Class in Australia: further comments to my article

I have an article in The Conversation examining conservative responses to class in Australia. My inspiration was the rather clunky Anglo-Marxism of John Strachey and Harold Laski in the 1930s. They argued that as capitalism was in a phase of decline it could no longer afford the reforms that social democracy had offered – hence […]

Class, culture and Labor politics in NSW 1930-2011

Unfortunately there is nothing in state politics to compare to the Australian Election Study. However some aggregate analysis of NSW is interesting and shows how cultural politics has come to rival economic cleavages. I have developed a simple model to predict the two-party preferred Labor vote by electorate. The dependent variables are the portion of […]

Culture & class in NSW 1930 to 2007


Very busy with the end of semester rush but the just published analysis of the social composition of NSW state electorates based on the 2006 census provides an irresistible diversion (tip Penny Sharpe) from paperwork and St. Kilda’s defeat. I spent far too many hours on the exhausting task of assembling a similar database from […]