Santana IV

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

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  • Band members: Carlos Santana, Neal Schon, Benny Rietveld, Gregg Rolie
  • Summary: The guitarist is reunited with the 1970s band members Michael Carabello, Greg Rolie, Neal Schon, and Michael Shrieve along with current members Karl Perazzo and Benny Rietveld on the Latin rock group's latest studio release.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Apr 19, 2016
    It offers a collection of solid tunes that were unlikely to ever be conceived. The excitement behind them is noticeable, yet overall they could have been trimmed for the standard release.
  2. Apr 13, 2016
    The album has a few missteps, like the goopy arrangement on the ballad “Sueños” and some hokey lyrics. But what comes through nearly every song is a sense of camaraderie and joyful relief: no more kowtowing to radio and countless ways to jam.
  3. 70
    Fans of Santana’s first trio of albums have wished for this project to happen for years. Now it’s here, most are likely to be very pleasantly surprised by how successfully it’s been done.
  4. Apr 14, 2016
    Santana IV is arguably the group's best lineup admitting they threw it all away, way too soon.
  5. Q Magazine
    Apr 13, 2016
    It's easily five songs too long. ... But for the most part this is a nostalgic flashback to Santana's golden age. [Jun 2016, p.115]
  6. Apr 14, 2016
    The album generously includes 16 new songs, so if you’re a fan you’ll find enough to like. But finding a new lyricist should be a higher calling.
  7. 58
    If there’s one knock against Santana IV, it’s that it might be a little too overstuffed, with a tendency to occasionally wander into the realm of the self-indulgent.

See all 8 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Apr 19, 2016
    Surprisingly, this album brings everything we loved Santana for. I mean great music. I mean heart and soul. I mean chemistry. I mean magic.Surprisingly, this album brings everything we loved Santana for. I mean great music. I mean heart and soul. I mean chemistry. I mean magic.
    Don't be skeptical about this. Just close your eyes and listen.
  2. Apr 21, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The wait was over, after a 45 year period we get to hear a brand new album from the legendary Santana and can't believe some of the members were at Woodstock all those years ago! We all know Santana have always
    had that mistakable sound that we are all familiar with. Now what do we get 45 years later? There is a definitive nod to the early for sure i guess if you played all of his albums in the 70's i am sure there are some similarities but upon first listen the production is amazing. At just on 75 minutes long there is some great material inclusive and a couple of tracks that include Ronald Isely which i find a little strange. All in all quite a good record. Is 75 minutes too long? At times is it a little self indulgent? leave it up to the listener to be their own judge. Enjoyable.