Category Archive: Not Altogether Depressing

Sometimes there's good news from the trenches

Mar 10 2014

International Women’s Day: 24 hours of the “Unique Female Perspective”


Another International Women’s Day come and gone. How time flies. It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year since Western interests last “celebrated” women by putting photos of smiling ladies in colorful turbans on their websites. I spent International Women’s Day, not celebrating women, but freaking out because my horse Stella had suddenly come …

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Feb 27 2014

Spleenvent Thursday: Arizona guv vetoes godbag bill

I know, I know, I’m phoning it in, but, in the interest of keeping up a blaming head of steam, the Spleenvents are going to be a semi-regular feature until such time as I whip my blaming schedule into something resembling a shape. I’ll probably have a real post up by this afternoon, but until …

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Feb 05 2014

Actual comedy

Even if you’ve seen Tig Notaro’s Taylor Dayne bit, you need to see it again. No question.

Jan 31 2014

The ensloganed crotch

Consent thong, Savage Death Island-style

Consent underwear: it was a pretty amusing idea when it was a consciousness-raising prank perpetrated by arty feminist activist group FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture. The fake Victoria’s Secret website they created purported to hawk undies emblazoned with anti-rape slogans. Everyone on Facebook and Twitter thought it was real for a little while, and the outpouring …

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Sep 20 2013

Spinster aunt busts move, sprains booty

If you must know, I have been benched in a freak twerking accident. Because it really chaps the spinster hide when perfectly reasonable behaviors are fetishexualized by the megatheopornocorporatocracy, I had planned to write a fairly epic blogular tirade about how butt-wagging is objectively an awesome pastime that, absent the ubiquitous pornsick male gaze, is …

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Feb 28 2013

Hi, Mom!

Hottt! Pinkkk!

Hey, what about that 3-hour documentary on PBS the other night? I’m talking about “Makers: Women Who Make America,” a short history of the women’s movement in the US. Despite the title, during the station break a voiceover described the doc’s subject as “women who ‘helped’ shape America.” Women are helpers, yo, just in case …

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Aug 28 2012

You are a member of the sex class and the only way out is feminist revolt, by Jonah Lehrer

Remora photo borrowed from Britannica Online for Kids

This woman wants to standardize “discovery attribution” across the entire Internet. What is discovery attribution? Well, according to cross-disciplinary-interestingness-blogger Maria Popova, bloggers and Tweetists and the like are curators of information. We disperse ourselves throughout and infest the Internet, suctioning up the socio-bacterial output of popular culture like remoras clinging to a shadowy, infinite leviathan.* …

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Jun 27 2012

Blaming XPress: blurb + open thread


Since my blogging time will be pre-empted by a horrifying dentist appointment this morning, here’s a link to a blurb sent in by blamer Keri. Male concern-teen in some Tumblr wields an admonishing sign, “Dear Girls: Don’t be insecure. You don’t need makeup and nice clothes. You’re all fucking beautiful.” Unleashing a feminist backlash. And …

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Mar 08 2012

Nude revolutionaries

It’s International Women’s Day again! Why, it seems like only last year that a couple of people in the media spent a few hours pretending that anyone gives a crap about women’s issues. Tomorrow, progressive dudepundits like Matthew Yglesias can go back to pointing out how the whole “war against women” anti-birth-control dealio (which for …

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Feb 22 2012

For your lady eyes only

No time to blame; I gotta spend another afternoon out in a pasture with a chainsaw, so I’m just gonna leave you with this link. Fine, it’s a cop out. You get what you pay for here at I Blame the Patriarchy. Anyway, the linked blurb is about an experimental billboard in London that uses …

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