The term "community school" refers to types of publicly funded school in England, Wales, Ireland, the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand to a school that serves as both an educational institution and a centre of community life. A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, youth development, family support, health and social services and community development,leads to improved student learning,stronger families and healthier communities.Using public schools as hubs,community schools bring together many partners to offer a range of supports and opportunities to children, youth, families and communities -before, during and after school, and on weekends.
A community school in England and Wales is a type of state-funded school in which the local education authority (LEA) employs the school's staff, is responsible for the school's admissions and owns the school's estate.
In the mid-19th century, government involvement in schooling consisted of annual grants to the National Society for Promoting Religious Education and the British and Foreign School Society to support the "voluntary schools" that they ran, and monitoring inspections of these schools. The Elementary Education Act 1870 imposed stricter standards on schools, and provided for the setting up of locally elected school boards in boroughs and parishes across England and Wales, empowered to set up elementary-level board schools where voluntary provision was insufficient. A number of voluntary schools, especially those of the BFSS, chose to become board schools. Parents were still required to pay fees, though the fees of the poorest were paid by the board.