Showing posts with label Barred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barred. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Patch's Barred!

More please!

A correspondent has sent the following message, with photo attached.
I doubt that Darling will ever venture down to a North Dorset cricket club bar but if he does...

Excellent! After all, as I always say, it's the thought that counts.

Although, obviously, causing actual discomfiture to Darling would also be entertaining.

This campaign also highlights another important fact—one that has been attacked with the smoking ban. That fact is that pubs are private property and, consequently, they can ban anyone for any reason that they like.

Think of it not merely as a small-minded campaign to cause irritation to an unpleasant little man, but as part of a wider and nobler campaign to reassert those private property rights that this deeply unpleasant government has undermined.

I shall be in St Stephen's Tavern, opposite the Houses of Parliament, on Saturday: I wonder if I could persuade them to put one up...?