- published: 24 Sep 2017
- views: 19969
Yap or Wa′ab (Yapese: Waqab) classically refers to an island—the Yap Main Islands—located in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean, and a part of the Federated States of Micronesia. The name "Yap" in recent years has come to also refer to the state within the Federated States of Micronesia, inclusive of the Yap Main Islands and its various outer islands.
The Yap Main Islands is considered to be made up of four separate islands: Yap Island proper (Marbaq), Gagil-Tamil, Maap (Yapese: Maap′), and Rumung. The four are contiguous, though separated by water and are surrounded by a common coral reef. They are formed from an uplift of the Philippine Sea Plate, and are referred to as "high" islands as opposed to atolls. The land is mostly rolling hills, densely vegetated. Mangrove swamps line much of the shore, although there are beaches on the northern sides of the islands. Yap's indigenous cultures and traditions are strong compared to other states in Micronesia.
Colonia is the capital of the State of Yap which includes the Yap Main Islands and the Yap Neighboring Islands—the outer islands (mostly atolls) reaching to the east and south from the Yap Main Islands for some 800 km (500 mi), namely the atolls of Eauripik, Elato, Faraulep, Gaferut, Ifalik, Lamotrek, Ngulu, Olimarao, Piagailoe (West Fayu), Pikelot, Sorol, Ulithi, and Woleai, as well as the islands of Fais and Satawal (see map). Historically, a tributary system existed between the Neighboring Islands and the Yap Main Islands. This probably related to the need for goods from the high islands, including food, as well as wood for construction of seagoing vessels.
Thirteen Subscribe: http://bit.ly/sub2YAP | Follow YAP Instagram: http://bit.ly/YAPinstaG Watch More from YAP: http://bit.ly/YAPMovies http://www.twitter.com/dramatwit http://www.facebook.com/youngactorsproject Thirteen year old Caroline and her family just moved halfway across the country. Her old life was easy - at her old school she was popular, but now, all this fitting in stuff seems weird. Mom tells her to join clubs. But it's not that easy... Dodgeball team - Ouch! Debate team - Yikes! How about the ABC's (the Anti-Bullying Committee) - not a chance. A group of desperate losers want her to be in their rap video. Sounds like fun, but does she dare? And when getting too friendly with the chess club nerd threatens her chances with the popular girls it seems she might not fit an...
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The Girl Without a Phone - A Cinderella Story Subscribe: http://bit.ly/sub2YAP | Follow YAP Instagram: http://bit.ly/YAPinstaG Watch More from YAP: http://bit.ly/YAPMovies http://www.twitter.com/dramatwit http://www.facebook.com/youngactorsproject A magical phone transforms the life of the biggest loser at school. Written & Directed by Robert Randall for the Young Actors Project. Starring: Laine Taylor as Lili. Shea Smeltzer as Sierra. Matthew Vanlerburg Gargus as Brett. Paige Lidiard as Nicki. Grace Osborne as Jenny. WATCH MORE FROM THE YOUNG ACTORS PROJECT: SHORT FILMS: http://bit.ly/YAPMovies CHEERLEADERS IN THE CHESS CLUB: http://bit.ly/citcc GIRLS WITH BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS: http://bit.ly/YAP-BfProbs LATEST UPLOADS: http://bit.ly/YAP-LatestUploads POPULAR VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/YAP-P...
Jürinin performanslara puan verdiği serimiz Jüri Seçiyor'da bu kez arkadaşlarımız sihirbazlık hünerlerini sergiliyor. Bakalım kim sihirbazlığa daha yatkın? ► Bu serinin diğer videoları tam şurada: https://goo.gl/ydNlyM Mediakraft'ın diğer kanallarındaki eğlenceli videoları izlemek için tıklayın: ► Oha Diyorum: https://www.youtube.com/ohaadiyorum ► Oyun Delisi: https://www.youtube.com/oyundelisi ► BonbonTV https://www.youtube.com/bonbontv Bizi Facebook'ta takip edin: ► http://facebook.com/MediakraftTurk
Yap is a land steeped in ancient traditions, fascinating legends, and peopled by one of the most distinctive cultures in the Pacific.Dance is an art form in Yap. Through dance, legends are passed down, history is recorded and entertainment is created. The Yap Day Festival of Micronesia is one of the most important celebrations of the Yapese culture. All four of the Yap islands contribute to the merriment during the festival which make the customs and traditions performed here even more special. Yap Day is a carnival of joy and fulfillment, and the Yapese are deeply spiritual people, which reflects very strongly during the Yap Festival. THis is a short documentary about this fascinating culture of YAP- the island of the stone money.
Çarkı çevir, cezana katlan! Müthiş oyunumuz ''Cezalı Çark Yarışması'' sizlerle arkadaşlar!! Keyifli seyirler.. :)) KANALA ABONE OLMAK İÇİN; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4SURIa6DkYowM_Md1N8jpg ''YORUMLARLA ŞARKI'' VİDEOLARIMIZ İÇİN; ''BERAT EFE PARLAR İLE YORUMLARDAN ŞARKI YAPTIK! #2 - YOLLA'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNDFJ... ''YORUMLARLA ŞARKI YAPTIK! - Çağatay Akman/Sensin Benim En Derin Kuyum'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBRgx... ''ÇİKOLATA ŞELALESİ'' VİDEOLARIMIZ İÇİN; ''Berat Efe Parlar ile Cezalı Çikolata Şelalesi - BERAT ŞOV YAPTI, ACIMADI!'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T34oH... ''ÇİKOLATA ŞELALESİ Oynuyoruz! - En Kötüleri Kim Yedi? - Oyuncak Avı TV ile'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk8Yp... ''OYUNCAKOYNUYORUM Tv ile Çikolata Şelalesi Oynuyoruz! -...
Yeni bir Barbie dönüşümü videosu ile karşınızdayım! Amacım Disney'den Pamuk Prenses'i sonsuz hareket Barbie bebekler gibi eklem oynar bir hale getirmek. Bugün birlikte Pamuk Prenses bebeğinin vücudu Liv bebeğinin vücudu ile değiştirip tamamen oynar yapıp evcilik videoları için hazır hale getireceğiz. Bir sonraki işlemde yeni kıyafetler giydirme uygulayıp aksesuar ve ayakkabılarını değiştireceğiz. Böylece Pamuk Prenses Barbie'nin tüm elbiselerini giyebilecek! Beni bilirsiniz, Barbie bebeklerimi değişime uğratmayı çok severim. Özellikle Barbie saç bakımı ve kıyafet giydirme benim favori "Kendin Yap" işlemlerimden biri. Renkli, canlı ve cıvıl cıvıl saçlara sahip olan bir Barbie bebek tasarlamak en büyüm hobim. Eğlenceli ve komik evcilik videolarımın bir parçası olacak bu tatlı Barbie umarım ...
Bu videoda Japonya'da çok popüler olan kendin yap şekerleri var. Kutudan çıkanları uygun şekilde yaptıktan sonra tabii tadlarına bakıyoruz. Mediakraft'ın diğer kanallarındaki eğlenceli videoları izlemek için tıklayın: ► Yapyap: https://www.youtube.com/yapyap ► Oyun Delisi: https://www.youtube.com/oyundelisi ► BonbonTV https://www.youtube.com/bonbontv Bizi Facebook'ta takip edin: ► http://facebook.com/MediakraftTurk
Created by: MOIGFX Facebook: facebook.com/moiGFX Twitter: twitter/MoiGFX
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Watch some of the Yapese dancing at the 2012 Gagil Day Celebration on Saturday July 28th on Bulenifeng Hilltop in Wanyan. Watch some of the women's . We went to the island of Yap a few weeks ago and this is one of the cultural tours. Performance of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia in The 9th Festival of Pacific Arts in Palau, July 2004. 2004年の第9回太平洋芸術祭パラオ大会での、 .
Video from my trip through the most traditional island in Micronesia. Yap is the island of stone money
Bu Hayat Okulu videosunda duş alırken yaşadığımız problemler var. Suyun sıcaklığını bir türlü ayarlayamamak, şampuanlıyken su kesilmesi, banyo yaparken kapının çalması... Bunları hep yaşıyoruz! YAPYAP'ın mobil uygulamasını şimdi indirebilirsiniz: ► Android cihazlar: https://goo.gl/F1WvEe ► iPhone ve iPad: https://goo.gl/LjfECj Mediakraft'ın diğer kanallarındaki eğlenceli videoları izlemek için tıklayın: ► Oha Diyorum: https://www.youtube.com/ohaadiyorum ► Oyun Delisi: https://www.youtube.com/oyundelisi ► BonbonTV https://www.youtube.com/bonbontv Bizi Facebook'ta takip edin: ► http://facebook.com/MediakraftTurk
A snippet from one of YAP's workshops with a special guest - former YAP actor Nick Purcha. SUBSCRIBE and watch more YAP Movies: www.YouTube.com/YoungActorsProject instagram.com/young_actors_project twitter.com/dramatwit facebook.com/youngactorsproject Check out Nick on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4729403/?ref_=nv_sr_1 WATCH MORE FROM THE YOUNG ACTORS PROJECT: SHORT FILMS: http://bit.ly/YAPMovies CHEERLEADERS IN THE CHESS CLUB: http://bit.ly/citcc GIRLS WITH BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS: http://bit.ly/YAP-BfProbs LATEST UPLOADS: http://bit.ly/YAP-LatestUploads POPULAR VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/YAP-PopularVideos
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Qi Men Dun Jia gives you a Life Map. It provides clarity on who you are (character & personality), what you have (abilities & talents) and what choices you have. The best thing is, it gives you the power to choose where X (your goals) is before charting your desired course of action. The final episode puts it all together in an actionable plan.
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