Feminism for pre-teens - delivered along with pink nail stickers

Editor of Girl Talk, Bea Appleby, explains here why she decided to bring the F-word to eight year olds with her #girls are amazing campaign

Girl Talk magazine #Girlsareamazing
Girl Talk magazine #Girlsareamazing

Haven't you heard? Girl Talk magazine, the UK's longest running girls' title, has gone feminist. That’s right, last month we launched #Girls Are Amazing and it's the first campaign of its kind for pre-teens. But what does that really mean? Simply, we’re bringing feminist ideas onto the pages; putting empowerment, positive role models and broader ambitions on the agenda. A bit less about popstrels and telly stars, a bit more about sportswomen, writers, scientists and businesswomen.

This was all sparked by a growing realization that the media for girls is rotten and we’re part of it. We just wanted to offset some of the insidious ideas drummed into girls. I’m talking about the absurdly gendered products (girls’ Sellotape anyone?), the popstars rutting naked on wrecking balls or pole dancing for puppies, and the endless makeover computer games. All of it sends a clear message to girls: BE PRETTY. And it's all been successfully received – we know because the Girl Guiding Attitudes survey and our own reader survey told us so.

But it’s a tricky sea change to negotiate and I was nervous about it. We were dealing with two thorny issues: feminism and children. People love to flip out about feminism in general (as I'm the comments below this piece will testify) and communicating to children always arouses suspicion of exploiting, brainwashing and warping young minds.

Bea Appleby Editor of Girl Talk magazine
Bea Appleby Editor of Girl Talk magazine

I thought we would get flack from all angles; the traditionalists might accuse us of denying girls what they ‘naturally’ enjoy (we’re not) or of trying to turn their eight year olds into hairy legged, dungaree-wearing feminists (wouldn't that be cool though?).

From the other side, I was afraid of what Suzanne Moore calls the ‘Feminist Police’, commentators who judge whether you’re doing enough; if your feminism is the right kind. And they might have some ammo because we do still have nail stickers as give-aways and a very pink logo. But we’re a commercial magazine and having a “SMASH PATRIACHY!” stationery set as a free gift, or Marie Curie as a cover girl, might freak out the readers. The fact is, we have to sell magazines and compete on the newstand, otherwise we won’t exist.

But the reaction to the campaign was overwhelmingly positive. Parents repeatedly thanked us for trying to do something. And it wasn't just women; fathers who had watched despairingly, as their daughters twerked along to MTV, were delighted with our new direction. The response sadly exposed just how frustrated parents feel about all of this. They can’t control the media and seeing someone take responsibility for the influence on girls really struck a chord. Some women even told me they cried at our Girl Talk Promise, now on the opening page of every issue:

I will love myself the way I am

By working hard I know I can achieve great things

I will accept others for who they are

I will have confidence to stand up for my friends and other girls

I believe girls are equal to boys

Girl Talk magazine's new campaign
Girl Talk magazine's new campaign

We will keep going with the campaign. It’s been a gentle start, but eventually we could have Malala Yasfouzai on the cover. That would be my dream. Maybe, we'll even use less pink one day.

And what of the feminist police? Well, so far they haven’t come knocking. In fact they seem to think we’ve done OK. Or we’re good enough feminists, for now. And I’ll take that.

