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News nuggets from around the diabetes community

Robot Vacuum Ate My Pancreas!
New York Public Radio hosts podcast on #OpenAPS and Do-It-Yourself-Pancreas-System creators Dana Lewis and Scott Leibrand.

JDRF Launches #MyGreatestSupporter
Another social media initiative running through June celebrates those who support people with diabetes.

Dexcom Recalls CGM Receivers
Receivers not always sounding alarms for Lows; FDA recall issued for 263,520 receivers shipped out Oct. 2012-March 2016.


This Week's Posts...

More Diabetes Information on DiabetesMine

innovation 2015

About DiabetesMine

Welcome to DiabetesMine — a leading diabetes blog that serves as a gold mine of information and encouragement created by and for people impacted by diabetes, in the form of “a diabetes newspaper with a personal twist.”

Since its inception in 2005, DiabetesMine has won a number of awards and accolades, including the 2013 Sharecare / American Diabetes Association distinction of “No.1 diabetes influencer site in the country.”   Read more »


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