- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 2827253
PKI may refer to:
IA, Ia, or ia may refer to:
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the U.S. Government, tasked with gathering, processing and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT). As one of the principal members of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC), the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the President and his Cabinet.
Unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is a domestic security service, CIA has no law enforcement function and is mainly focused on overseas intelligence gathering, with only limited domestic collection. Though it is not the only U.S. government agency specializing in HUMINT, CIA serves as the national manager for coordination and deconfliction of HUMINT activities across the entire intelligence community. Moreover, CIA is the only agency authorized by law to carry out and oversee covert action on behalf of the President, unless the President determines that another agency is better suited for carrying out such action. It can, for example, exert foreign political influence through its tactical divisions, such as the Special Activities Division.
C1, C01, C.I or C-1 may refer to:
September 30 is the 273rd day of the year (274th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 92 days remaining until the end of the year.
Pengkhianatan G 30 S-PKI [Full]
PKI Gelar Festival di Jakarta, Lagu Indonesia Raya Dilecehkan !!!
Public Key Infrastructure PKI Concepts
Inilah Arsip Kekejaman PKI, C I A akhirnya membuka arsip G30S 1965, siapa gulingkan Soekarno?
Kekejaman PKI
WASPADA!!! Anak PKI ingin Menghancurkan Monumen Pancasila Sakti Lubang Buaya !!!
Pemuda memakai pin PKI Dihajar oknum LSM ( https://goo.gl/r00mv5 )
Sejarah PKI
REKAMAN Presiden Soeharto Berbicara G30S PKI, Supersemar dan Bung Karno
Ketika Soeharto masih menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia, film PENGKHIANATAN G 30 S/PKI adalah sebuah film wajib putar di semua stasiun TV tanah air setiap tanggal 30 September. Film ini sendiri adalah versi resmi pemerintah Orde Baru yang mengisahkan tentang peristiwa yang terjadi pada malam 30 September dan pagi 1 Oktober 1965 di Jakarta. Pada malam dan pagi hari itu, terjadi pergolakan politi...k di Indonesia yang kemudian berujung pada pergantian rezim pemerintahan, dari Soekarno ke Soeharto. Film yang dibesut oleh Arifin C Noer itu dibintangi oleh beberapa artis terkenal kala itu. Sebut saja Ade Irawan, Amoroso Katamsi, Umar Kayam, dan Sofia WD. Dan film yang diproduksi tahun 1984 itu digolongkan dalam film berdurasi panjang dengan total waktu 220 menit dan dilatarbelakangi mus...
Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi Rooji'uun ... Pada hari Sabtu tanggal 27 Februari 2016 kemarin pagi semula akan diadakan Festival PKI di Gedung Galeri Cipta II Taman Ismail Marzuki - Cikini - Menteng Jakarta Pusat selama sepekan. Mendengar info tersebut, DPD FPI DKI Jakarta sejak tiga hari lalu langsung melakukan investigasi untuk mengecheck kebenaran info tersebut. Hari Jum'at 26 Februari 2016, setelah didapatkan bukti bahwa info tersebut benar adanya, dan ternyata panitia tidak mengantongi izin dari kepolisian setempat, bahkan pengelola TIM pun mengaku tidak tahu menahu, maka FPI Jakarta secara langsung melaporkan hal tersebut ke Polda Metro Jaya, sekaligus menyampaikan penolakan. Sabtu siang di depan TIM sempat ada unjuk rasa menolak acara tersebut yang digelar pleh masyarakat dan...
Tiga hari lalu, Badan Intelijen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat membuka arsip memo singkat harian untuk presiden (PDB) periode 1961-1965. Surat kabar the Washington Post melaporkan, Jumat (18/9), arsip-arsip mengenai upaya kudeta di Indonesia, yang selama ini disebut-sebut didalangi politbiro Partai Komunis Indonesia, termasuk jenis laporan rutin disampaikan pada pemimpin Negeri Paman Sam. Ada 19 ribu halaman memo harian C I A yang merujuk UU harus dibuka pada publik, karena status rahasia negaranya telah kedaluwarsa. Terkait informasi soal gerakan 30 September di Jakarta, C I A tidak pernah secara terbuka mengaku terlibat, seperti teori beberapa akademisi, misalnya John Roosa. Dalam memo-memo itu, intelijen AS melaporkan bahwa aktor utama konflik adalah faksi militer pimpinan Soeharto sert...
Bicaranya lemah lembut dan terdengar sangat Santun, namun pernyataan sikapnya DUILEEE DAHSYATTTT... dan hebatnya GERWANI PKI ini dpt berbicara demikian lembut tanpa ekspresi BERSALAH sedikitpun pada Rakyat Indonesia dan para Pendiri Bangsa ini yg telah menjadi KORBAN KEKEJAMAN PKI saat mrk Memberontak pada NKRI mulai 1946 hingga klimaksnya 1965... Namanya Shinta Miranda ,anak Gerwani (Gerakan Wanita Indonesia), yg usulkan utk hancurkan monumen lubang buaya di acara ALF tgl 7 Mei 2016 di TIM Yayasan Bhineka Nusantara adalah tempat berhimpunnya anak anak PKI dg ketua dan pendirinya So Tjien Marching go,PhD dan suaminya Prof.Angus Nicholas,tinggal di London dan Surabaya,dan Sinta Miranda yg mau hancurkan monumen lubang buaya juga pengurus di yayasan tersebut. So tjien terkoneksi dg Carmel Bu...
"Dada dadam" Mp3 https://goo.gl/Db0wTe Video Recomended https://goo.gl/VaQUuc klick here for SUBSCRIBE https://goo.gl/r00mv5 Pesen saya terhadap anda pemuda pemudi indonesia, mulai bijaklah terhadap hal hal yang kecil, yang mungkin di anggap sepele. ada seorang temen saya memakai baju dengan gambar "Che Guevara" pas ditanya "tau ga siapa itu gambar di baju mu?", dia bilang vokalis band -_- kan dongo ya haha.. nah kita ambil hikmahnya dari video tersebut bila mau memakai sesuatu yang berlambang setidaknya harus tau apa arti dari lambang tersebut, jangan asal pakai nanti ya kaya gitu akibatnya. Lagu https://soundcloud.com/funky_metal_roll Pembuka : Steamfunk - Hatikus Penutup : Steamfunk - Excucities
(Young Noble)
Yo, I can see
That you obviously don't know me or my homies
We O-U-T Lawz, fuck the phonies
A wise hustler once told me, it's on you
Though it was dreams when he first told me Now it's true
I got love for you only to a certain exstend
Niggas ain't worth shit
Cops and ride dick permits
I heard this and heard that
About them O-U-T Lawz
Some of them soldiers got shot
Some of them soldiers fell off
Fuck yall now everybody tied to us
Hollering out a nigga name
But never said what up
That shit critical, dispicable, unforgiveable
I too like Hot ??
Your own fan won't remember you
Thuggin but we still spriutual, clear lyrical
I'm like the fuckin Deff Squad
My ears ain't hearin' yall
Pump fearin' yall
But damn I ain't even wantin' to scare yall
Listen to what I tell yall
Fuck the world,
Your baby moms and your baby girl
You muthafuckas so fake,
Yo they made me wanna earl
Blake, hate snakes thug hatin the degree
Outlawz on a paper chase
Can you relate thug niggaz
(Napoleon Chorus)
We will never fall
Thru it all, we'll always stand tall
Cause in the end we'll be remembered as some young muthafucka soldiers
And if you believe in that shit that you heard
Y'all dont know us, y'all dont know us
Now I been trapped down
And fucked since day one
This industructional style of mine ain't no fun
Where I'm from
You sure to see about 10 niggaz in a bedroom
Eating off the same spoon
Sweeping with the same broom
It's hazard, it's you don't want yo life
Well give me grab it
I was born inside a love zone
With a glock-nine young marriage
It's critical
Then one of them sat down living so
Mystikal and empoious
With a heart full of anger it's so redicilous
So give me some with 21-gun soldier salute
With a 19-inch black handle snake knife in my boots
I'm straight from the strong, thug to your life
Right to yo wrong, I'll put the good to your evil
I'm the shells to your chrome, you dig that?
I'm life, I'll bring the moon to your night
I'll put the dick to your wife
And I'm the Jesuz of your Christ
You dig that? respect this
I'll bring the end to your claw
I'll bring the loc to your heart
And I'll put the snoop on yo dogs
You hear me?
We follow, this little bullet so hollow
I can promise that estacy ain't promised tomorrow
With this two man mades
Me and my soul death astrayed
I watch my parents get blowed away
Now look what it made
I'm something to face
This ludacy then with me, then with chemistry
Got my eyes on you, the first time you cross me
I'll be frying you, cause y'all don't know me
(Young Noble Chorus)
We will never fall
Thru the war, we'll always stand tall (Why)
Cause in the end we'll be remembered as some young muthafucka soldiers
When we was kids, the loving felt good
But of course have the respect
Though it's even better
Now for this chedder
Niggaz is laying deader
Then Malcom and Martin put together
Oh Lord only knows where we'll end up
Remember what Pac said
Watch the fuckin signs
But we wasn't listening
Too busy trippin off his shine
Now one time for my muthafuckin' Outlawz
Napoleon, Noble, and Kastro
May we all roll
And if you don't know
We got the rap game petro
Scared cause we bout to release
Like heavy metal
Nationwide, underground
We running the ghettos
Stealing all of ya fan base like we kleptos
Bitch I can't let go
I been strugglin' too long, thuggin' too long
And niggaz is stealing my shit
And busting it wrong
Hot shots holla back when you get 'em
Outlawz'll sic 'em, bustin back at the system
Military wisdom
Preparing myself for armegeddom
Breaking my balls at this game
Knowing it's a dead end
And my only weapon
Is my believe that I'm superior
Yeah we the muthafuckas
That you niggaz is liery off
Controling my steam
Knowing my team to deserve more
Fuck the reframe
Stick to the game and earn more
Holding my head, rolling the head with focus
Laughing inside
Cause deep inside y'all don't know us
(Young Noble Chorus)
We will never fall
Thru it all, we'll always stand tall (Why)
Cause in the end we'll be remembered as some young muthafucka soldiers
And if you believe in that shit that you heard
Y'all dont know us, y'all dont know us
We will never fall (Never)
Thru the war, we'll always stand tall
Cause in the end we'll be remembered as some young muthafucka soldiers
And if you believe in that shit that you heard
Y'all dont know us, y'all dont know us
(E.D.I Talking)
Ain't never know niggaz like us boy
They don't make niggaz like us no more
Thug in Peace.. to all my niggaz (Never)
See ya soon.. uhh