Code of Conduct for Reason Rally Ticketed Events

The Reason Rally Coalition is committed to presenting spaces that are fun, friendly, and informative for all participants.

This includes creating an atmosphere that is and harassment-free. All attendees, including speakers, sponsors, and volunteers, are required to adhere to our code of conduct for the duration of the Reason Rally festivities at all ticketed events and venues.

The Reason Rally Coalition does not tolerate harassment of or by participants in any form. Prohibited conduct may include—but is not limited to—harassment related to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, sexual images in public spaces (not related to convention sessions or materials), deliberate intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

The Reason Rally Coalition recognizes that mockery of religion occurred at Reason Rally 2012, and we welcome such discussion. However, the harassment of individuals for their religious beliefs will not be tolerated. Racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic conduct will not be tolerated.

Failure to abide by our code of conduct will result in ejection from the event without refund at the sole discretion of organizers.

The Reason Rally Coalition understands that human interaction can be complex and confusing. Please give each other the benefit of explaining behavior you find offensive or unwelcome. However, participants asked to stop any prohibited conduct are expected to comply immediately.

Family Friendly Event

The Reason Rally Coalition welcomes families with children and expects all participants to treat these families with courtesy and respect. Parents or guardians bringing children are responsible for their children’s behavior. Parents or guardians should be aware not all activities may be suitable for children, and the organizers have noted in event descriptions events that may contain content not suitable for children.

LGBTQ Friendly Event

To ensure that all members of the atheist community are welcome at our events, the Reason Rally Coalition is consciously working to create a safe space for members of the LGBTQ community.

One way of acknowledging transgender people’s needs and experiences is to designate a number of restrooms gender-inclusive, which we will do wherever possible with educational identifying signs. In bathrooms, many transgender people face harassment that can lead to discomfort, arrest, and violence. Such conduct is unacceptable to the Reason Rally Coalition, and we aim to create a safe and welcoming environment for all atheists, including our friends and family in the trans* community.

Please listen to trans* people’s needs and stories when they are volunteered; but please respect people’s privacy and boundaries and do not ask questions that you wouldn’t ask of anyone else. Do not make assumptions about other people’s gender identity or expression. Please ask which pronouns a person prefers.  Do respect and call people what they ask you to call them.

Your Privacy

The Reason Rally Coalition is committed to protecting your privacy.

Information Collection
Should you decide to register or purchase tickets to any Reason Rally event, you will be asked to provide your name, contact information, and occasionally additional information. All credit card processing is handled through a third-party credit card processing service; we do not have access to or store your credit card information.

As a coalition organization, we do share attendee and donor information with our coalition member organizations. You can opt out of this sharing when you register, or edit your registration.

Photographs and Video Recordings

Attendees of Reason Rally 2016 (and related events) provide their consent to the Reason Rally Coalition to have their picture taken or be included in audio/video recordings of the event. This media (including pictures, audio, and video) may be used in multiple forms of promotion (including the web, social networking, print, and television) or media coverage. Attendees waive any and all rights to review or approve any use of this content, and expect no compensation.

Attendees who have brought guests under the age of 18 to Reason Rally 2016 are agreeing to these terms on behalf of their underage guests.

If You Are Being Harassed

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the Reason Rally staff or an active-duty volunteer immediately. Staff and volunteers can be identified wearing a special “Staff” or “Volunteer” event badge.

  • At hotel events, they can be found at the registration area for that event
  • At the Reason Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, they can be found at the Volunteer Tent, the VIP/Accessibility Tent, and placed throughout the Rally area

Alternatively, you may report an incident through:

Local law enforcement and other emergency services can be reached by dialing 9-1-1.

The non-emergency number for Washington, DC police is 202-737-4404.

If requested, Reason Rally staff and volunteers will help victims of harassment contact local law enforcement, provide escorts, arrange for a taxi or lodging, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event.