Category: Europe

21 Sep


A funny thing happened on the way through Upton Park



I was inspired partly by an exchange of well-made points on my Facebook wall between two great friends Jay and Paddy. But the main reason for taking time out to write this on a sunny Sunday morning in east London is because a funny thing happened on my way home last night. I really hope […]

12 Aug


Ukraine, the sanctions war & 21st century imperialism


We live in dangerous times. The last week has seen Russia impose trade sanctions on Australia, in a quite understandable response to the sabre rattling over Ukraine by our idiot politicians, and in particular, the enthusiasm displayed by Julie Bishop in backing sanctions against Russia. Sanctions and counter sanctions. The European Union and Russia are […]

12 Jul


Free PDF version of On Utøya available



On July 22, 2011, Anders Breivik, a Right-wing writer and activist, killed more than sixty young members of the Norwegian Labour Party on Utøya island. Captured alive, Breivik was more than willing to explain his actions as a ‘necessary atrocity’ designed to ‘wake up’ Europe to its betrayal by the Left, and its impending destruction through […]

11 Jun


Post-Budget: Just what the hell is Abbott up to?



In today’s Sydney Morning Herald, Economics Editor Ross Gittins portrays Tony Abbott as a political “chameleon” who went from being a soft “populist” before the election — backing Labor’s spending commitments, promising minimal cuts despite saying that the Budget deficit needed to be reversed, etc. — to “an inflexible ‘conviction politician’ who doesn’t seem much worried […]

08 Jun


Europe: Political decay, Right fractures & Left strategy



KEVIN OVENDEN looks at the implications of the European Parliament elections. *** Q. The recent elections across Europe for the European Parliament have been described as a “political earthquake”. What happened and what does it mean for the Left? The results indicated a very significant fall in support for the traditional parties of government across […]

24 Mar

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Whatever happened to the Indignados? 2: Regime crisis


Catalonia 11 Sep

After the weekend’s million and a half strong “March for dignity” in Madrid, once again showing that the wave of radicalisation that has swept Spain since the 15-M protests of 2011 is far from over, LUKE STOBART returns to Left Flank with the second instalment of a special three-part analysis of the Indignados movement and […]

12 Jan

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The ‘Brown International’ of the European far Right


Anything but respectable

In the lead-up the international day of action against fascism on 22 March, THANASIS KAMPAGIANNIS, writes in the latest issue of Σοσιαλισμός από Κάτω (Socialism From Below), the theoretical journal of the Greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK), looks at the danger of a major far Right breakthrough in May’s European Parliament elections, and asks what strategy […]

20 Nov

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The Greek crisis: Between democracy & dictatorship?


Athens Polytechnic uprising 1973

By THANASIS KAMPAGIANNIS This is a translation of “Democracy, Dictatorship and Fascism” from the latest issue of the theoretical journal of the Greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK), Σοσιαλισμός από Κάτω (Socialism From Below). 40 years after the Athens Polytechnic uprising, the debate on democracy is now more relevant than ever. As if one needed to be […]

07 Nov

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Internationalism, racism & the geo-political labyrinth


Golden Dawn banner at Russian ultra-nationalist march

About two hundred people took to the streets of St Petersburg, Russia, at the weekend for the annual ‘March Against Hatred’, which aims to ‘unite those who fight against intolerance, xenophobia, fascism and discrimination on grounds of race, nationality, religion and beliefs, sexual orientation etc.’ The following day, tens of thousands in about 100 cities […]