- published: 16 Jun 2014
- views: 1737
Kiriko Takemura (竹村 桐子, Takemura Kiriko, born January 29, 1993), known by her stage name Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ, Kyarī Pamyu Pamyu), is a Japanese fashion model and singer. Her public image is associated with Japan's kawaisa and decora culture centered in the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo. Her music is produced by musician Yasutaka Nakata of electronic music duo Capsule.
Kyary is well known for her 2011 single, "PonPonPon", which made Japan's top ten. The 2012 singles "Candy Candy" and "Fashion Monster" followed the success. She has since released three full-length albums, Pamyu Pamyu Revolution in 2012, Nanda Collection in 2013, and Pika Pika Fantajin in 2014.
Though most of her success as a recording artist has been in Asia, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has also gained popularity in Western countries due in part to internet videos which have gone viral. Media outlets have referred to Kyary as "Harajuku Pop Princess", and she has been photographed for magazines such as Dazed & Confused. In 2013, Kyary signed a distribution deal with Sire Records to release her material in the United States.
「KPPおすすめ雨の日ソング特集」2014年6月16日(月)放送 きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅのウェイウェイレディオ! 【おすすめ1】宇多田ヒカル 虹色バス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyFmrfTqJao 【おすすめ2】神聖かまってちゃん ベイビーレイニーデイリー https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr1tPGa05eA ▼2014年6月2日(月)放送分 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGfXvlJfK8w ▼Kyary Pamyu Pamyu WAY WAY RADIO! Mon,Jun.16,2014 ▼きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅのウェイウェイレディオ! Kyary Pamyu Pamyu WAY WAY RADIO http://www.tbsradio.jp/pamyu ▼DISCOGRAPHY Debut mini album "Moshi Moshi Harajuku" - PON PON PON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb3IdLdIc6s 1st Single - Tsukematsukeru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLy4cvRx7Vc 2nd Single - CANDY CANDY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoK8DaJRDaM 3rd Single - Fashion Monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GivkxpAVVC4 4th Single - Furisodation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y6H-YjsE9Q 5th Sing...
<説明できるかしら?> 古い傷に血が通う夜 あなたのオペラ見逃したみたいね ときめき失った子どもたちのうしろで すべては数式で説明できるかしら? 部屋に差し込む穏やかな日差しも 色づく庭の花も うわの空で歌うマドンナのように だれも起きないうちに テレビつけっぱなしで ドア開けたら 風の吹くまま 物語の途中 ヒロインの涙で目を覚ますのさ <時計をあげる> いつも待ち合わせに遅れる君に時計をあげる 次に君が遅刻したら小さな素敵な時計をあげる グッドモーニング!重いからだ起こしてカーテン開けると ああ 雨の日曜日 寝ぐせを直して髭を剃る 鏡にうつる色男!気分がいいね 灰色に濡れた街を眺めて君を待つ 駅前広場は色とりどりの傘が花束みたいだ いつも待ち合わせに遅れる君に時計をあげる 次に君が遅刻したら小さな素敵な時計をあげる ロングコートにマフラーを巻いた暖かそうな姿で 傘をたたみながら 「ごめんね」って君は微笑む なんて可愛らしい仕草だろう 雨があがって夜が街を包み始める 車のテールランプが夕闇に浮かんで絵はがきみたいだ 灰色に濡れた街を眺めて君を待ってたとき 駅前広場は色とりどりの傘がきれいだったのに いつも待ち合わせに遅れる君に時計をあげる 次に君が遅刻したら小さな素敵な時計をあげる <バカンスが終わる> 長い夏のバカンスの終わりが近づいて 傷だらけの男が俺にささやくかすれた声 ねえ 教えて どれくらいの時間がたったの? 昨日が走り去る足音に合わせて 物語 語り口は変わってゆくけど 風がそよぐ夜 星降る空眺め 涙もろい思い出にまどろむのさ にぎやかさに背を向けて 俺は瞳をとじたままで 空の色が変わっても 俺は眠ったままでいる 胸がはずむ話をしてよ 気まぐれに喜びを... 水平線に覗く明日からの手紙運ぶ船 ね...
2010年10月2日(土)よりシアターN渋谷にて公開 生きる意味を見失った一人のサラリーマンが、かつて追っていた音楽への夢に引き寄せられていく姿を描く人間ドラマ。群馬県で10年以上続くロックイベント「Rockin' BROADWAY」のライブシーンを挿入し、音楽を通して主人公の心の葛藤(かっとう)を映し出す。監督は、『呪怨』シリーズの清水崇監督を兄にもち、 DJとして活動しながらこのロックイベントにかかわるTERRY LEE SMITH。前橋や高崎など群馬の街並みと、ノスタルジックな味わいも魅力。 配給:RED HOT GANG オフィシャルサイト http://www.rockin-broadway-movie.jp/ (C) 2010 RED HOT GANG all rights reserved.
words ; Yasushi Akimoto music ; Kiyonori Matsuo from "SIDE EFFECTS" [1985] Rosie don’t you know ? don’t you know ? Love you so rosie i can’t say i can’t say anymore fushigina me de mitsumerare ta sonotoki kara kubiitake e kokoro no jiyuu wo ubaata chikara wa woo…magic sa hoo rosie can’t you see ? can’t you see. what i mean ? rosie i need you i need you anytime mou kore ijyoo aishita na ra higeki sa e okoriso o kotoba ni dekinai omoi no yukue wa woo…mystery rosie tsumina Ci nderella naze itsumo mu koo kara mizuiro no balcony grandmere wa todokanai rosie don’t you know don’t you know love you so rosie i can’t say i can’t say anymore
1985年4月20日に「殺意のバカンス」でデビューした本田美奈子さん。 大宮のWe(現・ルミネ)の屋上で行われたデビューイベントに行った時に撮影した写真をスライドショーにしてみました。 保管してあったネガを業者にスキャンしていただいてデジタル化しました。 画像変換はToyCamera AnalogColorを使用。 変換種はYELLOW POLAです。 http://www.pentacom.jp/pentacom/toycamera_analogcolor/index_ja.html スライドショー作成はPhotoStageを使っています。 http://www.nchsoftware.com/slideshow/jp/ 音楽はのんのオルゴールの LittleGirl です。 http://music.nonono.jp/
BOX ライブ ~BOX is Alive!~ 2015年5月8日(金)開場19:00 開演19:30 出演:BOX(杉真理・松尾清憲・小室和之・田上正和) 料金:前売り 5,000円 / 当日5,500円(共に1ドリンク別途) 【チケット発売】 3月22日(日)より ・下北沢CLUB Que店頭(販売時間16:00~22:00)、 ・ローソンチケット Lコード: 75081 http://l-tike.com/ ・チケットぴあ Pコード: 260-107 http://t.pia.jp/ ・イープラス http://eplus.jp/
デジタル教材『森の恵み地域の恵み探検隊』の第5編『千曲川・長野大学・恵みの森』 http://megumi.midori-joho.gr.jp/docs/mori/dialog1.php 《森と遊ぼう!森を生かそう!/使いながら育てる里山づくりを体験》 制作:AUN長野大学恵みの森再生プロジェクト 番組版制作補助:長野大学・前川研究室 主催:長野県緑の基金『森の恵み地域の恵み探検隊』 長野大学のキャンパス内にある森で、大学と地域の人たちがいっしょになって森の恵みを活用していくプロジェクトを始めています。里山は、じょうずに活用すればずっと利用しつづけることができる資源でもあります。使いながら育てる里山づくりを体験します。
[TV/1080pHD] MUSIC FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE (December 24, 2011).
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu playing at The Regency Ballroom on July, 22, 2016 in San Francisco for her KPP 5iVE YEARS MONSTER WORLD TOUR. This was one of the greatest and most creative concerts I've been to. Thank you, Kyary!!! I recorded almost all of the concert. My battery died for a minute during Sai & Co, but I caught most of it. If anyone can caption when she is speaking in Japanese, I would be eternally grateful! Please subscribe and follow me on Instagram:justinianglamorous
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Tsukema Tsukeru live きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - つけまつける
00:00 PONPONPON 00:51 Tsukematsukeru 02:38 CANDY CANDY 04:59 Fashion Monster 06:06 Furisodeshon 09:11 Ninjya Re Bang Bang 11:16 Invader Invader 13:26 Mottai Nightland 15:46 Yumeno Hajima Ring Ring 17:30 Family Party 19:51 Kira Kira Killer 22:47 Mondai Girl
M01.CANDY CANDY 02:00 M02.KURAKURA 07:00 M03.OIRONAOSHI BEGINS 15:35 M04.Mondai Girl 17:42 M05.Cherry Bon Bon 27:49 M06.Tsukema Tsukeru 30:30 M07.do do pi do [CAPSULE COVER] 38:53 M08.PONPONPON 43:45 Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Live [Sweet Powder Room]
Twitter https://twitter.com/brunch_TBS/status/574863204653735938
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu commercials 2011-2015 きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ CM集
So on the 8th of July I went and saw Kyary Pamyu Pamyu at the London KOKO. I went and had an amazing time, and seeing her live saw awesome!! :3 So I wanted to share what I could with you all the concert. (Sorry I didn't record the whole thing, but when I got there it didn't have much battery left, but I recorded as much as I could) So hope you enjoy the video! :3 Song Times: Cosmetic Coaster: 1:56 - 3:35 5iVE YEARS MONSTER: 3:34 - 5:20 Furisodeshon: 6:01 - 7:53 CANDY CANDY: 9:04 - 10:00 PONPONPON: 11:02 - 15:34 Ninja Re Bang Bang: 16:05 - 17:58 Fashion Monster: 21:45 - 23:29 Crazy Party Night: 25:13 - 26:41 Mondai Girl: 26:42 - 27:50 Invader Invader: 28:07 - 30:00 Saigo No Icecream: 31:37 - 34:08 Kira Kira Killer: 35:02 - 36:39 Sai & Co: 38:31 - 39:41 Kimini 100 Perc...
PLEASE SUPPORT THE ARTIST AND BUY THEIR MUSIC!! Buy this on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/kyary-pamyu-pamyus-ghibli-set/id492563965 Buy this on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kyary-Pamyu-Pamyus-Ghibli-Set/dp/B006QX1ARC Artist: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Album: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's Ghibli Set 1 Sanpo (Stroll) [My Neighbor Totoro] 2 Country Road [Whisper of the Heart] 3 Kaze no Toorimichi (Path of the Wind) [Totoro] 4 Ano Natsu e (One Summer's Day) [Spirited Away] 5 Baron no Uta (Baron's Song) [Whisper of the Heart] 6 Rouge no Dengon (Message of Rouge) [Kiki's Delivery Service] 7 Kimi wo Nosete (Carrying You) [Laputa] 8 Kaze ni Naru (Become the Wind) [The Cat Returns] 9 Jinsei no Merry-Go-Round (Merry-Go-Round of Life) [Howl's Moving Castle] 10 Way Way Megamix BUY THE STUDIO GHIBLI ORIG...
Video Interview with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu at J-POP Summit 2016 -Credits- Videographer and Video Editor: Krys Villaster Production Assistant: Gloria Do Production Assistant: "Ken" Calvin Fan Translator: Victor Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Japanator's Hiroko Yamamura catches up with Japan's superstar, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu at Paris's Japan Expo! We only had a brief moment, but were pleasantly surprised by her awesomeness!
We had the privilege of being one of the few Australian media outlets to hang with J-Pop Princess, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu during her whirlwind local tour!
This video is only for entertainment purposes! NO COPYRIGHT Infringement intended. NOTHING BELONGS TO THIS ACCOUNT! Copyright belongs to Warner Music Japan and CNN. Check out my channels for more videos!!! My Main Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqyfVZ4rRD_JadWe88weDDQ/videos My 2nd Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX065qxT0ZtrUagBvGjlFw/videos My Vimeo channel: http://vimeo.com/user19885674/videos (Mainly used to re-upload videos that were removed by Youtube)
This is a re-uploaded video for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu meets Katy Perry for the first time on a news station I decided to add English captions due to requests from people and it is a shorter clip. I tried my best but please report any translation or timing issues with the captions. Also, if anyone is interested I have a blog where I write about my Japanese studies, youtubers, videos, MVs, culture, etc. Please check it out. http://miburi.wordpress.com Copyright All right reserved to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
This video is only for entertainment purposes! NO COPYRIGHT Infringement intended. NOTHING BELONGS TO THIS ACCOUNT! Check out my channels for more videos!!! My Main Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqyfVZ4rRD_JadWe88weDDQ/videos My 2nd Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX065qxT0ZtrUagBvGjlFw/videos My Vimeo channel: http://vimeo.com/user19885674/videos (Mainly used to re-upload videos that were removed by Youtube)
SBS PopAsia host Jamaica dela Cruz sat down with J-pop queen Kyary Pamyu Pamyu to talk about what inspires her, how much control she has over her image & why she decided to come to Australia. See all the concert photos: http://www.sbs.com.au/popasia/blog/2014/03/24/kyary-pamyu-pamyu-live-sydney
Filmed in Tokyo, Otaku-Verse Zero is a bi-weekly web show about Japanese pop culture. In this teaser for the upcoming Fall Season, hosts Yuu Asakawa and Patrick Macias talk to charisma model and Harajuku girl Kyary Pamyu Pamyu about her viral hit video PONPONPON. Subscribe to this channel to be notified when the full OVZ episode with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is released! Reach us at #ovzero and ovz@kzstation.com!
at ABC (Asahi Broadcasting) Japanese TV Station Official WEB Site Link http://kyary.asobisystem.com/