Single Fathers Must Be Allowed In Women’s Bathrooms

It will cause uproars from ladies that are already in the bathroom, or worse, the locker room. In some situations, you will undoubtedly be around women at moments that are intended to be private. If you go into a locker room for instance, you may inadvertently see or be near an undressed female who is abhorred by your presence. But this is a necessary step | Read More »

Trump’s Hypocrisy on Harriet Tubman “Political Correctness” Proves that he is Actively Courting Racists

First of all, although I think the choice of Harriet Tubman for the $20 dollar bill is an inspired one, I don’t think that everyone who disagrees with me is a racist of some sort. Andrew Jackson has his partisans, and for good reason. Although he was without a doubt a flawed man, he was also instrumental in the formative years of this country in | Read More »

New Pennsylvania Poll is Potential Trouble for Donald Trump

Pennsylvania’s delegate allocation process is one of the oddest in the whole country. While Pennsylvania will technically hold a voting primary next Tuesday that will officially decide a handful of delegates, by far the bulk of Pennsylvania’s delegates will be totally and completely unbound. That having been said, the effect of the primary vote will have at least some theoretical impact on the extent to | Read More »

You HAVE to watch this Ted Cruz ‘War Room’ ad. Trust me.

This ‘War Room’ ad from Ted Cruz is endless fun.

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Donald Trump Comes out in Favor of Men in Women’s Restrooms

At least, I am pretty sure that is what he said. His response to the question was even more nonsensical than his usual word salad. I am being dead serious, I cannot tell whether he is in favor of the North Carolina SB2 or not. The only definitive thing I can pull out of this is that he would let Bruce Jenner use a women’s | Read More »

Reordering the Rules for Public Nudity is an Insanely Disproportionate Response to a Non-Problem

I haven’t yet weighed in on all the transgender bathroom nonsense that’s been going on, mostly because I’ve been standing with mouth metaphorically agape in disbelief for what is happening in such a short time. We’ve gone from “biological men should never be allowed in a women’s locker rooms” to “if you try to keep a biological man out of a women’s locker room you | Read More »

Cruz: If you vote for Trump, just put a Hillary bumper sticker on your car (AUDIO)

Ted Cruz wasn’t fazed by the New York primary results during a radio interview Wednesday morning on the Chris Stigall show. Cruz pointed out that everyone expected Donald Trump to win New York, so Tuesday night was not a shocker. He also reminded voters that there is a reason Washington doesn’t like him, because he answers to his constituents instead of DC cronies.  They can’t | Read More »

A Third Party Already Exists in America, and Trump is Leading It

A Third Party Already Exists in America, and Trump is Leading It

Many a conservative pundit and elected Republican official has expressed befuddlement at Trump’s success at winning over Republican party voters, in spite of not really standing for many conservative or ...

The 7 Most Idiotic, Hypocritical Things You’ll See On Earth Day Tomorrow, GUARANTEED

This year, once again, April 22 is the date for the dumbest holiday on earth, Earth Day. Despite it’s name, it is not a celebration of the Earth or God’s Creation or the majesty of nature but, instead, a wholly cynical pretend “holiday” that is designed to make radical environmentalist wackos seem mainstream and normal so that, ultimately, money can be taken from middle class | Read More »

Cruz Attacks Trump On Caving To Political Correctness

On a list of things Cruz could attack Trump for, the one that could probably hit the hardest is Trump’s claim that he’s the anti-PC candidate.

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American Cultural Decline Continues

American society has become so privileged that the number one issue of discussion now is which bathrooms people should be allowed to use. Foremost on the tongues of media personalities and celebrities are the “rights” of transgender individuals relating to where they can relieve themselves in public. As I’ve said before, if our reality come November shows our only choices to be either Trump or Hillary, we deserve some pain. However, | Read More »

Today’s major rules win for the ‘Establishment’ at the RNC.

Today’s RNC meeting was remarkably entertaining, if you like brazen chutzpah.

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At Hillary Rally, Planned Parenthood Boss Invokes Fried Chicken to Dewomanize Pro-Life Women

Cecile Richards, overseer of Planned Parenthood, said today on behalf of Hillary Clinton that women who are pro-life aren’t really women. Or at the very least, are absolute idiots who hate womanhood, which in the language of feminazis is pretty much the same thing. Matt Vespa reports: It wasn’t that specific, as she said, “A woman voting for Ted Cruz is like a chicken voting | Read More »

Marco Rubio Prepared To Support a Trump Nomination

Anybody but Hillary…

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America’s Mother-in-Law Wants to Fund Government Preschool with a Tax on Soda

I would really like to have been around whenever the formative people in the lives of prominent liberals explained to them what government is supposed to be for. Because according to Hillary Clinton, it basically exists to play the role of hectoring mother-in-law: Hillary Clinton is fully supportive of Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney’s plan to put a 3-cent tax on a 20-ounce bottle of soda, she | Read More »

Russia Threatens U.S. Over Naval Vessel Being in International Waters; Same Ship Russian Jets ‘Buzzed’

The USS Donald Cook was conducting operations in the Baltic Sea when Russian aircraft buzzed her last week, two coming with 1,000 yards of the ship on a fly-by, and another coming within just 30 feet of the vessel in an incident that U.S. ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute referred to as “dangerous, according to Fox News. After a NATO-Russia council meeting the Russian ambassador | Read More »

Newest Heatstreet Video Utterly Destroys Hillary’s Preposterous Attempt To Play Hopey Changey Uniter

The Clintons are a known quantity. Even Democrats talk openly about facing the Clinton political machine. It’s legendary. This is not a new thing. What is a new thing is Hillary trying to grab some kind of hopey-changey, come-togethery, buy-the-world-a-Cokey momentum to get elected in the face of Trump’s nationalism and Bernie’s populism. Heatstreet’s new video puts a stop to that noise right here, and | Read More »

Ted Cruz’s Twitter Game is Strong, and this BURN is Beautiful

Donald Trump’s Twitter is invaluable. Not as in, his tweets are of value, but as in, it’s an invaluable way to see what a tool he is. On the other, Ted Cruz’s Twitter game is on point.

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GENIUS Video Tackles (& Parodies) Bathroom Social Justice and Everyone Should Watch This Instant

This is genius. I don’t have a preamble, just press play.

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A Tale of Two Candidates: Thank You, Senator Cruz

Thank you, Senator Cruz, for calling this politically correct garbage for what it is.

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Ken Buck is Confirmed for the RedState Gathering 2016 in Denver. Are You?

It’s that time of year again. Time for RedState readers to sign up for the annual RedState gathering. We are pleased to announce that this year will be holding it in beautiful Denver, Colorado, which will hopefully be a bit cooler than some of the previous years’ locations, which have basically all been the hottest places on earth. We expect to have a tremendous lineup | Read More »

Oppose the Burr-Feinstein Cryptography Bill

“Never let a crisis go to waste,” is one of the operating principles of the big-government left. Well, the Islamic terrorist murders in San Bernardino were the latest crisis used by Barack Obama and his FBI head, James Comey. Their goal is to turn the Fourth Amendment inside out, attack the ability of ordinary Americans to protect our data from prying eyes, and align cryptography | Read More »

Donald Trump Wants to Change the GOP Platform on Abortion (VIDEO)

This morning during a live town hall event on the Today show, Donald Trump actually said he wants to change the GOP platform on abortion. Trump wants to loosen up the rules when it comes to terminating the lives of babies. Let that sink in for a moment. He is implying that conservatives are too strict on abortion as it stands now.

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