- published: 17 Oct 2009
- views: 1650
A mamak stall is a food establishment which serves mamak food.
The Malaysian Mamak are Malaysians of Tamil Muslim origin, whose forefathers mostly migrated from South India to the Malay Peninsula and various locations in Southeast Asia centuries ago. They are regarded as part of the Malaysian Indian community. Indian Muslims are believed to have first arrived at Samudera (now Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesia) in the early 10th century. Archaeological findings in Bujang Valley, Kedah, Malaysia suggest a trade relationship with India as early as the 1st to 5th century C.E. An inscription dated 779 AD that refers to the trade relationship between the Tamil country and Malaya has been found in Ligor, Malay Peninsula.
The word 'Mamak' is from the Tamil term for maternal uncle, or 'maa-ma'. In Singapore and Malaysia, it is used by children as an honorific to respectfully address adults such as shopkeepers. The silent K in 'Mamak' likely came about as a hypercorrection; since terminal Ks are not pronounced in Malay, a Malay who heard the Tamil word may have assumed there was a silent K at the end. Although the origins of the word are benign, it is sometimes used as a derogatory term for the Indian Muslim community in Malaysia.
Something special about this Mamak Stall, situated at Jalan Dato Lundang, about 3 km from Kota Bharu. Hygiene and tidiness are the main concerns, owners of the stall got a habit of kiling the germs with boiling hot water on the folks , spoon, plates.......etc before serving to a customer. Look at the half boiled eggs, nice or delicious?
Fried noodles by the roadside in Penang done by an indian old man clad in SARUNG at Armenian Street, Penang
MAMAK檔 詞曲 阿牛(陳慶祥) 幾支大雨傘 幾塊大木板 搭在車水馬龍的路旁 熱鬧的Mamak檔 不滅的燈光 陪著城市不眠到天亮 短褲露腿裝 實在好涼爽 Teh Tarik熱熱 拉得長又長 因為話很多 因為夜漫長 所以我們都去Mamak檔 Oh Ai Yi Ya Ei A Oh Ah Oh Ai Yi Ai Yo(Mamak檔) Oh Ai Yi Ya He Ah Oh Hai Yo(好風光) 這裡說理想 那邊說徬徨 是什麼讓我們黑了眼眶 講到興高采烈 臉油油發光 熱烘烘 像Roti Canai一樣 說天南地北 道東長西短 生活任你怎麼講也講不完 Mee Goreng加煎蛋 老闆忙到團團轉 我們可愛又熟悉的Mamak檔 心事茫茫 找個地方講 難兄難弟大家一起分享 煩惱放一旁 笑話大聲講 我也要來開一間Mamak檔 不管晴天雨天 或你穿得怎麼樣 Service最親切 偶爾還會算錯帳、你要吹吹風 你的夜漫長 歡迎你來我的Mamak檔 Oh Ai Yi Ya Ei A.........
接下来的影片我还会介绍马来西亚哦 因为我发现很多台湾的朋友们对马来西亚这个地方有兴趣 这是我的荣幸能够介绍马来西亚各种有趣的事情 马来西亚逐渐在国际被人认识到 其中外国人都对马来西亚华人产生兴趣 会对马来西亚华人的文化生活习惯产生兴趣 本人的中文口音会比较好一些 所以我会用你们听得懂的方式给你们解说 马来西亚确实是一个在比较特别的国家 因为多语言多文化的酝酿各种种族都会互相取材 所以我们都会去吃印度风格的美食 其中mamak档是我们马来西亚人常去的餐厅 原本mamak档只是一个路边摊的形式 但是经过了进步与改良已经变成了有连锁店 而且几乎都会开24小时 尤其是晚上想吃宵夜又不想吃太多的时候 马来西亚人都会去mamak档点印度煎饼陪奶茶 而且你会看到各种种族的人都会聚集在那边 所以mamak档绝对是马来西亚最强餐厅 除了马来西亚,在任何一个地方都不会看见的特点 关键字:马来西亚,mamak档,餐厅,最强,最强餐厅,餐馆,印度餐馆,印度餐厅,印度美食,malaysia,马来,麻麻档,嘛嘛档mama档 我在面子书上的专页:https://www.facebook.com/alexguaikwys/?ref=bookmarks 记得来关注我哟 推荐影片: 阿牛(陳慶祥) A-Niu(Tan Kheng Seong)【Mamak檔】Official Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKi9pnLAm20 台灣人留學馬來西亞 前vs後 (尷尬處境/英文能力/口音) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL0ierT_SRY 只有马来西亚人才看得懂的影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-nuLi4EAFQ
DAILY VLOG 3-5-2017 SECRETS BETWEEN ME AND MAMAK STALL. This is the relationship between me and mamak stall in my life. music Audioscribe by Skyline http://bit.ly/audioscribe_skyline email: brannicpangvlog@gmail.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/brannicpang Instagram: @BrannicPang Twitter: @BrannicPang
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Jz now go to this mamak stall with my frenz (inside PV128, jz front of Columbia hospital emergency entrance) to have our supper... after finish our supper we only realized there are a lot of worms below the claypot holder!!! To every 1 who intend to go to this shop pls be careful... look seriously what u r eating... p/s: actually the worms is much more than inside this video...