- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 2979
Kidal (Tuareg-Berber: ⴾⴸⵍ, Kidal) is a town and commune in the desert region of northern Mali. The town lies 285 km (177 mi) northeast of Gao and is the capital of the Kidal Cercle and the Kidal Region. The commune has an area of about 9,910 km2 (3,830 sq mi) and includes the town of Kidal and 31 other settlements.
On 30 March 2012, Kidal and its military base were captured by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad as part of the Tuareg rebellion for the independence of Azawad. A spokesman for the Malian military junta said "To preserve the life of the people of Kidal, the military command decided not to prolong the battle". Gao and Timbuktu were captured within the next 48 hours, and on 6 April, the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad declared the independence of Azawad from Mali. In the course of the conflict the MNLA lost their control to Islamist militias. On 30 January 2013 French and Malian forces moved into the town to bring it back under government control.
Keunikan Anak Bertangan Kidal - NET12
On The Spot - Fakta Unik Tentang Kidal
Kuda Lumping Jaran Kidal Kesenian Yang Mengerikan
Kidal: un malien raconte la galère de son quotidien . @Cinemakan2013
Berita Islam masa kini | Tangan Kidal Dalam Pandangan Islam
Ternyata Begini Kesulitan Orang Bertangan Kidal Yang Tak Pernah Kita Rasakan
Jaranan kidal kalap liar kejar penonton
Guerre au Nord Mali Kidal la rebelle
Combats au MALI - Que se passe-t-il exactement à Kidal ?
Trailer for Music From Saharan Cellphones
Bamakosmos XVI - Amanar
Zahari & Nadia
Actors: Ki-duk Kim (director), Hae Hwang (actor), Seung-Ho Kim (actor), Ye-chun Lee (actor), Nam-hyeon Choi (actress), Eun-a Ko (actress), Hyeon-shil Tae (actress), Mu-ryong Choi (actor), No-shik Park (actor), Yeong-gyun Shin (actor), Mi-ae Kang (actress), Sung-dae Park (actor), So Zang Yoon (actress), Cheong Nam Nam (actor),
Plot: In a tale based on Korean mythology, maelevolent Dragons and Goblins from an underwater kingdom are wreaking havoc on the Shilla dynasty. Meanwhille, a child is being born from a lotus and she must be the chosen savior for the people of Korea.
Keywords: anime, child-hero, deity, determination, dragon, goblin, goddess, hara-kiri, kids-and-family, koreaKeunikan Anak Bertangan Kidal - NET12 Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: http://www.youtube.com/OfficialNetNews Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialNetNews Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Saksikan info berita ter-update di: NET 5 : pukul 5.00 - 6.00 WIB Indonesia Morning Show : pukul 6.00 - 7.30 WIB NET 10 (Senin-Jumat) : pukul 10.00 - 11.00 WIB NET 12 : pukul 12.00 - 13.00 WIB NET 16 : pukul 16.00 - 16.30 WIB NET 24 : pukul 24.00 - 00.30 WIB --- Syarat & Ketentuan: http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
On The Spot Fakta Unik Tentang Kidal Halo all...biar channel ini tetap aktif untuk sementara saya akan upload on the spot di channel ini,buat acara lainnya bisa di liat di channel baru Saya :) Link Channel Baru: https://www.youtube.com/user/hwerhre
Ini adalah video lanjutan dari Bantengan yang ada di dadapan wetan. mohon kritik dan saran agar video bisa lebih baik. terimakasih. semoga kalian terhibur
Requirements: Community Upgrade Project - Terrains Core Map size : 60km x 60km Description : Kidal is a town and commune in the desert region of northern Mali. The town lies 285 km northeast of Gao and is the capital of the Kidal Cercle and the Kidal Region. Spécial thanks: -Mikero for his tools -Liv2Die for RSPN Cave Systems Music : TERAKAFT - AWA ADOUNIA
Berita Islam masa kini | Tangan Kidal Dalam Pandangan Islam Berita Islam masa kini | Tangan Kidal Dalam Pandangan Islam 8 januari 2015 Pada episode kali ini berita islami masa kini akan membahas tentang : - Tangan Kidal Menurut Islam - Tangan kidal dalam pandangan islam - Apakah tangan kidal merupakan kelainan ? - Tangan kanan adalah tangan yang terbaik - Tangan kiri diciptakan bukan untuk makan dan minum - Tangan kidal menurut penelitian - Tangan kidal rentan terhadap stres Saksikan selengkapnya di berita islami masa kini " Tangan Kidal Dalam Pandangan Islam " Berita Islami Masa Kini TransTv Beriman_TTV Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans Tv Berita Islami Masa Kini TransTv Beriman_TTV Berita Islami Masa Kini Trans Tv
kidal atau left handed sangat jarang kita temui di wilayah kita indonesia karena biasanya para orang tua akan memaksa anaknya yang kidal untuk menggunakan tangan kanannya agar bisa dibilang sopan, nah ini dia 10 masalah yang sering dihadapi orang bertangan kidal silahkan simak selengkapnya di video ini https://youtu.be/HabxQGlGzGU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mamimudaku atau Jeng mami adalah channel yang membahas berbagai macam hal dari seluruh penjuru dunia baik itu unik lucu menakjubkan kejadian tak terduga dan banyak hal lainnya yang bertujuan untuk hiburan semata dengan suara khas ala jeng mami Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktu untuk menonton video ini Silahkan like kalo suka coment kalo...
Jaranan kidal adalah, jaranan dor khas malangan, yg berarti tentang kesederhanaan,
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR Combats au MALI - Luttes internes, velléités d’indépendance, menace terroriste… Le Mali, où l’état d’urgence a été rétabli le 21 juillet, peine à retrouver sa stabilité et doit faire face à un net regain de violences depuis quelques jours. Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/ Rejoignez nous sur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos Suivez nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/F24videos
A brief video about Music from Saharan Cellphones. The song in the video is Mdou Moctar with "Tahoultine", featured on the upcoming LP. The montage includes videos collected from cellphones in Kidal, many of them groups featured on the cassettes... sahelsounds.com
BAMAKOSMOS es una serie de “postales audiovisuales” sobre la creación artística contemporánea en la ciudad de Bamako (Mali), realizada por Toni Polo entre noviembre de 2009 y mayo de 2010. Una serie de 20 cortometrajes concebidos como una colección de video-retratos íntimos y personales, que nos dan a conocer la obra y la vida de músicos y artistas plásticos con imágenes que nos hablan de la diversidad étnica, la cultura urbana y la tradicional, la música, las celebraciones, y las necesidades de este enorme país del oeste africano. fr_ BAMAKOSMOS est une série de "cartes postales audiovisuelles" sur la création artistique contemporaine dans la ville de Bamako (Mali), réalisée par Toni Polo entre novembre 2009 et mai 2010. Une série de 20 courts - métrages conçue comme un recueil de vidéo ...
video1:faizal jaafar,video2:hafiz video3:bob kidal editor :faizal jaafar
Des aventuriers se retrouvent refoulés à la frontière nord du Mali. De Kidal à Bamako : i t i n e r r a n c e d'un transit-retour. En attendant... Documentaire de création, 22' réal.: Céline Lixon musique: Julie Rousse montage: Vincent Pouplard co-prod.: makiz'art/2011 http://www.makiz-art.fr/catalogue/115 http://jeanneandreefenster.com/celine_bamako.html
Ousmane Ag Mossa se je rodil pred 27-imi leti v vasi Tin-Zaouaten v Maliju tik ob severovzhodni meji z Alžirijo. Njegovo zanimanje za glasbo se je začelo, ko je bil star pet let in ko je ob poslušanju tradicionalne tuareške glasbe prvič slišal skupino Tinariwen, ki je imela nanj odločujoč vpliv. V lokalni šoli je pričel z igranjem akustične kitare, začel je pisati pesmi in nastopati. A brezbrižno otroško življenje je kmalu prekinila vojna, njegova družina se je razselila, sam pa je pristal v mestu Kidal, prestolnici severovzhoda Malija, kjer je s prijateljem iz otroštva Cheikhom Ag Tigliom nadaljeval z glasbeno aktivnostjo. Tam sta leta 2006 s kolegi iz Kidala in Gaa ustanovila Tamikrest (zveza enakovrednih). Prvi velik korak v njihovi karieri je bil nastop na Festivalu v puščavi v Essakan...
Des "aventuriers" se retrouvent refoulés de Libye et d'Algérie à la frontière nord du Mali. De Kidal à Bamako : itinerrance d'un transit-retour. En attendant... Des images fixes qui donnent à entendre quelques voix, en mouvement arrêté. réalisation / Céline Lixon - création sonore / Julie Rousse - montage / Vincent Pouplard - makiz'art/ 2011 /// Prix du documentaire le plus innovant/ Festival Sole Luna 2012 // quelques projections-diff: DERIVES.tv/ web revue de cinéma/ www.derives.tv/Bamako-Transit Les Petites Pierres/ DAKAR/ Festival Ciné Banlieue/ DAKAR/ Diffusion tv RTBF/ Belgique/ Dokumentart Fest/ sélectionné pour le prix de la Golden Key/ KASSEL/ Allemagne/ Festival Signes de Nuit/ PARIS/ Sole Luna Documentary International Festival/ PALERME / Festival on est pas bien là/ ...
Touareg..., mieux vaut mourir debout que de vivre à genoux ! Si d’empires anciens, puissants et redoutés, qui s’étendaient là, ne subsistent plus que les sables balayés encore et toujours par le vent, les voix des héros parfois oubliés ne s’éteignent pas et murmurent leurs invitations aux voyageurs..., leurs cœurs palpitent toujours, confèrant au désert sa vibration si singulière ! L’Afrique est le creuset de l’humanité et le Sahara un révélateur de tempéraments, une forge des volontés. Dans l’histoire mondiale, cette zone si vaste qu’elle n’en finit pas de s’étendre à l’imaginaire, occupe une place à part : de grands explorateurs, de grands fous aussi, l'ont sillonné en tout sens sous un soleil implacable, rêvant de s’y perdre pour mieux se retrouver parmi les mythes et les reines légen...
Tuareg blues band Tinariwen welcomes Mali Prime Minister to Tin Essako (Kidal area) during the first edition of the Festival in the Desert. Directed by Lionel Brouet.
City college , Kidal ,city of Mali, tour guide to monuments, buildings, history and attractions game : http://www.purposegames.com/game/famous-city-silhouettes-quiz city college ,city, , college, Mali, , Kidal, city, tour guide, monuments, buildings, history , attractions, , tour, guide, parks, nature, skylines, silhouette, coast, port, architecture, art, museum, street, traffic, city, city hall, square, market square, business centre, airport, flight, travel, cheap travel, good travel, exchange, future, education, school, exercise, new, Kidal (Tuareg-Berber: ⴾⴸⵍ, Kidal) is a town and commune in the desert region of northern Mali. The town lies 285 km (177 mi) northeast of Gao and is the capital of the Kidal Cercle and the Kidal Region. The commune has an area of about 9,910 km2 (3,8...
beautiful girls of Kidal ,city of Mali, tour guide to monuments, buildings, history and attractions game : http://www.purposegames.com/game/famous-city-silhouettes-quiz city college ,city, , college, Mali, , Kidal, city, tour guide, monuments, buildings, history , attractions, , tour, guide, parks, nature, skylines, silhouette, coast, port, architecture, art, museum, street, traffic, city, city hall, square, market square, business centre, airport, flight, travel, cheap travel, good travel, exchange, future, education, school, exercise, new, Kidal (Tuareg-Berber: ⴾⴸⵍ, Kidal) is a town and commune in the desert region of northern Mali. The town lies 285 km (177 mi) northeast of Gao and is the capital of the Kidal Cercle and the Kidal Region. The commune has an area of about 9,910 km2 ...
Karpathos, wreck and debris found , tour guide to monuments, buildings, history and attractions game : http://www.purposegames.com/game/famous-city-silhouettes-quiz city college ,city, , college, Mali, , Kidal, city, tour guide, monuments, buildings, history , attractions, , tour, guide, parks, nature, skylines, silhouette, coast, port, architecture, art, museum, street, traffic, city, city hall, square, market square, business centre, airport, flight, travel, cheap travel, good travel, exchange, future, education, school, exercise, new, wreck, debris, At the Greek island of Karpathos found its wreckage of a plane. Reported that the Greek public broadcasting. Presumably the missing Egyptian plane tonight with 66 people aboard disappeared from radar. It was working on a flight from Pari...
French troops have consolidated gains in Mali's Islamist-held north as Paris said the aim was its "total reconquest". The French advance towards insurgent strongholds came amid reports the militants were abandoning some of their positions and converging on the mountainous region of Kidal, their northernmost bastion. Kidal, some 1,500 kilometres from the capital Bamako, was the first town seized by an amalgam of Islamist militants and Tuareg separatist groups in March last year.VIDEOGRAPHIC
Tutta la magia dell'Africa e delle sue architetture e dell'arte tribale.
We made it to Miyazaki thanks to https://www.odigo.travel ! More travel videos on Odigo: https://goo.gl/IETw90 Miyazaki is easily the most beautiful prefecture we've been to so far, and it didn't make it in this video but it's also the prefecture that founded chicken nanban, THE BEST JAPANESE FOOD DISH EVER. Miyazaki is said to produce the best chicken in Japan (which my tastebuds can confirm) because their chickens are free-ranging and healthy. Chicken nanban in Miyazaki is a 10000% ABSOLUTE MUST if you can eat chicken. The places we went in this video are Takachiho Gorge, Aya Teruha suspension bridge, and Udo Jingu. There's so much nature to explore, and because Miyazaki is so far out of the way there aren't as many tourists here as there are in most places in Honshu so you can still g...
*The peace process in the north of Mali seems to be on the right, as latest evidence reveals that the Organization of Gao in the region is made-up of mixed patrols composed of military personnel, armed groups pro government group, and ex-rebels of the Coordination of Movements of the Azawad (CMA).* More than a hundred ex-militiamen of the CMA on thursday left Kidal, north of Mali to rally Gao where they joined the contingent of the regular army and the pro-Government armed groups. There are ap… READ MORE : http://www.africanews.com/2016/12/29/peace-process-in-the-north-of-mali-on-the-right-track Africanews is a new pan-African media pioneering multilingual and independent news telling expertise in Sub-Saharan Africa. Subscribe on ourYoutube channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/africanews...
All Right Reserved. My Photography from my latest trip to Morocco - Casablanca, Marrakech, Fes, Meknes, Erfoud, Sahara Desert and so much more! Feel in love with architecture, the sights and people of this beautiful country. As always - Enjoy! JFK
The risk of violence in northwest Africa’s Sahel region has severely damaged the tourism industry. That’s been the case in Mali where five years of instability have led to a reduction in tourist numbers.
Alto dame espacio que no puedo respirar
Veneno en las venas nada es en realidad
Cada minuto eh vivido un siglo
Despertar interno, intenso suicidio
Desconosco los demonios que me acechan
Despiadadas son las ansias por tu esencia
Cada minuto eh vivido un siglo
Despertar interno, intenso suicidio