Our Campaigns

The FBU’s campaign work is central to our mission to win the best deal for FBU members in the workplace and beyond.

Our campaigns involve lobbying and influencing politicians in Westminster, Brussels, on local councils, and in the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Getting our message across to politicians is also crucial in our efforts, alongside other unions, for improved health and safety legislation, trade union and employment rights.

Our political fund, renewed by a large majority by FBU members in a ballot, allows us to finance these campaigns.

In addition, the FBU’s parliamentary group ensures we have a greater impact on policy making now and in the future.

FBU members’ participation in the political side of our campaigning is essential. In addition to being providers of an essential public service and a ‘cost’ to the public purse, we are all ratepayers, taxpayers and users of local and national public services.

Firefighters’ voices and votes — as well as those of our supporters — matter to councillors and MPs.