Holy Trinity Doctrine Under Fire, a Dr
Dwight Nelson Video Sermon.
Now we've come to the word of God. I'm gonna plunge into this. This is a teaching. We need God and all of His divine majesty to engage our minds for these next few moments.
So I want to ask you to pray with me.
Think as you pray, pray as you pray. And let us call upon God.
Oh, God, in three persons, bless eternity. How easy it is for us to talk about you in the third person. God is good,
God is love, God is holy. So what is worship, if it's not that sacred opportunity to open our hearts directly to you in the first person? So dear God, here we go.
Holy Father, You're
Holy Christ, You're
Holy Spirit as we plunge into
Holy Scripture. We listen for your voice, teach us,
hide this little preacher, hide us all, so that You might be front and center. We pray in Christ name.
Amen. Question. How do you teach a subject like the trinity? Well, libraries have shelves
filled with books on the trinity. Question. How do you teach a subject like the trinity in about a half hour?
Answer. You talk very fast, so hold on your pew, grab your
Bible, we're going right now we have just begun.
Open your Bible please to
John 14.
The Gospel of John 14. And some of you're saying, you know what,
Dwight, where they have time out please, who cares about the
Trinity. Ah, let me ask you a few questions. Do you know that one of our presidential candidates today does not believe in the trinity? Mormons believed that Christ Himself was created by God.
Did you know that
Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in the trinity either and so they have crafted their own translation to prove their
point of view. Do you know that 1.4 billion Muslims on the planet today do not believe in the trinity and neither do the
Jews. So whether you believe in the trinity or not makes all the
difference in the world, now doesn't it? Which is why you need to know why you believe what you believe. So let's go you're ready. You are opening up to John 14. And while you are finding John 14, let's employ a little bit of philosophical logic, okay. The crowning depiction of God in all of sacred literature, the crowning depiction of God goes like this. God is, how does it go. God is love.
Let's put it on the screen, 1
John 4:8, let's read it out loud together. "God is love." And what is love? I suppose if we went to the upper room, we couldn't find a more powerful definition of love than what
Jesus Himself gave.
We've already read these words before John 15:13. "You can have no greater love than this, than to lay down your life for your friends."
Love presupposes the existence of somebody else.
Love can only flourish and exist in the context of relationship or friendship.
All right, so God is love. God needs someone else in order to be love. Describe God's nature is to depict Him always in relationship with another.
Okay, now the Bible also teaches that God is the creator of the entire universe, true or false? But of course which means logically now think, which means logically there was a time when there was only God, isn't that right?
Matter is not eternal, only God is eternal, so there was a time when there was only God. Now look. If God were singular, if
He were all by Himself at that time in the distant past when there was nothing but God in existence,
then God could not be love at that time. For love requires the presence of another to receive it. Which would mean love then cannot be the very essence of God, for there was a time when there was no one to love, unless of course God is plurality rather than singularity. There is a dynamite quotation I want to share with you right now, so grab your study guide, come on let's go, grab your study guide.
Brand new study guide in your worship bulletin today. You didn't get a study guide here come
the world's friendliest ushers your way, you are gonna want that this is a big study guide. You're gonna want to keep this study guide,
put your hand up if you didn't get a study guide when you came in, in the balcony, in the sanctuary anybody in the youth chapel holds your hand up, we want to make sure the study guide is yours. And by the way those of you who are watching we're delighted to have you. You gonna have the same study guide.
Let me put it on the screen for you our website. Go to that website.
There you see it on the screen right now, go to that website. The study guide is waiting for you You're looking for our series, '
The Last Days.' These are the last days of Jesus life as
Pastor Hosea a moment ago reminded us the
Book of John, the fourth gospel is our theme. And by the way worship team splendid and glorious worship today.
- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 5643