To Learn More!
There is no
point in worrying about the erosion of personal freedom that is the reality of our present era if we can do nothing about it. They say that knowledge is power, but that is one of the greatest myths of all history.
Knowledge without action is useless and leads only to apathy and despair. So the question is: what type of action can reverse this trend? Writing letters and signing petitions to the same people who have created the problem is not going to do it. Voting for candidates selected by power brokers with hidden agendas will not do it either. There have been many proposals to reverse the tide of totalitarianism but, after decades of effort, none of them have worked. In this address,
G. Edward Griffin,
Founder of Freedom Force, tells us why; and the reason is so simple, it will astound you.
Once we clear away that single barrier, the plan for a pro-active counter-force falls quickly into place. This is the missing piece of the puzzle, the ultimate solution we have been seeking.
The solution is simple. It is to take back control of the power centers of society, one-by-one, just the way they were captured in the first place. Replace the collectivists with people who have no personal agendas except to defend freedom. This will unleash the vast human potential for prosperity and happiness that can be realized only in the absence of government oppression. However, to reach that goal, it will be necessary for those who cherish freedom to do more than complain and far more than just casting a vote every few years. They must reach for power. That is the reason for the motto of Freedom Force: Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt, which is
Latin for "Those without power cannot defend freedom."
Freedom Force
FFI, freedom issues, personal liberty,
Creed of
Freedom, big government,
Fahrenheit 911, Totalitarianism, political parties, power centers, debt cancellation, chemtrails, contrails,
War on Terrorism, prosperity, government oppression, ideological,
Native Americans,
Elders of Zion,
No Place to Hide,
Terrorism, Bilderberger, secret society, conspiracy,
The Future Is
Northwoods Project, invasion of
Federal Reserve, electronic voting machines, fighting terrorism, pollution of the environment, high-tech feudalism, financial, politics, money, votes, democracy, human rights, self-government,
Council on Foreign Relations,
World War I,
World War II, collectivism, individualism, war,
World Bank, central bank, G. Edward Griffin, foreign policy,
United Nations, UN,
U.N., international banking, internal subversion, taxes, taxation,
Supreme Court,
Reality Zone,
American Media, war on freedom, hidden agenda,
Norman Dodd,
Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt
Foundations, justice, national sovereignty, cultural identity, political independence,
Carnegie International Fund for International
Carnegie Endowment Fund,
Carnegie Fund,
Catherine Casey, collectivist, individualist,
Rockefeller Foundation,
Guggenheim Fund, education, international affairs,
American Historical Association, conservatives, communists, liberals, libertarians, left-wingers, right-wingers, Maoists, Fascists, Nazis, socialists, progressives, Trotskyites, moderates,
Middle East,
Bill of Rights,
United States Constitution, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, peaceful assembly, right to bear arms, group supremacy, dictatorship, republic, democracy, hate crimes,
Bolshevik, legalized plunder, socialism, Leninism,
Fabian Society,
Royal Institute of International Affairs,
Rhodes Scholars,
Cecil Rhodes,
Trilateral Commission, monopoly, inflation, deflation, fiat money,
Federal Reserve Notes, open conspiracy,
Margaret Cole,
Sidney and Beatrice Webb,
John Ruskin,
Carroll Quigley, Rothschild,
ACLU, LaRaza,
Colonel Edward Mandel House,
Woodrow Wilson,
Phillip Dru,
J.P. Morgan,
Morgan Bank,
Winston Churchill,
Pearl Harbor, Vacant Sea
Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Operation Mongoose,
Guantanamo Bay,
Saddam Hussein,
Pax Americana,
New World Order,
9-11 attacks,
September 11, 2001,
Iraq, Kuwait,
Afghanistan, bin Ladin, bin Laden,
Saudi Arabia,
Holy War,
World Trade Towers,
World Trade Center,
Condoleeza Rice,
Bojinka, highjacking, Al-Qaida,
CIA, Zakarias Mousaouri,
Robert Mueller,
American Airlines Flight 77,
United Airlines Flight 93,
United Airlines Flight 175,
Homeland Security, police state,
Patriot Act,
Tom Ridge,
George W. Bush, the
Grand Deception,
International Criminal Court,
- published: 10 Feb 2011
- views: 38048