- published: 12 Apr 2007
- views: 1417188
Visoko (Bosnian pronunciation: [ʋǐsɔkɔː]) is a city and municipality in central Bosnia and Herzegovina of rich historical heritage. It was an early centre of the Bosnian medieval state, and the site where the first Bosnian king Tvrtko I was crowned. Located between Zenica and Sarajevo, Visoko lies on the Bosna river where the river Fojnica merges into it. The municipality is organized into 25 local communities. The municipality is administered by the Zenica-Doboj Canton of the Federation, and it is second largest town in the Canton.
The region of Visoko has approximately 46,000 residents, with an estimated 17,000 residents within the actual city limits. With 173 residents per square kilometer it is one of the most densely populated areas in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Visoko municipality covers 232 square kilometres with several characteristic, morphologically distinctive valleys formed by the foothills of the Central Bosnian mountains including Ozren, Vranica and Zvijezda. The altitude of the region ranges from 400 – 1,050 metres. Visoko's natural environment is defined by the river-valleys of the Bosna and Fojnica rivers. The municipality borders the towns of Kiseljak, Busovača, Kakanj, Vareš, Breza, Ilijaš and Ilidža, and is connected by rail to the Adriatic coast. It is also on the Sarajevo–Zenica magistral road to the north.
ФСБ - Високо
Юлия Савичева - Bысоко
Радко Петков - Високо - Гласът на България 4 – Кастинги (25.03.2017)
Visoko-BiH iz Zraka , www.zracni snimci com i www.heli bih com
High Hope - Visoko (Oficijelni promo video 2016)
NONCHO VODENICHAROV - VISOKO / Нончо Воденичаров - Високо, 2003
Visoko - Topuzovo Polje - 12.06.2011.
BOSANSKE PIRAMIDE (Dr Semir Osmanagić će promijeniti istoriju svijeta) Visoko 2016
GRAD VISOKO-BiH IZ ZRAKA - NEW 2015 www.zracni snimci com i www.heli bih com
Piramida sunca - Visoko - google earth !?
visoko 1992
KORIDA KOD DŽANGA -VISOKO.2017.( solidna ).
Piramide u snijegu, Visoko, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Piramida Sunca 29.4.2017
visoko u ratu2.wmv
VISOKO - Закрывая глаза
visoko u ratu1
A Visoko
Visoko c
Gimnazija "Visoko" Visoko
War visoko
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Музыка: М. Фадеев Слова: И. Секачева Автор сценария и режиссер: М. Фадеев Подписывайтесь на социальные сети Юлии Савичевой: https://instagram.com/yuliasavicheva https://www.facebook.com/savichevaoff... http://vk.com/savichevaofficial http://ok.ru/yuliyasavi https://twitter.com/JuliaSavicheva Официальный сайт: https://www.savicheva.ru #ПЦМFAMILY #ПЦМФPOWER
Изпълнението на Радко Петков в петите кастинги на тъмно на „Гласът на България”
Zracni Snimci iz Grada Visokog, Uskoro vise snimaka iz Visokog... Zracni Snimci iz Visokog, Grad Visoko iz Zraka, Zracni Snimci Piramida Visoko, Heli-Bih.Com, Zracni-Snimci.Com, Saradnici: Nafri Panoramen 360, Irfan, Amir Hajdarević i Edwin Mataradzija iz Visokog, i www.zracni-snimci.com, www.heli-cam.eu, www.heli-bih.com, Media-Gradik.com, Snimano u 71300 Visoko BiH, od 18.Aug-2015 Snimci oko KTK Visoko, KTK Most, Tabhanska Dzamija, Stadion Luke i pogled na Grad Visoko i Piramidu Sunca...Uzivajte
Produkcija: VINETstudio1 u koprodukciji sa SETUP Producent: Esad Zecevic Izvršni producent: Jasmin Sirco Montaža i postprodukcija: Esad Zečević, Dženan Medanović, Slaven Istuk Dron-operater: Edwin Mataradzija Kamera: Esad Zečević, Tabak Almin, Dženan Medanović, Adnan Koljenovic Fotografija-timelaps: Tabak Almin Muzika: Salko Hodović (Elektro Zeman), Omar Bilalovic Obrada tona: Uzejrovic Midhat, Tarik Burko Logo: Hajro Ismar Režija: Dženan Medanović Visoko, ljeto 2016.
Producer: Payner Media Ltd. / Payner Ltd. Media: Planeta TV, Planeta HD All rights reserved : Payner Ltd. (c) facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Planeta-TV-%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%9F%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0/223168207727156 twitter: https://twitter.com/PlanetaHDTV
Copyright: © Izvorna TV Facebook Sirova Snaga BH Koride ► https://www.facebook.com/Sirova-Snaga-BH-Koride-306987823005100/ Izvorna TV: Website ► http://www.izvornatv.com/ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/IzvornaTV Twitter ► https://twitter.com/IzvornaTV Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Snimatelj: Huso Mujkanovic
BOSANSKE PIRAMIDE (Dr Semir Osmanagić će promijeniti istoriju svijeta) Visoko 2016 Studio Kemix-Emina Dzemal Dzihanovic https://www.youtube.com/user/Bosanskatradicija https://www.facebook.com/kemixovoseloveselo/ https://twitter.com/BHtradicija Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale,Vjerujte da imamo ALAT You Tube i za par sekundi izbrisat cemo nas video pa i Vas kanal !!! Molimo Vas nemojte da se zavadjamo ! Bosna i Hercegovina video muzika
Pogledajte prelijepe Zracne Snimke iz Grada Visokog, Novi Rez Videa, Uskoro vise... www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KBUq9uQoAQ Zracni Snimci iz Visokog, Grad Visoko iz Zraka, Zracni Snimci Piramida Visoko, Heli-Bih.Com, Zracni-Snimci.Com, Saradnici i Kolege: Nafri Panoramen 360, Irfan, Amir Hajdarević i Edwin Mataradzija iz Visokog, i www.zracni-snimci.com, www.heli-cam.eu, www.heli-bih.com, Media-Grafik.com, Snimano u 71300 Visoko BiH, od 18.Aug-2015 Snimci oko KTK Visoko, KTK Most, Tabhanska Dzamija, Novi Kulturni Centar, Pogled na Carsiju,Stadion Luke i pogled na Grad Visoko i Piramidu Sunca...Novi Video-Rez - Schnitt Cici Selam K. Uzivajte....
Za nekog je piramida,za nekog prevara.Ja ne tvrdim ni jedno ni drugo,samo se pitam a vrijeme će valjda pokazati šta je istina.
Dokumentarni sadržaj. Nastup za šampiona Mjesto: Zimča , Visoko Datum: 02.07.2017. Organizacija: Adis Sejdić Ova dva bika su dugo bili neporaženi i zasluženo došli u poziciju da njihov nastup bude za šampiona BiH pa i šire.Iako je kiša neprestano padala nije im smetalo da pruže izuzetnu partiju,te je publika zaista uživala.Sve je proteklo u fer i sportskoj atmosferi.Pogledajte video... Label and copyright: ČIGOJA Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Dragon Garage FB Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/Dragon-Garage-Testovi-vozila-DIY-Uradi-sam-TuningStyling-1712059542358516/ Dragon Garage Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dragon_garage_/ Bussines e-mail: amermiralem@gmail.com LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ! Music: Avenza - Explorer Link: https://youtu.be/iTpS_h1-SRI Released by Jompa: https://www.youtube.com/user/J0mpaMusic Song: Dread Pitt - Pyro [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video Link: https://youtu.be/Ji6DuevDUCM Download: http://NCS.lnk.to/Pyro
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Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Bosnia in 10th century Bosnian state during Ban Kulin 1180-1204 Bosnian state during king Tvrtko 1353-1391 Borders of Bosnian state in second part of 15th century Bosnia and Herzegovina in second part of 19th century. Kulin Ban's plate found in Biskupići, near Visoko. The Višegrad bridge crossing the river Drina, built during the Ottoman Era. Sarajevo - Baščaršija. The building of the Assembly of the City of Banja Luka. A Monument commemorating the Battle of Sutjeska in eastern B&H;. Momo and Uzeir towers in Sarajevo. Situation on the ground in the closing days of the war. Serb controlled territory - red, Croat - blue, Bosniak - green. Identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre. Building of the government of Bosnia and Herz...
When traveling around the world for most destinations summer is the perfect moment to travel and enjoy. Such is the case with lots of tropical locations but for other locations of historical significance, you can plan traveling all around the year. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country full of spirit of past civilizations. In case you have missed it, read our post - 10 interesting facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina you need to know. Track our everyday workflow on our Blog : http://tourguidemostar.com/blog/ Herzegovina. Feel the digital tour under your finger in Mostar 2016! Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TourGuideMos... Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tourguidemo... Follow us on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tourguidemo... Follow us on Twitte...
Archaeological Park Foundation volunteer Marie-sophie Gristi talks about her journey of self-exploration, as well as the immediate healing of her asthma, in Ravne Tunnel Labyrinth, a prehistoric tunnel that winds beneath the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, August 4, 2017. Prehistory. It's healing: All the recent healing videos/articles from the Bosnian Pyramid Complex in one place. Invite your friends to come out for some true healing. :) "Healing in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex" https://www.facebook.com/SemirOsmanagich/posts/1793034970712681 Interestingly, testimonials have the weight of true science. Why? Because health and ill-health are experienced and can be testified to. Have a scientific day! "Today, my sinuses are clear for the first time in years." (July 14, 2017) - Volunteer Don...
Please watch: "GET RID OF WATER RETENTION! " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RIerf_jWPc -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Hello everyone! I am back with another video at last!! it was one amazing and lazy summer, but I guess now it's time to get back to a proper routine lol I went on a road trip to Bosnia & Hercegovina to visit the oldest newly discovered pyramids and to take a stroll on the busy bazaar in the center of Sarajevo-famous Bascarsija! You'll see our road trip, our visit of the underground tunnel Ravne, Sarajevo and famous Bascarsija and of course my trip would not be complete without some fabulous vegan meals, that we had on our travel. Thank you so much for watching and please subscribe for more! Music: • Greko Sketch by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution lic...
Dr. Semir Osmanagić talks about the sacred geometry of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, Visoko, Bosnia, October 2014. Videography and editing by Jock Doubleday.
Poznati Italijanski grad Milano je drugi po veličini u Italiji, i prestonica je Lombardije. U gradu živi oko 1,35 miliona stanovnika i njegovo urbano područje je peto po veličini u Evropi, dok u Italiji zauzima prvo mesto. Procenjeno je da Milano sa svojim prigradskim naseljima broji čak 5,2 miliona ljudi. Milano predstavlja glavni industrijski, komercijalni i finansijski centar Italije i spada u vodeće globalne gradove. Milano je centar svetske mode i dizajna. Zahvaljujući njegovoj važnosti, muzejima i znamenitostima kao što su Milanska Katedrala (četvrta najveća katedrala na svetu), i Santa Marija delle Gracie (ukrašena Da Vinčijevim slikama) on godišnje privlači više od 2 miliona posetilaca. Ono što svakako morate da vidite ukoliko odlučite da posetite Milano: 1. La scala operu 2. Milan...
Many people have supported us on our Tour Guide Mostar journey and one of them is Barbara Weibel, the owner and editor of Hole In The Donut Travels website. Read her words about #Mostar on our #Blog. Track our everyday workflow on our Blog : http://tourguidemostar.com/blog/ Herzegovina. Feel the digital tour under your finger in Mostar 2016! Followus on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TourGuideMostar/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tourguidemostar/ Follow us on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tourguidemostar/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TourGuideMostar Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/116692336132139269716 OR VISIT OUR OFFICIAL PAGE: http://tourguidemostar.com
A must see on any travelers list. Briž. Ili kako sami Belgijanci izgovaraju Bruž. Gradić kojeg morate da stavite na listu željenih putovanja vrlo visoko. Srednjovekovna arhitektura (Gotika uglavnom), prepoznatljiva za ovaj deo Evrope. Grad je prošaran kanalima, izuzetno očuvan i čist. Ako imate sreću da bude lep dan za vreme vaše posete uživaćete u svakom sekundu. OBAVEZNO: razgledanje grada s kanala iz turističkog čamca. Prelep i neopisiv doživljaj. Možete i s kočijom, ali čamac nikako ne propuštajte. A tek čokolada. Gde god da se okrenete. Nije jeftina ali ... njam. Dijamanti ... pa ako imate neki cent više :-)
In September 2015, I went back to Bosnia-Herzegovina for the first time since I left in 1999. It was my first visit to Sarajevo since 1996, and first visit to my birthplace of Tuzla since 1999. These are some sights and sounds from that trip. - Zlatko Filipović
Bosnia what to see! (Bosnia 1986- The Good Old Days of Tito-style Communism) Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Its countryside is home to medieval villages, rivers and lakes, plus the craggy Dinaric Alps. National capital Sarajevo has a well preserved old quarter, Baščaršija, with landmarks like 16th-century Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque. Ottoman-era Latin Bridge is the site of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which ignited World War I.
Steve Strange/Robin Simon/John Bryan/Guy Hatfield/John Graham
And on we go
Chasing all the way but we’re not lost
And on we go
Chasing all the way but we’re not lost
And we ain’t got time for us
Analyzed and sanitized, alone here I search for rescue
Paralyzed, anesthetized, wake up, face it, break it, rush from solitude
And on we go
Slipped away with swords and lost our name
And on we go
Slipped away with swords and lost our name