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We Won’t Improve Education By Making Teachers Hate Their Jobs

Opinion: Unnoticed, We Are Close to Destruction of Our Planet

Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk

The Democratic Stockholm Syndrome

Remembering Prince

Dirt First

What Comes After Capitalism? Upcoming Teach-Ins Can Show a Way Forward

Eric Garner's Daughter, 126,000 Others, Could Not Vote in NYC

US Sends Nobody to Ecuador, Palestine Sends 19 Rescuers

Disturbing video shows Wisconsin teacher’s aide slam, choke 14-year-old student

Republican Denial of Climate Change, Occupation of Palestine Converge in Effort to Hinder Paris Accord

The UK Is About to Gag Scientists From Speaking Out

Banks ordered to provide info on Panama dealings to N.Y. regulator

Women Call for an End to Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh

Trampling Science to Boost Nuclear Power

Why elderly deaths from abuse are part of wider pattern of violence against women

Immigrant Women Lead Efforts to Transform Conditions for Domestic Workers in Illinois

Breaking silence over Palestine

The Seed-Saving Farmers Securing the Future of Food

Prince dead: Legendary musician 'found dead at recording studio' age 57

What’s Up With the Contraception Coverage SCOTUS Case?

Can superfoods boost the planet’s health, too?

What is to be done with the banks?

Arsenic Threat Looms Large in India: Well Switching Provides the Way Forward

India's 'shoot on sight' conservation terrorises indigenous communities

What’s next for Democracy Spring?

Explainer: The adoption, signing and ratification of the UN climate deal

President Obama Wants to Protect Wildlife From Cruel Killing Methods, but Trophy Hunters Aren’t Happy About It
Alaskan wildlife are on the threshold of gaining important new protections on specially designated federal public lands.

Did the Vatican Just Throw Out Its Just War Doctrine?

Documents: How IOGCC Created Loophole Ushering in Frackquakes and Allowing Methane Leakage

U.S. Government Is Now a Major Counterparty to Wall Street Derivatives

5 Former New Orleans Police Officers Plead Guilty Over Danziger Bridge Killings

Bill Rooting Out Anti-Choice Misinformation From Nursing Courses Advances in California

Ecuador to hike taxes, sell assets to fund quake rebuilding

Senate overwhelmingly backs reform bill

More than 20 months after Ferguson, Journalists Ryan Reilly and Wesley Lowery are still facing charges in St. Louis County

We Need a New Age of Enlightenment of Humanization and Compassion
-- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout

When ‘Both Sides’ Are Covered in Verizon Strike, Bosses’ Side Is Heard More

This passover Young Jewish Americans are organizing against the occupation

Senate candidate bills campaign for family trip

Firestorm brewing over GOP convention rules

Rick Snyder’s 30-Day Lead Poisoning Challenge

Saudis Snub Obama On Riyadh Arrival Amid Growing Tensions

The Texas secession debate is getting kind of real

Harriet Tubman to be new face of $20 bill

Supreme Court upholds Arizona redistricting plan

UN: 500 may have drowned in Mediterranean

Six Years After the BP Spill, Feds Plan to Lease More of the Gulf for Offshore Drilling

Seventy-Five-Year-Old Disabled Veteran Will Die in Prison for Growing Marijuana Plants for Personal Use
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

What Is Shadow Lobbying? How Influence Peddlers Shape Policy in the Dark
There's an increasing number of people in Washington who do what most of us would think of as lobbying, but they avoid registering. They're known as "shadow lobbyists."

Panama Papers: US launches criminal inquiry into tax avoidance claims

‘And then we wept': Scientists say 93 percent of the Great Barrier Reef now bleached

The Invisibility of U.S. Oligarchs: The Case of Penny Pritzker

Russia Moves Artillery to Northern Syria, U.S. Officials Say

“Aren’t there limits on campaign contributions?” and other questions you're too embarrassed to ask

Fracking Exec Reportedly Admits Targeting the Poor, Because They Don’t Have ‘The Money To Fight’

Why Haven’t Bankers Been Punished? Just Read These Insider SEC Emails

What Will Bernie Sanders and His Supporters Learn from New York?

RNC punts on rule changes

Climate Change – Another Front in West's War on Global Poor

Everything you need to know about pot’s environmental impact

Mobile Billboard on Capitol Hill Hits #DebtTrapDebbie Over Support for Payday Lenders

Eagles' Joe Walsh cancels concert with GOP ties

Fear of ISIS Used to Justify Continued Military Intervention in Middle East

$1 billion spent in 2016 presidential race — and other numbers to know

New Goldman Prize Winner Vows Murder of Previous One Won’t Deter Her

US Spends More on Military Than Next Seven Countries Combined
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Harriet Tubman and the Monetization of Black History

As Driverless Cars Hit the Streets, States Weigh New Rules

OUR Walmart: nurturing caring communities for courageous action

From Under the Volcano

The Death Gap
The richest Americans now live 10-15 years longer than the poorest.

White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi Converge In Georgia This Weekend

The impeachment crisis shaking Brazil

Occupying UMass for fossil fuel divestment

Hillary Clinton Attacks Sanders and American Progressives With Message on Why Palestinians Don't Deserve Human Rights

Feeding the world: Can we preserve forests, go organic and eat meat?

“Yes We Can!" From Spain to Britain to the US, a Revitalized Left Is Emerging

This Earth Day, Listen Up: Mother Earth Is Calling Us Back

That ‘Natural’ Label Doesn’t Mean Much

Nonprofit loses first round in fight with N.C. over third-party solar power sales

Conga No Va! Newmont mothballs Conga mine as Máxima wins Goldman Prize

Civilians under fire as Islamic State seizes Yarmouk

Voters Share Perspectives On Rejecting Two-Party System In 2016 Election

Weed for Period Pain? Yes, But I Want Equity in the Marijuana Industry Too

San Francisco Becomes First Major City to Require Solar Panels on New Buildings
-- Lorraine Chow for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Stop aid to Honduras, says murdered campaigner's daughter
Berta Cáceres’s daughter urges Europeans to suspend aid and investment in hydro projects until human rights are respected

Emails: How trio charged connect to Flint crisis

Exclusive Interview: Seymour Hersh Dishes on Saudi Oil Money Bribes and the Killing of Osama Bin Laden

Canada's indigenous people seek help in suicide crisis amid tension over refugees
As country pledges to take in more refugees, many of its First Nations communities still face hardships that have led to a wave of suicide attempts

YOU’RE OUT! ESPN Fires Curt Schilling Over Anti-Transgender Rant

After drones: the indelible mark of America's remote control warfare
The strikes last a moment, but the consequences last forever. Six families explain how Obama’s secret drone war has left them struggling for answers after loved ones were wiped out without warning

The irony of putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill

Bernie Sanders’ Superdelegate Plan Puts His Progressive Base In A Bind
Sanders’ team plans to fight for superdelegates even if Hillary Clinton wins the popular vote.

Hillary Clinton will consider picking another woman for VP. Could it be Elizabeth Warren?

A Top New York City Official Just Ordered an Audit of Elections Board

Fidel Castro Gives Rare Speech Saying He Will Soon Die

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans
Nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to pay for an emergency. I’m one of them.

The Chicago Police, Race, and the Legacy of Bettie Jones

The ‘deep and disturbing decline’ in global press freedom
For the first time since the rankings began, media freedom in Africa is better than in the Americas.

Watch Bill Nye Put His Climate Money Where His Mouth Is
-- Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

When Oil Is Worth More Than Lives, Our Nation Has Lost Its Moral Compass
-- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash at Truthout

William Rivers Pitt | The Empire Strikes Back: Donny and Hill's Big Night

New York’s Mayor Responds as Brooklyn Voter Purge Doubles to 126,000

New Leak at Hanford Nuclear Waste Site is 'Catastrophic,' Worker Warns

Donald Trump's back – and there's nothing the Republican party can do
For a while it looked as though his campaign was in meltdown. But a massive victory in the New York primary sends an unimistakeable message

Flint Water Crisis: Three to Face Criminal Charges