Madeleine Albright in Prague: "Disgusting Serbs!"
Madeleine Albright in
Prague: "
Disgusting Serbs!" (1:02)
October 23rd, in
Prague, Czech Republic there was a book-signing event for former
U.S secretary of state Madeleine Albright's new book "
Prague Winter" in the
Luxor bookshop. Several activists from the organization "
Friends of Serbs in Kosovo" led by film director
Vaclav Dvorak (the author of the documentary "
Stolen Kosovo"), presented five posters with photographs of victims from
NATO's "humanitarian bombing" campaign and politely asked Albright to
sign them.
Ms. Albright was caught off guard, which was followed by the aggressive interference of the bookstore security.
The inability to face critique adequately and with dignity. This might be the right description of Albright's reaction, which followed, after the members of "Friends of Serbs in Kosovo" presented her the posters with pictures of the
Kosovo telecommunications, first children's victim of the so called "humanitarian bombing" 3 years old Milica Rakić,
Serbian refugees from the
Croatia's Krajina and militant Muslim volunteers in the
Bosnian army. "This is your work as well, madam" the activists said while asking her to sign the posters. Madeleine Albright was noticeably disconcerted, agitated, and upset, refused to sign the posters and started yelling: "Get out", "Disgusting Serbs" and "You are war criminals" and ordered the activists to leave the Luxor bookstore.
"Madeleine Albright pushed through the bombing of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
1999 by NATO aircraft without a UN mandate for her office of the foreign minister of the
USA, supported the jihad in
Bosnia in 1992-1995, manipulated with the facts about the
Srebrenica massacre and strongly personally profited by the privatization of the telecommunications in Kosovo. She is supposed to bear the consequences of her political decisions and admit her responsibility for the bloodshed and thousands of civil victims." Explains one of the participants,
Daniel Huba, why he used the personal presence of Albright in Prague and brought her the poster to sign.
After the activists presented the posters to Madeleine Albright, the bookstore security started to interference aggressively and several activists were both, verbally and physically attacked. There were expressions like "fucking Bolsheviks", which some of the members of the citizen's associations "Friends of Serbs in Kosovo", which unites many members across political parties and convictions, understands as an offence and will be asking for an apology. The
Czech police are investigating if the bookstore employees broke any laws in the way they treated the activists. The members of "
Friend of Serbs in Kosovo" strongly disagree with such as unprofessional approach of the bookstore Luxor security, which is very similar to the totalitarian practices of censorship and opposes the basic principles of the democratic discussion and plurality of opinions.
Madeleine Albrightová v
Praze: „Disgusting Serbs!" (1:02)
23. 10.
2012 ve večerních hodinách proběhla v Paláci knih Luxor autogramiáda nové knihy Madeleine Albrightové „Pražská zima". Akce se zúčastnilo několik aktivistů z občanského sdružení Přátelé Srbů na Kosovu, kteří připravili pro bývalou ministryni zahraničí USA plakáty s fotografiemi volně stažitelnými z internetu, předložili je paní Albrightové a slušně ji požádali o jejich podepsání, což okamžitě vyústilo v agresivní zásah ochranky.
Пометња на промоцији књиге Мадлен Олбрајт, Чеси је оптужили за крвопролиће
Приликом промоције књиге бивше америчке секретарице Мадлен Олбрајт у Палати књига Нови Луксор дошло је до опште пометње када су је активисти удружења „Пријатељи Срба на Косову" замолили да потпише плакате и дискове са подацима и фотографијама о злочинима над Србима.
Активисти удружења „Пријатељи Срба на Косову" , замолили су М. Олбрајт да им потпише плакате и дискове са подацима и фотографијама о злочина над Србима. Уследила је жестока реакција обезбеђења, те су активисти овог удружења нападнути и вербално и физички.