkh live in Russian-style housing and with the over-fishing and pollution of the streams and seas, they have adopted many foods from Russian cuisine. The Nivkh practice shamanism, which is important for the winter Bear festival, though some have converted to Russian Orthodoxy.
The Last Nivkh Chieftain. One man determined to save his people and culture from oblivion
Journey to the indigenous Nivkh people of Sakhalin
Tours-TV.com: Nivkh people
Nivkh people Top # 9 Facts
Нивхи Nivkh People Far East Russia
The Last Nivkh Chieftain. One man determined to save his people and culture (Trailer) Premiere 14/03
Россия, любовь моя! Нивхи, живущие у воды
The Nivkh language and the Ainu language. Part 1
Nivkh Ujl'Ta - Songs And Handclapping
Nivkhs - Нівхи - Нивхгу - aborigenes of Sakhalin (Yh-mif)
The Nivkh are the indigenous people of Sakhalin Island in the Russian North. Since their lands were discovered by explorers from the mainland, they have undergone assimilation by the Japanese and persecution by the Soviet government. They were banned from practising their culture and their language was largely forgotten. Since the Nivkh language didn’t have a written form, it was an almost impossible task to preserve it in the reality faced by the Nivkh after being discovered by the outside world. Many Nivkh legends, beliefs and traditions were lost. However, current Nivkh chieftain, Vladimir Sangi, believes it is possible to restore the Nivkh language and culture. He co-authored the alphabet of the Nivkh language which has hugely contributed to its preservation. Still, there is a long wa...
Ensemble XXI continues its engagement with Russia's indigenous people of the North on a musical expedition led by Violinist and Ensemble XXI Concertmaster, Pia Siirala to the North of the island of Sakhalin in Russia's Far East.
Russia : Sakhalinskaya Oblast\'. (尼夫赫人, ニヴフ). See on map http://tours-tv.com/en/Nivkh-people .
A writer steps in to save the identity of his people. The Nivkh are Russia’s Northern people, native to the island of Sakhalin. After their territory was discovered first by Russian, then Japanese explorers, their culture and language were put on the brink of extinction. Now, their chief has a plan for how they might be restored. The film premieres on 14/03 SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! http://bit.ly/1MgFbVy FOLLOW US RTD WEBSITE: http://RTD.rt.com/ RTD ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RT_DOC RTD ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary RTD ON DAILYMOTION http://www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc RTD ON INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/rt_documentary/ RTD LIVE http://rtd.rt.com/on-air/
Нивхи - малочисленный народ, проживающий в Хабаровском крае и на Сахалине. Численность - менее 5 тысяч человек. Сегодня мы поговорим о нивхах, которые проживают на Сахалине, и покажем в студии уникальные фрагменты киносъемки. Нивхи являются прямыми потомками древнейшего населения этой территории, их считают звеньями одной этнической цепи с эскимосами и индейцами. Самоназвание нивхов означает - "человек", "люди". Как им сегодня удается сохранять свою культуру и свои традиционные обряды? Ведущий программы "Россия, любовь моя!" Пьер Кристиан Броше беседует на эту тему с доктором исторических наук, профессором, заведующим отделом Севера и Сибири Института этнологии и антропологии имени Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклая Дмитрием Функом. " Россия, любовь моя! " - победитель грантового конкурса Русского ге...
Doctor Shiraishi is specialised in the indigenous languages of the Russian island of Sakhalin. The indigenous people of Sakhalin are the Nivkh, the Uilta (Orok), and the Ainu. Sorry about the poor quality of this video.
Nivkhs are the natives of Sakhalin island in the Russian Far East, Siberian abrogenes. Nivkh language is unique and doesnt belong to any known family. Nivkh are of very short statue (men 160 cm) and unlike mongoloids they are relatively dark skinned. Nivkh beliefs are similiar to those of Ainu (cult of bear). Нівхи - аборигени острова Сахалін. Нівхська мова є унікальною, без подібних на неї. Нівхи - найдревніше населення далекого Сходу (палео-азіати). Нівхи - малого росту (мужчини - 160 см) і на відміну від монголоїдів, нівхи відносно темношкірі. На землі залишилося всього бл. 5000 нівхів і лише бл. 300 носіїв нівхської мови. Nivkh does not appear to be related to any other language, making it a language isolate. For classification convenience, it is included in the group of Paleosiberia...
Sakhalin (Russian: Сахалин, pronounced [səxɐˈlʲin]) is a large Russian island in the North Pacific Ocean, lying between 45°50' and 54°24' N. It is Russia's largest island, and is administered as part of Sakhalin Oblast. Sakhalin, which is about one fifth the size of Japan, is just off the east coast of Russia, and just north of Japan. The indigenous peoples of the island are the Ainu, Oroks and Nivkhs. Sakhalin has been claimed by both Russia and Japan over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries. This has led to bitter disputes between the two countries over control of the island. Russia seized the island from the Japanese near the end of World War II. Most Ainu moved to Hokkaidō when the Japanese were displaced from the island in 1949. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribut...
The original film shot in 1931 of this ceremony among the Ainu people of Japan. In the bear ceremony, now no longer performed, a specially reared bear was reverently killed and its flesh and blood eaten by the participants. The film shows a series of ritual acts with some commentary on their meaning.
Timeline 03:18 Deployment and unit attachments 04:51 Dossier, some info still classified? 07:12 Attachments, getting most of the presige available 11:53 Overstrength or get another unit? 15:47 The map of the area presents a peculiar challenge July 08, 2005 Day 20:57 Chinese set out on two fronts, both pretty tenuous 23:58 Russians set up the defence July 08, 2005 Night 24:15 General Ling realizes his mistakes, but gains are made, leaders are promoted 28:16 Russians try to contain PLA to the coast, presses some AA action July 09, 2005 Day 28:27 Chinese stabilize their gains in the West of Sakhalin, contemplates the mountainous trek 32:25 Trouble on the horizon? July 09, 2005 Night 32:31 Taking the long, perilous road... 35:41 Russian Helicopter bypasses Chinese point advance, thanks t...
For decades, Sweden has offered a safe haven to people who have fled from military conflict but as the current refugee crisis hits an unprecedented scale, the question arises, how much longer can the country continue to offer hospitality? Sweden is currently experiencing an ever deepening housing crisis. It is believed that to accommodate everyone in need of a place to live by 2020, the country would need to build the equivalent of “another Stockholm”. For now, refugees from Syria, other Middle Eastern countries and Africa are being housed temporarily in tents, on boats and even in a Wild West amusement park. RT Doc’s correspondent, Marina Kosareva visits the High Chaparral theme park. Every summer it welcomes thousands of tourists but during the winter off-season, it is being used to pro...
The Japanese people (日本人, Nihonjin, Nipponjin) are an ethnic group native to Japan. Japanese make up 98.5% of the total population. Worldwide, approximately 130 million people are of Japanese descent; of these, approximately 127 million are residents of Japan. People of Japanese ancestry who live in other countries are referred to as nikkeijin (日系人). The term ethnic Japanese may also be used in some contexts to refer to a locus of ethnic groups including the Yamato, Ainu, and Ryukyuan people. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Mark Passio ~ Natural Engagement ~ Truth Connections Radio ~ October 1, 2013 ~ Mark Passio is an independent researcher and public speaker who is also very active in The Breakthrough Energy Movement, the Tesla Science Foundation and Free Your Mind Conference. His website http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/ outlines his body of work. Mark takes listeners on a journey of self-exploration while examining human consciousness and the way it relates to the universal problems which we currently face. Mark joins Truth Connections to discuss satanism, natural law, the mindset of order followers, the enslavement system, what true enlightenment is, what the true great work is and much more. This broadcast is sure to be an empowering presentation about how to recognize: truth and deception, em...
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