Vila Rebar (Pavelićeva vila), šetnja kroz ostatke (19.04.
Villa Rebar (Pavelić villa), walk through the remains (19.04.2015.)
Vila Rebar je bio zagrebački ljetnikovac smješten u šumi u južnim padinama Medvednice, na
obronku neposredno iznad Gračana. Od njega su danas preostale ruševine.
Prije izgradnje ljetnikovca, na njegovom mjestu se 1920-ih godina nalazila lovačka kuća.
Grad Zagreb je na mjestu lovačke kuće 1932. godine dao izgraditi drveni ljetnikovac sa
kamenim prizemljem s prevladavajućim lukovima i iznad njega tenisko igralište prema projektu
Ivana Zemljaka.
U razdoblju Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, ljetnikovac je pretvoren u prebivalište poglavnika
dr. Ante Pavelića, a u sklopu kojega su radi sigurnosti Poglavnika i njegove obitelji izgrađeni
podzemni bunkeri i sklonište koji su uskim podzemnim tunelima bili povezani sa ulazom iz
prizemlja i sa 1. kata. Ona je na neki način bila njegovo "Orlovo gnijezdo"
Nakon pada Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, ljetnikovac je služio kao dječje odmaralište i
planinarsko-izletnički dom, a potkraj 1950-ih prelazi u vlasničtvo ugostiteljskog objekta
"Risnjak" kada postaje otmjeni restoran.
U njemu su se održavale svadbe, maturalne večeri i vikendima je svirala živa glazba te se isto
tako moglo prenoćiti i služiti uslugom "dnevnog odmora".
Vila Rebar ostat će simbolom tužnog prekida briljantne karijere nogometaša Dinama Stjepana
Lamze koji je
1967. godine prilikom proslave pobjede u polufinalnoj utakmici
velesajamskih gradova (pobjede Dinama nad Eintrachtom, 4:0) pijan pao s balkona i
povrijedio glavu tj. centar za ravnotežu što je trajno utjecalo na njegovu sportsku karijeru.
Lamzu su poslije par litra ruma zatvorili u sobu da malo odmori, ali se on probao izbaviti
preko balkona, no nesretno je pao na glavu.
Dinamo je bez njega ipak uspio u finalu s Leedsom osvojiti Kup velesajamskih gradova
(danas kup
1979. godine, cijeli drveni dio ljetnikovca je izgorio namjerno podmetnutim požarom.
Po tvrdnjama novinara i izlagača Branimira Špoljarića, požar je podmetnuo bivši konobar koji
je također zapalio još dva restorana na Sljemenu.
Od ljetnikovca su danas jedino preostali kameno prizemlje i sklonište koje danas posjećuju
zantiželjnici, posebice iztraživači podzemnih prolaza i skloništa te rijetki izletnici, a tijekom
90-ih su u skloništu bile organizirane divlje zabave zagrebačke mladeži.
Villa Rebar was the local mansion located in a forest in the southern slopes of mountain
Medvednica, at the hill just above city area Gračani.
Today, the only thing left are ruins.
Before the construction of the mansion, in
1920s, there was a hunting lodge.
City of Zagreb, on the place of hunting lodge in 1932., buillt a wooden mansion with stone
ground floor which emphasizes the arches and the tennis court above the mansion, according
to the project of the architect
Ivan Zemljak
In the period of the
Independent State of Croatia, the mansion was converted into a residence
of Headman dr.
Ante Pavelić. For the safety of him and his family, there have been constructed
underground bunkers and shelters which were connected to the entrance of ground floor and
the first floor with narrow underground tunnels. It was in some ways his "
Eagle's Nest."
After the fall of the Independent State of Croatia, the mansion served as a children's
recreation and hiking excursion home, and at the end of the
1950s, it became the property of
the catering facility "Risnjak", when it becomes a fancy restaurant.There were held weddings,
prom nights and on weekends there was live music, and it was also possible to spend the
night and use the "daily rest period" service.
Vila Rebar will remain a
symbol of a sad breakdown of brilliant Dinamo football player
Stjepan Lamza’s career, who in 1967., while celebrating victory in the Cup semi-final
Fairs (Dinamo’s victory over Eintracht, 4:0) drunk fell off the balcony and injured the center of
gravity in his head, which had permanently affected his athletic career.
Lamza was closed after a couple of liters of rum in room to get some rest, but then he tried
to exit over the balcony, but unfortunately he fell on his head.
Dinamo still managed to win Cities
Fairs Cup in the final with
Leeds (today known as
Cup) without him.
In 1979, the entire wooden part of mansion was burned with fire set on purpose.
According to the claims of journalists and exhibitor Branimir Špoljarić, fire was set by a former
waiter, who also set fire to two restaurants on Sljeme.
Today, the only remains of the mansions are stone ground and shelter, which are visited by
curious people, especially researchers of underground passages and shelters, and few
excursion visitors
. In the 90’s in the shelter were held wild parties of
Zagreb youth.
- published: 26 Apr 2015
- views: 16594