This Year's Steam Summer Sale Has Started

Edit Kotaku 23 Jun 2016
If you’ve got a piggy bank, kiss it goodbye ... It’s summer, which means It Is Time ... ....

Statoil Saves $292 Million Cash as Investors Take Scrip Dividend

Edit Bloomberg 23 Jun 2016
Subscriptions were made for a total of 18,298,942 dividend shares, the company said in a statement Thursday ... Europe’s biggest oil producer has already been forced to dip into its piggy bank for the first since it was set up in the 1990s ... LEARN MORE. ....

Regions Institute helps money make sense (The University of Alabama at Birmingham)

Edit Public Technologies 23 Jun 2016
(Source. The University of Alabama at Birmingham). This summer, some young campers are learning survival skills-the kind involving budgeting and saving money ... Regions Bank provided a gift to the UAB Collat School of Business to create and support the institute ... Building piggy banks ... 'They get to handle money, build piggy banks, and do some role-playing involving money decisions,' she notes ... Immediate impact ... (noodl. 34238133) ....

The Rotten State of U.S. Oil Reserves

Edit Bloomberg 23 Jun 2016
That’s a big if ...There are a lot of hurting companies out there who will not welcome the United States government becoming a competitor.” But Congress has only itself to blame for creating that conflict when it decided to use the SPR as a piggy bank for replenishing the highway trust fund, says Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “They didn’t care that it was bad timing ... ....

Airline Industry Fights New Jersey Lawmakers’ Fuel-Tax Increase

Edit Bloomberg 22 Jun 2016
A group representing major airlines is battling a plan by New Jersey lawmakers to increase the state’s tax on jet fuel to help fix a near-broke transportation-spending fund ... “Aviation is not a piggy bank for the legislature to use to solve their highway infrastructure problems," Sharon Pinkerton, senior vice president of legislative and regulatory policy for Airlines for America, said Wednesday in a conference call with reporters ... ....

Broadcasters Should Still Expect Record Political Ad Spend in 2016, Despite Low-Budget Trump

Edit The Street 22 Jun 2016
The Trump camp ended the month of May with $1.3 million on hand; rival Hillary Clinton's campaign ended the period with $42.5 million. Even Ted Cruz and Ben Carson, candidates no longer in the race, have more in their campaign piggy banks than Trump ... Maria Lopez-Knowles, chief marketing officer of Hispanic-focused broadcaster Entravision (EVC) , echoed Salas' sentiment that Trump's limited bank account is no cause from concern ... ....

Sewol disaster victims: The bedrooms they left behind

Edit Al Jazeera 21 Jun 2016
FAST FACTS. The MV Sewol ferry sank on April 16, 2014 304 people were killed in the disaster, including 250 children who were on a school trip 172 people were rescued, including 22 members of the 29-person crew 15 crew members and shipping officials have received jail sentences. A pile of teddy bears sits on a tiny white dresser in one room. In another, there are plastic piggy banks and a boy's portraits ... Nine bodies are still missing ... ....

Bryon Wien shares the most important investing advice he learned from his late mentor

Edit Business Insider 20 Jun 2016
Blackstone's vice chairman and investing guru, Byron Wien, believes in concentrated bets. He learned that from his mentor, Edgar de Picciotto, the founder and chairman of Union Bancaire Privée who passed away in March ... Wien has written a series of market commentaries on "The Smartest Men in Europe" over the past few years ... I've never sold them but took the capital gains to use them as kind of a charitable piggy bank ... ....

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Arrest Of Bronx Clinic Owner For Alleged Five Million Dollar Medicaid Fraud (New York State Office of the Attorney General)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Jun 2016
(Source. New York State Office of the Attorney General) ... NEW YORK-Attorney General Eric T ... 'This elaborate scheme drained Medicaid of important resources that should have been used on medical patients in need, and my office won't stand for those who seek to use the program as a personal piggy bank.' ... Often these claims were completely fictitious and factually impossible ... Preston and Mark P ... Shaw ... (noodl. 34186379) ....

A beginner's guide to planning and managing school budgets

Edit The Guardian 19 Jun 2016
Whether you’re a qualified accountant or barely able to find the slot in a piggy bank, here’s our guide to budgeting, value for money and accountability. Supported by. Microsoft. @RBanningLover. At some point, every teacher will be responsible for part of their school’s finances – from handling petty cash for a trip to explaining why you’ve overspent the departmental budget for a second term running ... Related ... Graph showing dummy numbers ... ....

Red Hot Chili Peppers: From ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magik’ to ‘The Getaway’

Edit Rhapsody 18 Jun 2016
Red Hot Chili PeppersBlood Sugar Sex Magik subverted the manufactured music piggy bank despite it’s major label; they were instead reminiscent of all of the depth and rawness of bands like Black Sabbath ... After three decades of raucous rock and after Blood Sugar Sex Magik upended the porcine manufactured Music Piggy Bank, this is an overall ......

The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho Series 2 Ep 17 Frankenrivet

Edit Australian Broadcasting Corporation 16 Jun 2016
When Figaro wants to buy a new remote controlled race car, he tries to raid his piggy bank, but without success. The stubborn coin container simply refuses to open, no matter what Figaro tries ... ....

BREAKING: Legislature Passes Budget To Raid User Funded Firearms Safety Fund (FPC - Firearms Policy Coalition)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
(Source. FPC - Firearms Policy Coalition). They're at it again. This time, the Legislature is raiding the Firearms Safety Fund, which you pay in to every time you purchase a gun! ... The problem. street-hardened criminals are shockingly not on the list. We need to tell the Governor that this is OUR surplus, not the Legislature's and Kamala's piggy bank. 1 ... 2....